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  • PSA : Cheap toys for boys!
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Quality Save have HM Armed Forces action figures (like action man, but a bit shorter and better equipped) and Apache helicopters back in. £8 for the man, £20 for the chopper!

    We got loads of HM gear last year for my lad and it is very good stuff.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    My daughter isn’t interested as the 10” squaddies are not as handsome as her Disney Princes. However the princes do get to have the occasional go in the tank.

    Crystal Ken has even had a sit in the Harrier, but the canopy wouldn’t close over his bouffant.

    Full Member

    She’s probably too young, give it a few years and you’ll be surprised how interested she suddenly becomes in 10″ squaddies.

    Full Member

    Concerned Marine, is concerned.

    Free Member

    They should do a before and after version. Before – as shown above. After – homeless,complete with manky sleeping bag sitting on a pavement suffering from PTSD and missing a limb or two.

    Balance the message a bit for the kids.

    Free Member

    FFS. Epic whataboutery there.

    Free Member

    She’s probably too young, give it a few years and you’ll be surprised how interested she suddenly becomes in 10″ squaddies

    APPLAUDS well played

    Free Member

    That’s great value.. If I only I could override my pacifist stance and buy my sons toys that promote war 🙁

    Full Member

    Oh behave. I had loads of Action Man stuff as a kid and as far as I can remember have never thought “Isn’t war brilliant!”.

    Well made action figures and vehicles that can take a beating is what they are.

    Free Member

    I [had] loads of Action Man stuff as a kid and as far as I can remember have never thought “Isn’t war brilliant!”.

    Yep. Agreed.

    And, before you know it, they’ll pick up a stick and it’s a sword or a gun….. 😀

    Free Member

    It appears to be missing: the RAF Regt generic banter book, a CCS DVD, and the open handed gesturing feature.


    Full Member

    Accused of sexism and warmongering in one PSA well done harry 🙂

    Free Member

    My reasons are selfish really.. I just can’t stand them charging around killing things to death for fun, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.. And no offence, but I think they’re a wee bit brighter than that, I’d be doing them a disservice putting such vulgar thoughts in their heads 😉

    Shame though.. The chopper looks the dogs bollocks

    Free Member

    Is that photo one your nippers with the helicopter Harry or a catalogue pic?

    AP – “Who smiles at a Black and Decker Workmate, for goodness sake?”

    Full Member

    Catalogue shot.

    My lad is in full camo most of the time with a Commando dagger between his teeth.

    Full Member

    I just can’t stand them charging around killing things to death for fun

    yeah i’m not a cat person either

    Free Member

    Toys don’t have that sort of long term effect. I used to play for hours with my Army Action Man and after 19 years in the RN I can honestly say I’ve no interest in camo.

    Free Member

    Oh behave. I had loads of Action Man stuff as a kid and as far as I can remember have never thought “Isn’t war brilliant!”.

    Me too. I come from a military family and am married to a man who grew up in a military family. Both of us are anti war/violence.
    In fact only the ignorant would think that kids are so linear as to react so simplistically to army toys. If my girls wanted this stuff they could have it.

    Free Member

    I prefer Action Man – Geography Teacher

    Free Member

    Me too. I come from a military family

    sorry, I didn’t read any further than that but I’m certain that what you posted was perspicacious and erudite

    Free Member

    A STW keep everybody off their soapbox doll.

    Free Member

    Yunki, boys will pick the “charging round shooting things” thing from thin air half the time, my boy has and anything to do with the Army is banned in my house (the missus didn’t like my stint), yet he still pretends he has a machine gun (the toy horse thing) and shoots me and mum!! he’s 2.5 btw.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t allowed army figures as a kid.

    Now I shoot the neighbours cats (well, cat, I’m not a very good shot so keep wounding it) with my crossbow.

    Got to make up for lost time!

    This has got the PC brigade more excited than I would have thought posting a toy on a bike forum could possibly have done

    Free Member

    I dunno what I’m on about really.. I only post this shit to try to compensate for the fact that my genitals are so tiny..

    I shouldn’t do it..

    If you’re referring to me as the PC brigade tinybits (oooh… that’s a coincidence) I’m honestly not very excited at all.. 😐

    I’m really not very PC either, quite a **** in fact.. I just don’t agree with my own kids running around pretending to kill stuff for fun.. it makes me feel a bit sick, which as I said, is a bit of a shame as I woulda loved that chopper as a kid.. My action man chopper came from a jumble sale and had loads of bits missing 🙁

    Free Member

    Do they eat meat then ?

    Sit back STW will you whilst I out PC handwringer him

    Full Member

    Thinking about the way my lad plays with them the gun don’t get a look in. Most of the time it is about piling into the vehicles and going for an adventure.

    Good harmless fun… unless you are Crystal Ken.

    Full Member

    Harry, that Photobucket link is causing a (probably false positive) malware warning so I’ve removed it.

    Full Member

    Not because it was upsetting?

    Free Member

    oys don’t have that sort of long term effect. I used to play for hours with my Army Action Man and after 19 years in the RN I can honestly say I’ve no interest in camo.

    Pulls up a bollard and swings lamp 😀

    Full Member

    Not because it was upsetting?

    I’ve no idea, it wasn’t displaying and I didn’t open it.

    Free Member

    nope my kids don’t eat meat.. or fish or vegetables.. we find it abhorrent to damage or hurt anything, including the beautiful plantlife on our dear kind planet

    Free Member

    The toys are designed and marketed under licence by the Character Group plc with a share of all profits going to the Ministry of Defence to be reinvested in other public relations activities, although the primary aim is to raise the profile of the Armed Forces. Character first broached the idea for the military figure range at a meeting with the MoD in February 2008.

    This is what’s disturbing. Nothing but propaganda aimed at kids.

    Full Member

    I don’t think that he’s read the packaging.

    Anyway. So what?

    Full Member

    yunki – Member
    That’s great value.. If I only I could override my pacifist stance and buy my sons toys that promote war

    Do you smack them for picking up sticks and going ‘pewww, pewwww’ at things?

    yunki – Member
    nope my kids don’t eat meat.. or fish or vegetables.. we find it abhorrent to damage or hurt anything, including the beautiful plantlife on our dear kind planet

    Ahhhh, superior beings who photosynthesise! I was wondering when evolution would make that jump, or are you the result of secret genetic engineering experiments

    Free Member

    Do you smack them for picking up sticks and going ‘pewww, pewwww’ at things?

    they don’t really do the pewww pewww thing.. I guess that’s because they’re not into that sort of stuff..?

    I smack ’em on the hour every hour though… just in case

    Free Member

    My old toy action figurine 😉

    [url=]Action Man 1970 Something[/url] by SGMTB, on Flickr

    Full Member

    This must explain the rise of UKIP.

    Full Member

    Robert Redford looks tired.

    Free Member

    Robert Redford looks tired.


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