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  • Photo of a bike thief?
  • grumm
    Free Member

    Perhaps the real world is not so full of politically correct, sue happy, daily mail reading idiots afterall.

    Wow politically correct, daily mail reading idiots eh? Think you have got a bit mixed up there. The correct newspaper preference generalisation in that case would have been The Guardian 🙂

    Free Member

    But he has a high rez digital picture now that he can spend the evening examining and then come up with identifying features!

    Free Member

    uplink, I got the delivery. the courier looked rather embarrassed

    Don't know why she looked embarrassed

    Just a guess but…

    it was a seatpost wrapped in brown paper?

    Free Member

    I am a lawyer. We have a word to describe such actions – "defamation"

    shouldn't you be overcharging someone for this advice?

    Free Member

    Just call the police, stop taking stupid pictures and putting them online you mong.

    well Mr lawyer – I hope you manage to deliver fee paying advice without the name calling – how old are you?

    anyway, sue away, I have insurance 🙂

    Free Member

    ha ha you silly silly man! you might want to read the terms of your "insurance" that somehow covers you for all the stupid and illegal actions that you do. you truly are a muppet.

    this is the t'internet, i can name call all I like. It's like therapy.

    Free Member

    Is that yoohoo999 in the original picture?

    Free Member

    ha ha you silly silly man! you might want to read the terms of your "insurance" that somehow covers you for all the stupid and illegal actions that you do. you truly are a muppet.

    this is the t'internet, i can name call all I like. It's like therapy.

    I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public
    You're as sharp as a marble, you are

    Free Member

    yup, i'm finding it quite enjoyable actually. nice to see so many people completely ignorant of basic principles of law. keeps me in a job

    i'd love to see this insurance policy that covers your legal fees and damages payable as a result of libel….you don't happen to have a copy handy do you? they sound like great insurers!

    Free Member

    Just call the police, stop taking stupid pictures and putting them online you mong.

    Yeah, and why don't you get back to churning out boiler plate letters and charging people £100 for the privilege?

    And how did you know the OP has Down's syndrome? Or does "mong" mean something different to alleged 'lawyers'?

    Free Member

    lol with baw jaws 😆

    Free Member

    The bit I'm not clear on is has your insurance paid out for the bike when it was stolen?

    If it has then technically it's not your bike it's theirs.

    If not then liberate away I'd say

    Free Member

    i haven't drafted a letter in years, this is 2009, we use email.

    also, boiler plate generally refers to provisions in a contract, not letters. but then again, you weren't to know that, full marks for effort.

    £100? you wouldn't get much for that really. that's about 3 units of time. i can't even take a wee in 3 units.

    Free Member

    The bit I'm not clear on is has your insurance paid out for the bike when it was stolen?

    nah, the excess is £250 so I didn't bother

    Free Member

    oops – see below 🙂

    Free Member

    Catch him hold out his right hand and drop a rock/brick
    on it.
    Sure wont do it again

    Free Member

    Blimey, the Leeds branch of Carter-Ruck's struggling a bit.

    Free Member

    But the lawyer chap does have a point about the defamation, even if he expresses it in a way that makes him look like an idiot

    Free Member

    actually ian, i don't work in litigation at all, it's the kind of basic stuff that they teach you at school being discussed here though, so i thought i would throw in my 2p worth.

    i'm actually a finance lawyer. does that make me even worse? i hope so! ooooooh, this is exciting stuff!

    Free Member

    Like everyone else, I used to take a dim view of lawyers. But this thread is really challenging my prejudices.

    Free Member

    seven, i express it in a way that entertains me. just look at the reactions, it's beautiful.

    Free Member

    i can't even take a wee in 3 units

    No, I suppose not but we'd have the benefit of knowing that the best part of you was gone 😉

    Free Member

    Why would you hope that it makes you worse?

    Free Member

    because i'm enjoying the responses so far, if i had responded to all those without a clue in a patient and friendly manner it would have taken me far longer and been far less interesting for me 😆

    Free Member

    i can't even take a wee in 3 units

    Presumably because you are absolutely full of piss?

    Free Member

    No, I suppose not but we'd have the benefit of knowing that the best part of you was gone

    finally, a bit of sharp wit! I applaud that. 8)

    i love forums like this, I actually came on here with the intention of saving you from a bit of potential grief, but your attitude to the repercussions of your actions was so arrogant that it made it more approriate for me to point out that you were being stupid rather than misguided.

    you can judge me all you like from a few posts, but at the end of the day, I am correct. I offered some (I admit, harshly worded) advice, and you have chosen to completely ignore it. That's your perogative.

    I wish you all the best in recovering you bike and genuinely hope that the chap in the photo doesn't own a bike remarkably similar to yours and shares the same love of MTB and frequents the STW forum (only to find himself in a photo, being branded a thief).


    I'm only being an @rse because it's just tooooooo easy right now

    Free Member

    Anyone know this person?

    Free Member

    because i'm enjoying the responses so far,

    We're certainly enjoying your responses.

    So once again… what exactly would the girls in the shop be suing him for?

    Free Member

    Seven, An easy arse apparently.

    Free Member

    wow, well done seven, you found my pinkbike account. amazing bit of detective work there.

    Free Member

    Can this woman sue me for saying she looks a bit odd?

    Free Member

    thanks 🙂

    uplink's proving a bit harded for some reason or another 😕

    Free Member

    So once again… what exactly would the girls in the shop be suing him for?

    Title of thread = "Photo of a bike thief"

    I can see three people in that photo, with the alleged stolen bike in the foreground.

    Free Member

    I can see three people in that photo, with the alleged stolen bike in the foreground.

    and in context, in the first post, clearly stated by the OP

    this is my bike that was stolen on June 24th
    The guy in the window is the one that was riding it

    Again, what would the two girls in the photo (or the shop owner as you threw in in your original post) be claiming damages for?

    [Edit] How have they been libelled?[/Edit]

    Free Member

    Title of thread = "Photo of a bike thief"

    I can see three people in that photo, with the alleged stolen bike in the foreground.

    Uplink clearly stated in the initial post that:

    The guy in the window is the one that was riding it

    Google "reading for comprehension".

    Free Member

    uplink's proving a bit harded for some reason or another

    I don't think I have this logon anywhere else, maybe, but I don't think so

    Free Member

    Good luck liberating your bike back, let us know how you get on 😉

    Free Member

    You're not a lawyer, you're a dreadful, dreadful liar. You're also a complete tool, and extremely entertaining. Please keep it up.

    Can I expect a lawsuit?

    Free Member

    You're not a lawyer, you're a dreadful, dreadful liar.

    He's clearly an expert on wild and unsubstantiated allegations… 🙂

    Free Member

    crispedwheel – Member

    I can see three people in that photo, with the alleged stolen bike in the foreground.

    and in context, in the first post, clearly stated by the OP

    this is my bike that was stolen on June 24th
    The guy in the window is the one that was riding it

    Again, what would the two girls in the photo (or the shop owner as you threw in in your original post) be claiming damages for?

    [Edit] How have they been libelled?[/Edit]

    there is also this bit

    Well OK he might not be the one that lifted it

    and the papers have been using this type of writing to call people things for years.

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