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  • PSA some cheap road stuff on probikekit up to 90% off
  • Clink
    Full Member

    Mine order was cancelled.

    Free Member

    5 out of 6 of my items arrived, one top was cancelled, other gear is nice quality and cheap, padded shorts are really comfy..

    Full Member

    Mine arrived very promptly. 4 northwave ss tops for £4 each! Thanks OP!

    Free Member

    Just to explain why these time limited jumble sales always generate lots of cancelled orders from the POV of a retailer.
    [list][*]Stock is usually strictly limited
    [/*][*]stock has usually been knocking around for a while and so has had time to drift out due to picking errors etc.[/*][*]Stock control is even harder over multiple locations – if you have a store and someone walks in and buys something that’s been ordered online before the order has been processed, that’s a pain[/*]
    [*]Lots of baskets are being created simultaneuously[/*]
    [*]Most baskets are likely to contain similar items – reversion to the mean[/*][*]baskets don’t remove items from stock until the basket has finished checking out – otherwise large volumes of the limited stock are tied up by baskets which aren’t going to check out.[/*][*]once you’re past a certain point in the checkout your order isn’t likely to be flagged as out of stock – it’s more important for a retailer to complete the order than worry about stock control errors at this point.[/*][*]Once orders are completed they’ll usually not be processed immediately so it’s likely transactions can’t be voided, only refunded.[/*][*]Refunds oftn have to be processed by someone more senior in the company[/*]

    No retailer wants to refund lots of transactions in one go, it costs money and gives the customer a shitty experience – one they’re quick to complain about. Even if PBK got these at absolute knock down prices they probably won’t have made money of any of these orders, and will have lost money on a fair chunk, in the hope that people will consider them again next time. It’s probably not worked out for them in some cases but it’s definitely reminded me that I’ve had good service from them in the past even though they refunded me this time.

    Free Member

    Had one of my orders cancelled – but not the other – can’t complain really as I got 2 pairs of Sidis shoes for £46 delivered yesterday.

    Free Member

    lemonysam; all good points (and well-made). I do notice that on the acknowledgement email, it states “[p]lease note, for Credit Card and PayPal orders, payment is not taken until point of dispatch”.

    My singular item shows as ‘order processing’, but charged to my credit card (according to the issuing bank’s on-line statement).

    I am thus mildly disappointed, and not withstanding your post, will probably not bother trying them again when I’ve had good experiences with the usual suspects (CRC, wiggle, Merlin etc).

    Free Member

    well I unsubscribed from their mailing yesterday as it was all I could do on their website and today I got an e-mail from them from their mailing list 🙄

    TBH over a cheap as chips have a punt try I dont mind orders being cancelled but IMHO a company who provides no method of contacting them do so for only one reason and it is say all you need to know about their commitment to customer services.

    Personally I wont use a company that give no contact information on their website [ nor subsequent e-mails either] so it is a No from me not that I can tell them this 🙄

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