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  • Recommend me… a British apple
  • jamiea
    Free Member

    I’m usually a Braeburn kinda guy but the missus got some a different variety from the farmer’s market at the weekend. Tasty as they are they lack that nice crunch of a good Braeburn and are quite small as well. So what should I look out for that’s a good handful, has got a good balance of sweet/tangyness and a firm crunch?


    Free Member

    I’m a bit of an apple fan boi. All the one’s I’ve tried are just as crunchy as each other, providing they’re fresh enough. Try a granny smith for a bit more tang, or a pink lady if you fancy something a bit sweeter.

    Full Member

    James Grieve, very tart early in the season so use as a cooker(early to mid Sept) sweetening to be a full eater in October.

    Free Member

    you can’t beat the sensation of a juicy cox exploding all over your tounge

    Free Member

    I’m quite fond of an Egremont Russet.


    Free Member

    you can’t beat the sensation of a juicy cox exploding all over your tounge

    Fanar Fanar!

    Free Member

    Try a granny smith for a bit more tang, or a pink lady if you fancy something a bit sweeter.

    Granny Smith are too ear puckeringly tart for me, will give Pink Lady ago!

    James Grieve look interesting, will see if I can find some locally.


    Free Member

    will give Pink Lady ago!

    If you’re gonig for a pink lady, make sure you finger it first.

    If it’s soft, leave it.

    Free Member

    Egremont Russet added to the list. Are they that crunchy, they look rather soft???


    Free Member

    Not soft. Almost nutty in a strange way.


    Free Member

    Having searched for basically the same thing, English grown Empires are about as close as I’ve got, with perhaps a bit less crunch, but a little bit more flavour…

    Full Member

    Try Zari apples from Sainsburys.

    Don’t get Pink Ladys – they are trademarked and the owners of the trademark apparently won’t allow them to be grown in the UK.

    What other varieties did the farmers market have?

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a Gala.. the most popular variety grown in England and very good it was too..

    Free Member

    Don’t get Pink Ladys – they are trademarked and the owners of the trademark apparently won’t allow them to be grown in the UK.

    Ok, cheers for the heads up.

    What other varieties did the farmers market have?

    No idea, I was out for a ride at the time! The stall holder gave the wife samples to try and she brought some back, not knowing what they were 🙄


    Full Member

    I read the title and was going to suggest…. Braeburn!

    Pink ladies are good but fricking expensive. I didn’t know they couldn’t be grown in the UK either, will remove from list.

    Free Member

    Try Zari apples from Sainsburys.

    In my experience, apples are best bought from the greengrocer or farmers’ market.

    Free Member

    Ellisons orange
    Egremont russet

    Have no idea where you find them, have 6 varieties that I have trianed as espaliers from maiden whips 10 years ago and this is the first year they have been really laden with fruit! the two mentiond above having the best flavour..

    Full Member

    Don’t like Cox’s Orange Pippin. Something odd about them. Made worse by the fact that the supermarkets insist on picking them early and keeping them in cold storage till Christmas.
    Better picked when ripe and eaten.

    Lots of varieties based on Cox that are much nicer imho. Gala, Fortune, Fiesta, …

    Kind of miss Worcester Pearmains. Strawberry flavour apples. Would be a bit late in the season for them now.

    Braeburn is the one I by most of. Eat them and make apple crumble with ’em.

    Free Member

    Not British but my favourite is a jazz which is a cross of the gala and the braeburn

    Free Member

    They are cheap if you ‘mistake’ them for onions at the self checkout. 🙂

    Free Member

    you’ll find the answer here !


    but an early windsor is a favorite !

    Free Member

    Has to be Jazz apples.

    Crisp and perfectly balanced sweet/tang flavor

    Free Member

    Kind of miss Worcester Pearmains. Strawberry flavour apples. Would be a bit late in the season for them now.

    I grow them. Lovely flavour and less prone to codling moth than my red falstaff.

    Full Member

    friend’s farm used to have an orchard of them. they got binned along with Czar plums, and replaced with Fiesta and more Discoveries.

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