So it’s big hugs all round
Well actually, I was more thinking of giving, ‘let’s-hug-a-nazi’ a miss. If that’s alright.
What have we learnt ?
Well quite a bit, it would appear.
First of all we’ve learnt that MisterGnar expects everyone to be upright and law-abiding. Except, for the ones who attack Romanians in their own homes.
Then we learnt that begging is a ‘serious’ crime.
We have also learnt that the police in NI are ‘powerless’ to do anything about child abuse.
Apparently ‘subhuman filth’ is an acceptable term to use to describe other human beings.
Ton had a granny who was ‘a gorgeous, friendly helpful person’
I can do a “cunning impersonation of a retard”.
But most important of all, I think I’ve learnt that MisterGnar would probably be much happier on this forum :
Vanguard News Network
Here he can freely use terms such as ‘subhuman filth’ without fear of being challenged by what one poster described as “proven anti-nazis, liars and grasses”.
Don’t you just hate those people who haven’t got a good word to say about the Nazis, eh ?
Oh btw, Vanguard News Network’s motto is “No Jews. Just Right.” And it’s owner is quoted as saying “the thing to be done about [the Jews] is to kill them, exterminate them, get rid of them. You don’t argue or reason with a cockroach; you step on it.”
That’s one way to deal with subhuman filth I guess.