Trying not to willy wave too much (mainly as it’s impossible to willy wave when you drive a polo) but most of those figures quoted above look a bit rubbish to me.
Admittedly most of my miles are accumulated on my commute which is virtually all dual carriageway. but my 2000 Polo 1.4tdi does an annual average of 65mpg with a high of nearly 71mpg in August last year (although its down to ~63mpg in this cold.) All tracked on with as accurate brim to brim fills as I can (even down to almost exclusevely using the same petrol station – not because I’m anal, I’m just lazy and its the closest one to my house).
Now I’ve learned to drive a bit more economically I fully expect the average to go up a bit this year.
Now, where did I put my pipe and slippers…