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  • PSA: Wot? No iPhone 5S/5C PSA? :)
  • PrinceJohn
    Full Member

    5c is a bit of a name fail – people will think it stands for crap…

    Free Member

    In my mind, it stands for “Cool” cos that’s what it is.

    Free Member

    The C stands for Coolor. Like color, but cooler.

    Free Member

    the problem is there are lots of brand new iphone 5 handsets outhere.

    Realistically would you buy the 5C for £460 when you can get a brand new 5 for £300?

    Free Member

    PrinceJohn – Member
    5c is a bit of a name fail – people will think it stands for crap…

    Could be worse, process improvement folks are already cracking jokes about the lean processor in the 5S 🙄

    Free Member

    process improvement folks are already cracking jokes about the lean processor in the 5S

    Whenever I go to a party I always look out for the PI crowd. They’re always such a hoot.

    Free Member

    Is that it? Two phones?

    Sorry Apple I’m not wowed.

    Free Member

    Sorry Apple I’m not wowed.

    The share price just nose-dived.

    Free Member

    Ill order a 5c. With the vat off and a bit for my iPhone 4 it comes out at £250 for a non-contract phone.
    Not bothered about the fingerprint thingy.

    Free Member

    Is the fingerprint thing a good idea? Personally I don’t have a pass code on my iPhones, how does ICE work with anyone not tech/apple savvy? 😯

    Full Member

    ICE doesnt work with a passcode/ fingerprint

    Im also not sure that Id want to happily offer up my fingerprint to a greedy corporation, you can bet your ass itll end up on some marketing/ NSA databse before long

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    ICE doesnt work with a passcode/ fingerprint

    Exactly my point…

    Full Member

    tho i suppose a fingerprint scanner is better than a code, you could use a unconscious persons finger to unlock the phone

    Full Member

    This confirms I should purchase a current iPad WiFi mini for googling, STW and email before its replaced by a more expensive less useful version.

    Oh and +1 for the 4s being a great phone.

    Sent from my iPhone 5

    Full Member

    how does ICE work with anyone not tech/apple savvy?

    I just have my ICE/”If Lost” details on my lock screen wallpaper. That way I can keep the phone securely locked (mental not to given all the stuff it has access to!)

    Im also not sure that Id want to happily offer up my fingerprint to a greedy corporation, you can bet your ass itll end up on some marketing/ NSA databse before long

    Doubt it somehow. Huge international privacy / data protection issues with that. But to be perfectly honest why would I give two hoots if the NSA got my fingerprints? Don’t they still fingerprint people at US airports anyway?

    Full Member

    Wow a fingerprint scanner, is it 2010? my Motorola had that 2 years ago, keep up Apple

    Free Member

    Apple has clearly run out of ideas for now. The Mac Pro and now this, undermines it’s credibility. IDK if that is a view shared by the masses, but yeah. TBH most of the phone companies are in the same boat, but Apple’s the one the beats loudest about design. Also – the fingerprints scanner DOES mean there’s a real danger someone will loose a finger with their iphone robbery, and unless this technology is different to the other fingerprints scanners that is fitted to laptops then it’s the work of an hour to make a copy out of silicon. You can probably even do it from the print left on the button.

    Apple’s not exactly screwed – but boy are they trying.

    I have recently become aware of how the public has no idea whatsoever about design though – 99% are just sheeple eating their marketing turds eeeer’day.

    Full Member

    Wow it took 57 posts before someone said “sheeple”. I think that is a new record.

    Are the haterz running out of ideas? 😉

    Free Member

    Let me clarify – I don’t refer to only Apple users with that. The marketing virus is in 99% of all people.

    Also, don’t call me a “hater” I’ve been using Apple’s since the LCII, but since 2009 or something they’ve been taking the piss.

    Full Member

    Think I’ll wait till the 6.

    I’m going to hold out til 10 then buy the box set.

    Full Member

    Too much faith in this ICE number something that is not actually really checked. If your that worried then carry the details on some laminated card maybe with you photo on.

    Something like this would be good for lots of people.

    Interesting idea with the 2 phones release be even more interesting to see how it works out for them.

    Free Member

    Aah! A self loather then. 😛

    Free Member

    , don’t call me a “hater” I’ve been using Apple’s since the LCII, but since 2009 or something they’ve been taking the piss.

    But not from you yeah? Cos you’re smarter than them.

    Full Member

    Whilst I think the 5c looks great, I don’t get the business strategy as its priced higher than the 4s, so hardly going to expand the affordability of iPhones…..

    Free Member

    Also – the fingerprints scanner DOES mean there’s a real danger someone will loose a finger with their iphone robbery

    Shit just got real! Imagine if it was a child with a face recognition phone!!

    Free Member

    So other than gimics – what does it do that my 4 doesnt ? ( and that i need it to do)

    Free Member

    What are are you talking about? I have chosen not to buy an Apple product since then because the only compelling features are basically build quality and I haven’t felt the need [or indeed had the money available] to spend hundreds more for a small improvement. In addition, the Reality Distortion Field* moved from being just about specs to being the whole marketing animal. Oh, yes, and as a student of Design, I feel the constant trumpeting of Apple’s Design innovation has long-since been unwarranted.

