At this time of year there probly isn’t enough daylight to complete a loop.
Perhaps best to acquaint yourself with the various stages viz, riding from black linn reservoir to the slacks then down to green side reservoir and descend back to glasgow via faifley.
Then on another day the part from burncrooks/ kilmannan to cochno/ jaw reservoir and descend back to cochno road/ bearsden.
Sorry, can’t provide any ‘guidance’ as virus makes my health a bit unpredictable.
So it’s best at this time of year to do your reconnaissance in chunks, until you get more daylight as a lot of those hills have fairly nasty cliffs on them.
And as there’s still no path from saughen braes to burncrooks reservoir, that leg of the loop (like going from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock) is very waterlogged to put it mildly.
Even if you shorten the top part of the loop by heading out to duncolm, the remaining leg from lily loch to burncrooks is very wet.
However a look on google earth suggests that it might be possible to descend from duncolm (avoiding the cliff face) and join the forestry road into kilmannan forest via the recently cleared forest immediately to the east of duncolm.