Home Forums Bike Forum probably been done before but who Rides a fully rigid mtb what you think? show?

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  • probably been done before but who Rides a fully rigid mtb what you think? show?
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    ^^ That’s lovely with the silver rims to match the frame

    Free Member

    Cheers Scotroutes 😀

    Free Member

    Rode my fully rigid Pace RC200 today as my mates Trek Remedy was broken & he was forced to ride his old hard tail, I thought it would be a laugh to ride the Pace, no it wasn’t, it was 2 hours of pure pain, my arms & hands are knackered, how the hell did I used to ride that thing. I’ve ridden some pretty serious in Wales & Spain on that in the past, addmittedly it had RC35/6’s in it back then, I must have been a lot tougher back then, never again will I whinge about lugging my 38lb Turner 6pack round the trails!

    Free Member

    Your kidding, those Pace RC200 were know as the spastic bambi* 😉

    *copyright Steve Worland, not me.

    Full Member

    Not sure if it is the firm, dry trails or the fact that I was moving a lot faster than in the wet but I feel like I have been through the mangler after a fast blast on the rigid today. Good fun though.

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