Why do political reporters do all their reporting from a lawn across the road from Westminster? I can sort of understand why a weather reporter would be sent to stand outside but is political news somehow fresher if its reported in the open air?
This is my question about 95% of outside broadcasts.
Weather – no need for OB unless the report is about what the weather is like RIGHT there, RIGHT now. Which it rarely is except in terrible conditions where they want TV like in the gif.
Politics – surely they can go indoors to interview a politician. Reporting on the day in westminster standing outside parliament doesn’t bring anything to the table
General news – as above but even more stupid. I lost track of the number of times I saw camera crews in a car park at a Heathrow hotel by the runway reporting on generic holiday related news. The proximity of the runway made it harder to do the news, not more pertinent.
Sports news – Standing outside empty stadium reporting on new team signing/sacking/whatever. Understand it if they’ve been there for a press conf but otherwise, idiotic.
If the BBC (and other channels) want to save money, surely rather than closing radio stations etc, they’d be better advised to just cut a load of their outside broadcasts.