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  • Phone rage
  • RustyNissanPrairie
    Full Member

    Driving to work along dual carriageway outside lane – with a short joining sliproad alongside

    Black Mondeo estate trundling up sliproad no indication or attempt to merge pulls out in front of nearside van which has to pull over in front of me in avoidance. Mondeoman is on the phone.

    I gave it plenty of horn alongside so he gave me **** sign whilst still on phone.

    Traffic lights 1/2mile down the road on red, I got out, Mondeoman winds windows down phone on his lap connected to ‘Dave’. I tried grabbing it to throw it in the trees but he started kicking off so walked back to car and drove off.

    Mondeoman follows so I pulled in on a side road rather than take it to work. Turns out he has a funeral directors sign in the windscreen and dressed in long black undertakers suit! Went mental at him for being on the phone and nearly causing a crash. Took some pics of him and car which he kicked off about trying to hide his numberplate. Bit more two way verbal then both got back in cars. At this point he threw some litter out which really boiled my piss so I got out again and bollocked him for the litter. He really wanted to kick off at this point!
    Got back in car and went to work. I have a funeral this afternoon and another on Monday so will be interesting if I see him again!

    Full Member

    Somebody please do something amazing with that first picture.

    In fact, I think I recognise him…

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    Full Member

    Are you the police? You went too far IMO, but I’m glad it wasn’t Ronnie Pickering.

    Full Member

    Don’t entirely condone your actions in the situation but totally agree with the sentiment. This people need b0llocking as much as possible but in a safe manner. Usually holding them up or disposing of the rubbish back into their car.

    Full Member

    He picked the litter up once bollocked.

    Are you the police?

    No but I had to take avoiding actions due to someone’s self entitlement and that never sits well with me.

    Full Member

    You could report this to the police, but the fact that there was agro between you both, and the fact that you tried to take his phone off him will make the rozzers unsympathetic to your position.
    Better to invest in a decent dash cam.. many forces now accept the footage as evidence of offence. And if the police don’t use the footage, then it’ll make a great YouTube clip

    Free Member

    The OP did the right thing.

    People who use their phones whilst driving (even handsfree) are selfish dicks and cause accidents – either because they are distracted whilst on the phone or because they remain distracted for several minutes after finishing the call.

    It’s not just cyclists and pedestrians that these people injure – it’s the occupants of other vehicles as well – so my mum, your dad, our mates kids etc etc.

    Full Member

    Sorry, what?

    Folk that get into that sort of rage state shouldn’t be on the public roads.

    Full Member

    Somebody please do something amazing with that first picture.

    Has someone stolen his rainbow-powered bike?

    Full Member

    Secondary email the email the company. Explain you are not proud of you behaviour and it was over the top. But his behaviour is illegal and with their sign in the window ha is representing them. You might get him which may lead to unpleasantness, which is why a secondary email address. But only send if you are willing to leave it if the reply is not to your liking.

    Full Member


    Are you the police?

    Do you have to be ‘the police’ to question someone’s actions? The bloke sounds like a dick, although I admire his dance moves.

    I once told a woman she should probably drive a bit slower down the road when she almost took the front off my car as I pulled out of my drive.
    Judging by the speed she was pulling away from me once I got up to 30, I reckon she was doing at least 50 (in a 30).
    Her response was virtually the same as kryton’s…..”are you the **** police?”
    Nope, I’m not the Police but I live on this road with my Wife & (at the time) 2 year old daughter. I’d prefer it if you didn’t put our lives in danger by doing 50 down a residential street.

    Full Member

    Turns out he has a funeral directors sign in the windscreen and dressed in long black undertakers suit!

    Times are tough – got to generate business somehow. A mass pileup – nice little earner for an undertaker!

    Photo 1 – So similar to ‘that photo’ from another stw era. Was he styling it out or was it a particularly fortuitously timed photo?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Oh, bravo! :)

    Full Member

    He took the sign out before I could photo it and it didn’t say the company name.

    I’m happy with my actions – I was fully calm and measured, his phone was on his leg with ‘Dave’ on a call and his window fully down. I’d have loved to have thrown it in the trees.
    I was calm and measured and the situation under control when he got out down the road.

