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  • Persistent cough, any tips to get rid.
  • jam-bo
    Full Member

    I’ve been a bit coughy, and a bit snotty for about 6 weeks now. Never turned into a full blown cold but really starting to hack me off. Every time I think I’ve shaken it, it seems to return for another round,

    Any magic tricks for ridding my body of this malaise?

    Free Member

    Woodbines and plenty of them.

    Full Member

    A week or two somewhere warm and sunny?

    Full Member

    No but chin up…

    Free Member

    I had that cough this year – lasted a good 6 weeks. I had two weeks in 30-40 degrees and it so nearly shifted, but a plane ride home was enough to bring it back. Just wait it out.

    Unless you start coughing up blood of course. Then post pics.

    Free Member

    Don’t they recommend you see the doc for a cough that persists for that long?

    Free Member

    I think it is three weeks. But there was a thing going around at my work, described as “two months of a coughy sniffle that never really comes to much”. So I didn’t go to the doctor.

    Free Member

    Go to the Docs… I had a cough which turned out to be a much bigger issue .

    Full Member

    Any magic tricks for ridding my body of this malaise?

    Sleep? for me a hacking cough is usually a sign of pushing things to hard and I need a good few nights of getting to bed at a sensible hour before it eases up

    Free Member

    Go and see a doctor it could be lots of things , some trivial , some major but the bottom line is normal coughs don’t last for 6 weeks .

    Free Member

    try a sauna/ steam room

    Full Member

    I went riding with my mate who’s a doctor on Thursday. He told me to man up.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a nasty choking cough for about 5 months now 🙁
    Seen the doc and had a couple of doses of antibiotics for suspected chest infection but that didn’t shift it. Then had a chest xray which started me worrying, thankfully it came back all clear. Next stop is th asthma nurse in a couple of weeks. So I can sympathise with you Op, fingers crossed you get sorted soon.

    Free Member

    I have had a cough since March. Probably longer.
    Ramped up through asthma nurse but things just weren’t right.
    Doc diagnosed whooping cough. Not uncommon in adults. The jab we have as a small child only works for so long.

    Full Member

    Go to the Docs… I had a cough which turned out to be a much bigger issue .

    In July, mine turned into costocondritus, only discovered when I thought I was having a heart attack.

    I’ve for another now which I’ve had for a week, off to the docs on a Monday, won’t be ignoring it again.

    Free Member

    Wifes had a cough or over a year now – many trips to the docs didn’t sort and we eventually found out is was a dairy allergy.
    Worth jacking in the milk for a few days you never know?

    Full Member

    I guess I might be in the minority judging by some of the posts on here but if I had a cough I wouldn’t bother exercising until it had gone. I’m not sure it’s wise to exercise with a cough unless you really have to?

    I mean, I’d still run or cycle if I had the sniffles or a sore throat but anything other than I wouldn’t bother.

    If you’re still exercising a lot with a cough this might explain why it hasn’t gone away?

    It shouldn’t really last longer than 2 weeks so even if you do no exercise at all for two weeks it wouldn’t affect your fitness long term though it feels like ages.

    Full Member

    Visit your GP if you’ve had a persistent cough for a few weeks, could be nothing but it’s also an earlier indicator of serious underlying issues.

    Full Member

    I had a nasty cough which I used to get every winter, lasted most of the winter, throat would go dry from coughing. Went to the doctor loads of times about it, lots of different antibiotics tried to no avail, chest xrays etc which were all clear. Turned out to be nasal polyps http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/nasal-polyps/basics/definition/con-20023206 which were causing a nasal drip down my throat which lead to constant coughing. Probably triggered by spores in the air at the change of season. Minor general anesthetic operation to remove them and all sorted !!!!

    Free Member

    OP If you are having nasal symptoms as well it sounds like rhinitis

    See the doctor too

    Free Member

    Persistent scratchy non-productive cough can also be mycoplasma infection. Most common in kids but also not uncommon in adults. Mostly occurs in Autumn. I’ve got it at the moment just as winter training was getting into full swing :(. Usually clears up (eventually) on it’s own, but there are antibiotics for acute cases, though I would avoid them if possible personally.

    Full Member

    Get yourself checked for asthma. I had a cough and shortness of breath I couldn’t shift last spring, and in the end it was diagnosed as sport related asthma. Been using a brown (steroid) inhaler daily since, and a blue one used on rides if needed, and feel massively better.

    Free Member

    Alex Ferguson says you should visit yer GP.

    Free Member

    Def go to GP, I rode through two periods of back to back infections with heavy coughs and ended up with pneumonia and sarcoidosis!

    Free Member

    Same here, Diagnosed Adult onset Asthma. Brown and blue inhalers for me too.

    Full Member

    Been a bit better today so resisted the urge to jump on a bike and head back to square one

    Free Member

    had a cough. im one of those the advert to see your doctor was trying to catch
    lung cancsr for the last 3yrs. pity the advert came out after i was diagnosed.
    doctor could not find a problem had to go private for the bad news, never saw it coming.
    they took ithe advert off air as to many people going to their doctor and nhs could not deal with demand

    Free Member

    OP do you commute by bike through traffic? Give it a break. The health benefits of congested commuting are offset by the serious nasty diesel fumes that you breath deep as you exert your lungs.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Try using an essential oil burner in your bedroom overnight with either tea tree, orange, lemon or if your feeling rich, sandalwood. Very good at helping shift a cough, cold or flu.

    Free Member

    A cpl of years ago I had a chesty cough I couldn’t shift, it was diagnosed as adult onset Asthma. Had the blue and brown inhalers and never once needed the blue, fast forward to last August and I had a chesty cough i couldn’t shift and i called in the private healthcare. After a million tests including the following: Barium swallow, sputum test, MRI with blue dye pumped round (horrible feeling), exercise test all wired up and masked up on bike, various chest x-rays, and a load of lung volume tests. THE CONCLUSION? I don’t have asthma and they have no idea why i am coughing a lot.

    It went away after about 6 months and then about 2 weeks ago it started again, so that’s 6 months after the last issue! I think there is just weird crap going around nowadays which is an advancement on the common cold.

    Free Member

    Oh, I missed the point of my post after that ramble. Make sure you get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion on the asthma diagnosis, they did a proper job on me and the accurate measuring device gave completely normal readings versus the plastic hand held tube they diagnose you with at the GP

    Full Member

    Head over a bowl of boiling water, inhaling the steam sorted me out in a couple of days. Coughed up a loada plhlegm.

    Full Member

    Is your house / bedroom / office heated properly or damp?

    I used to get a winter-long cough every year until we fixed a lot of issues with the house.

    Free Member

    I have a persistent cough…..about a year now ….diagnoses …Post nasal drip ….still trying to get to the cause of it ..
    Post nasal drip that is

    Free Member

    try cutting out milk, that was the same for the missus? Knocked milk on the head and the cough stopped next day.

    Full Member

    Are you on blood pressure meds? That’s a common cause.

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