Home Forums Bike Forum Recommend me some multi purpose grease!

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  • Recommend me some multi purpose grease!
  • smoggy
    Free Member

    As title really, had some none specific grease for about 5years (given to me in a tuppaware tub, which is (finally) nearly finished i’ve used it for everything over the last few years, bolts/headset/BB etc, does anyone have any recommendations for me for the next 5 years worth of grease?

    Just don’t want to buy a mahoosive tub of stuff to find it’s rubbish…that’s all.



    Full Member

    Silkolene RG2, get it from you local motorcycle shop, largish tube but for only a £5 (last time I bought some).

    Free Member

    Castrol LM, or Castrol CL if you like it stickier and more water resistant.

    Free Member

    Silkolene RG2


    Looks like jam

    Free Member

    For threads, Surely its copper slip or thread lock

    Free Member

    Idealy yes, but 99% of aplications grease is fine and in some cases better.

    3 tubs in the garrage, a big tub of castrol CL for the grease gun and the car. R&R super slick for suspension bushings/seals, R&R web for bearings as it sticks inside them like turd to a fleece and weldtite TF2 teflon grease (other brands are available as I’ve had generic red teflon containng grease before) used for stuff like spigot bushings but seems pretty rubish at being wterproof despite being sold for bikes.

    Free Member

    I find Castrol LM is a bit water friendly i.e. it suck up a bit – I prefer to use a more hydrophobic grease – the silkolene sounds good or I use the TF2 grease by Weldtite – used with my grease gun and lasted (6 bikes and mates servicing) for about 2 years so far 🙂

    Free Member

    RG2 in my grease gun as well.

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