    Edited to add ^^^^ 🤣

    Full Member

    that first pic is like the jews dancing in the street in the zen motoring vid.

    Full Member

    What times are these when I saw him ‘shopped into that rave just there and my first thought was “Tory politician.”

    Free Member

    Accrington ?

    Should not be that hard to find ?

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    Free Member

    … and the fact that you tried to take his phone off him will make the rozzers unsympathetic to your position.

    Agree with ^^^

    You are crossing the line no matter how right you are.

    Full Member

    Pretty poor effort I know… 😂

    Full Member

    Is it phone rage or being called a **** rage?

    I gave it plenty of horn alongside so he gave me **** sign

    Full Member

    His jacket is a few sizes too big !

    Full Member

    Sure he’s an undertaker and not from a Madness tribute band?

    Full Member

    Good work Kayak!

    Full Member

    I was fully calm and measured, his phone was on his leg with ‘Dave’ on a call and his window fully down. I’d have loved to have thrown it in the trees.

    All of your self described actions in the OP are in direct contradiction to this.

    You had a tantrum – like a 4yr old.

    Full Member

    Accrington ?

    Should not be that hard to find ?

    I know exactly where that is. Just out of shot past the greenery in the second pic is my old high school.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Wow. How come you started taking photographs of him? Seems a bit weird.

    Have a beer, it’s Friday and the sun is out.

    Free Member

    dave 2

    Full Member

    Buy a dashcam and email any dangerous driving to the police to let them deal with it.
    I’m not calling you a dick or anything like that, but you don’t know what you’re getting into when you jump out the car.
    I mean, for a start, you know they’re not that bright, they’re using a bloody phone while they should be driving.
    What would you do if the guy jumped out and kicked your arse up and down the street?
    Not worth the risk.
    In no way am I condoning the mondeomans actions.
    Anyway, where’s all the photoshop action??

    Free Member

    What times are these when I saw him ‘shopped into that rave just there and my first thought was “Tory politician.”

    Lembit was actually a Liberal Democrat, and lost his seat in the 2010 GE, so never made it into the coalition government. I didn’t realise he’d become a funeral director.

    Full Member

    There are some nut cases about. I had a guy threttening to run me over, my fault was being on a bike in a traffic queue in front of him. He chased after me, and only stopped and legged it when I yelled ‘I’ve got your reg’. I rode straight to the main police station round the corner. It got ‘logged’ and I found out the ‘car’ was known to them, but no CCTV for this, but it’s on file should the car ping something again.

    My son was delivering for Dominos recently, and beeped a driver that pulled out on him, causing him to make an emergency stop. Said driver got out, flung open the passenger door or sons car, dived in and pinned him against the window. The guy was twice the size of my son. He phoned the police, but no CCTV was found unfortunately, nor did he have the reg.

    There are nutters about, be they completely sober, or high on drugs/booze !

    Free Member

    The amount of people using their mobiles whilst driving is at epidemic levels. I regularly cycle from Surrey into London and what i see is mindblowingly dangerous…..what i do notice is that it is NEVER EVER EVER the mobile phone users fault.

    I wish the Police were far more vigilant with this. The number of times i’ve nearly been hit is well up in the dozens.

    Yesterday in fact, i knocked on a woman’s car window who had no idea that the lights had changed and she had left a gap of a 100m….she didnt even see me at the side of her car, instead was facetiming her mate. It’s so dangerous to unaware of your surroundings. She just shouted ‘F*ck off’, gave me the V’s and sped off to stop at now red light! :D

    It makes my blood boil really. Fair enough, take your own chances, but when that has the possibility of hurting someone innocent then i have a problem with it.

    Good work for calling out, but be careful though there are some right nutters out there.

    Free Member

    Looking at that first pic, I think he took it one step beyond

    Full Member

    He looks like a child wearing his dad’s suit. WTF was he doing in that first picture, dancing or doing the ‘come on then’ dance? There are lots of self centred dickheads out there unfortunately.

    Full Member

    @redthunder 😂👏

    Free Member

    Daffy seems like he’s having a bit of a tantrum right now, and he’s not even involved.

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