he’d been in the pub getting far too much attention all evening
Probably hung over 😉
On a more serious note, any changes to diet are supposed to be introduced slowly. Switching to a ‘BRAT’ type diet to appease a dodgy tummy is likely as much to blame as the original cause surely? We made that mistake a few times.
Not that we feed our dog a BARF diet, but we get as close as we can afford to with her Biologically Appropriate dry food.. and stick to grain free (like the above mentioned Orijen is)
Any dog food that looks like a McDonalds take out, probably isn’t the best choice you can make and likely lists grains as primary ingrediants then meat meal as opposed to having real meat based ingredients first.
This wesite below was a great resource for us when choosing dog food, along with specialist pet store advice from stores that dont and wont stock Purina type kibble..
I appreciate theres likely a significant cost implication with higher grade foods, however, often serving suggestions on teh pack reveal that far less high grade kibble is required to feed your dog, so a bag that requires 1/2 the serving size and is twice as expensive, effectively costs the same.
6* rated Orijen Puppy – as I assume its available in the UK if already posted
1* rated NA equivalent of Nestle Purina puppy food
Dogs are often sensitive to certain things too. We tried a slow transition to Orijen 6 fish, but our mutt couldn’t deal with it and she had the squits and unsettled stomach. Heavily fish loaded foods are a no go for her and we’ve settled on a mix of 2 grain free biologically appropriate kibbles (Now and Acana) as we couldn’t justify the cost of the very highly rated Orijen products.
One more site: UK food review
Good luck! Nice looking puppy, hope hes better soon.