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  • Please help asap. Uni assignment, "what do you see?"
  • makecoldplayhistory
    Free Member

    I have had to create these two images (in java).

    I then have the question

    run your sketch, align your position so that your right eye is in front of the blue square and cover your left eye. Then slowly move your head towards and away from the screen. What do you observe?

    Here is the image (with the blue square on the left).

    It then says

    Alter your sketch so that the picture is drawn the other way around (with the circle on the left). Repeat the above with the new image. Under what circumstances do you see the same effect with the new pictures?

    Here is the second image, with the circle on the left.

    To begin with, I saw nothing and niether did the majority of my facebook friends. Now I think I see the blue square ballooning in the first image but less so in the second.

    Anyone see the same thing as I do now or have I been staring for too long?

    I don’t suppose anyone can name the effect so I can get reading?

    Thanks a lot

    Free Member

    As I move away in the both cases the black circle disappears. Is it to illustrate blind spots?

    Free Member

    You’re just meant to see the circle appear and disappear as it moves in and out of the blind spot on your retina.

    Full Member

    “I see dead people everywhere”

    Free Member

    Yep, shows blinspots and similar lengths away from eye.

    Full Member

    As I move away in the both cases the black circle disappears. Is it to illustrate blind spots?

    Yeah. There’s a dead spot in the eye where the optic nerve meets the retina. We don’t normally notice as our brain fills in the gaps.

    The dot disappears for me when I’m about a foot from the screen. You might need to tilt your head ever so slightly for the effect to work. For the second image to work, you need to close the other eye.

    Free Member

    Is that is? Is that f-king it? The circle disappears? Jesus eff-ing Christ.

    I’ve spent well over an hour staring at this thing and all it proves is that my nose gets in the way.

    Well, thanks for the replies. I was expecting something amazing to happen!

    Full Member

    It is pretty amazing. What were you expecting, Star Wars VII?

    Free Member

    Does it happen for you a similar distance from the screen for both images or can you get closer when the circle is on the right?


    Free Member

    He said amazing Cougar so i doubt it

    Full Member

    I’d imaging the left and right version will also illustrate which of your eyes is dominant.

    I also now have a strange urge to kill. Is that to be expected?

    Full Member

    I also now have a strange urge to kill. Is that to be expected?

    Dude, it’s only a cartoon.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    haha maccruis. Me too.

    My urge to kill comes from staring at that image expecting to see the square become a circle or a straight line to appear to bend.

    Free Member

    Two things I learnt.

    My nose is longer than i thought.

    I need my eyes tested.

    But for your info… the dot never dissapears for me?

    Full Member

    If MCH is finished with the subjset/thread, can I do a minor hi-jack and ask.. on a tv program the other week (probably Qi), they illuded to the fact that what we see or percieve, is not necessarily corrert? Didn’t go any further, so I was left hanging and trying to google that isn’t coming up with any clear answer.

    Free Member

    I have z1ppy.

    I’ve calmed down too (online degree assignments can get very frustrating).

    Go ahead 😉

    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    Free Member

    I just see the images going more blur (blurrier?) when I move it

    Free Member

    they illuded to the fact that what we see or percieve, is not necessarily corrert? Didn’t go any further, so I was left hanging and trying to google that isn’t coming up with any clear answer.

    When you look at something it’s not like taking a photo. The world you perceive is constructed by your brain from visual input. This is why most optical illusions optical illusions work.

    Free Member

    My uncle couldn’t see the sausages on a plate of food once evetything else was there and when someone pointed to them he could see them.

    Unfortunately that was a side effect of a rather nasty tumour that was inoperable and eventually killed him.

    Full Member

    ehh that not good joshvega, one of my cycle m8’s went for an MRI yesterday for a similar(ish) issue

    Free Member

    I saw the blue square turn into a cross but the black circle was always visible. Do I have a brain tumour?

    Free Member

    Use Python instead of Java and something amazing might happen maybe or maybe not 😆

    Free Member

    Hey, interesting 😕 . Works for the first image but in the second one the dot never disappears. I’m extremely short-sighted in my right eye but near vision is good.

    Free Member

    mamadirt did you close the other eye one the second one ?

    Full Member

    Wow. It’s a schooner.

    Full Member

    I see the black line turn red close up to the screen just as the dot disappears. Both images.

    I am colour blind so that could be just me… And it could be turning into a brown line…!

    Free Member

    vixalot – Member

    mamadirt did you close the other eye one the second one ?

    Ah right, so I need to cover the other eye in the bottom pic – yep, works now 😳

    Free Member

    Wow. It’s a schooner

    It’s not a schooner – it’s a Sailboat

    Full Member

    You dumb bastard.

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