    It’s called the law of diminishing returns, you should check it out.

    Emate, Newton, TiBook, Hinged Tower case, iMac [well, for a while], Macintosh, User Interface Guidelines, Retina Displays [kinda] – these are all technological or design turning points.

    Bashing out iPhones and screwing with the Mac Pro are not.

    Why does this all invoke some pathological hatred on one side or the other? Why not just be dispassionate?

    *TM Jobs, RIP

    Full Member

    I won’t be putting £549/£709 into a 5″ multi media computer thanks, no matter how powerful, its too difficult to squint at. I can get MacBook Air with our corporate discounts for the latter.

    I’d love a really good phone though *gazes at my work 4s* that can do extra internet things like deliver traffic reports adequately.

    Vis a Vis its become about adding computing power rather than any advances in what makes a really good phone, which basically stopped with the 4s IMO.

    Free Member

    As above, fingerprint reader is old hat. I have one on the 2 year old Motorola my daughter is currently playing with 🙂

    Free Member

    $99 and $199

    Don’t really know how they get away with quoting this as the price of a phone given that it includes a 2 year contract subsidy.

    Full Member

    I thought it all kind of made sense until I saw the pricing.
    All the time I was watching the 5c presentation, I was thinking – they’re going to sell millions of these at £250!

    When the $99 price flashed on screen I thought they’d sell tens of millions. Then I saw the “2 year contract” small print and it all just broke.

    Full Member

    Its actual 5C(olour or more probably olor as its Merkan).

    And I love Nokia’s advert this morning poking a bit of fun


    Danny B

    Free Member

    The 5c looks like an homage to Nokia’s Lumia line of phones, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    The 5s is the main event, it’s a nice phone…. as they’ve all been since the iPhone-4.
    This is where it gets tricky for ALL phone manufactures, smartphones are now ‘good enough’ and have been for a couple of years, there is no great tech leap forward that compels people to change their phone each year any more.

    Everyone does cloud based storage and syncing, all operating systems offer some kind of sat-nav, all have excellent browser’s, all have the main and most popular apps available on their OS…. and if they don’t virtually everything can be accessed through the web using the desktop version anyway!….. all play music and stream video beautifully and they all have excellent cameras that could stand alone as a selling point.

    Where to go from here?

    For me it’s price and battery life.
    If Google can sell the Nexus for around £200 why would I pay Samsung, Apple or HTC £400-500 for one of their phones?
    The main players are creaming it, offer me the same tech as last year but drop the price and I’m sold but don’t offer the most incremental of camera updates and expect me to cough up £500 for the privilege.

    Battery life. Where to start?
    The manufactures know that modern batteries are only good for 300-500 charges before performance drops dramatically and yet they still ship them with batteries so bad that most people charge the phone every night… That’s 700+ charges in a typical 24 month contract, it’s not hard to see why most phone’s performance tails off during the last 6 months of a contract.

    Sell me a phone with a battery that can go for 2-3 days of hard use and performs as well in 2 years time as it did at the start of the contact and I’ll consider that real progress!

    New phone announcements are all a bit ‘meh’ at the moment, the only reason I’m looking forward to the next Nexus in a month or twos time is because it will be as good as anything out there currently but retail for half the price.

    Free Member

    The consensus in the staff room this morning was “meh”.

    Free Member

    Ok god why did I read this thread. There’s so much wrong and prejudice it’s unreal.

    And why am I posting this? I despair of myself, the internet, and humanity.

    It’s one of those days.

    Full Member

    As above, fingerprint reader is old hat. I have one on the 2 year old Motorola

    Oooh cool, so can you use that to authorise payments for apps, films and music from Motorola’s built-in app and media store then?

    Also – the fingerprints scanner DOES mean there’s a real danger someone will loose a finger with their iphone robbery

    Umm.. if you’re mugging someone at knifepoint wouldn’t it be easier to just tell them to touch the home button and unlock the phone?

    That would seem a bit less messy and less dangerous than wrestling with them while you try to cut all their fingers off!

    (Also, if they loose a finger couldn’t they just tighten it again? 😛 )

    Full Member

    New phone announcements are all a bit ‘meh’ at the moment, the only reason I’m looking forward to the next Nexus in a month or twos time is because it will be as good as anything out there currently but retail for half the price.

    ^^^ this

    Im struggling to see any actual benefits over the nexus 4 I bought for 180 quid (or indeed the huawei G510 you can get for 100)

    theres a lot of parallels with this and the ‘price of a santa cruz’ thread

    Free Member

    Thinking more about this it’s my opinion that Apple have both confused their offering with so many models and done their ‘premium’ image some damage by introducing cheaper versions.

    Free Member

    Not if they so “No”, no.

    And I know the difference between “loose” and “lose”, I just typed it wrong.

    C’mon IA – what’s wrong here then?

    Free Member

    Is there anything new in iOS then?

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