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  • paula radcliffe
  • derek_starship
    Free Member

    She didn’t poo on the street.

    (did she?)

    Free Member

    Her 2:15 record is a stunning run and a good bit faster than any other woman in the world (and still only beaten by a handful of current British males).

    Here she is trying to haggle with our (ex/prospective) MP for the commemorative club buff yesterday. I’ve got a couple under the stairs if she wants to get in touch https://twitter.com/GrahamEvans/status/592602349245464579/photo/1

    Full Member

    having recently returned to running i cannot comprehend a 2hr15 marathon, i bet alot on this forum couldn’t cycle that far in 2hrs! great british athlete!

    Free Member

    I played a few football matches in Loughborough and during the entire 90 minutes she was running laps of the pitch, I was knackered just watching her.

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    I worked out on my commute to work this morning that Roger Bannister could’ve run it in less time. Damn traffic lights!

    Free Member

    having recently returned to running i cannot comprehend a 2hr15 marathon

    At my very best (I wasn’t that shabby a runner) I might have been able to stay with her for 5k.

    Free Member

    She has just gone down in my estimation since learning that she had a crap on the street. 2.15 or not the woman took a dump by the side of road.

    As we all know, you can live down peeing yourself, but if you crap yourself and no-one ever forgets 😆

    Full Member

    I can’t imagine not wiping my bum and doing a marathon.

    Free Member

    Hot off the press – Portaloo are demanding Radcliffe compensate them for damage she allegedly did to one of their toilets after the run.

    Free Member

    I’m with BN on this one: give it a rest would you?

    Free Member

    Wise words.

    Full Member

    Perhaps the children going onandonandonandonandon about Paula having to take a dump would let us in on their procedure should the desperate need for a crap transpire in the middle of a run in an urban environment.
    ‘Cos public loos are very few and far between.
    Perhaps they’ll just nip behind some unsuspecting houseowner’s hedge…

    Free Member

    She’s a fantastic athlete and one who deserves respect, as she has achieved more than the vast majority of amateur and professional sportspeople.

    I did think that constipation pills were used by some of them though. Having a poo mid run means you are really really desperate!

    Free Member

    she is one of the true greats and reading the article on the first page shows she is tougher than chuck norris. she achieved more that those with better genetics by having a pain tolerance higher than just about anyone of the planet and a total dedication to the sport. poola we salute you.

    Free Member

    She was unbelievable. One of the few greats who many young kids dreamt of emulating.

    Free Member

    Paula is a massive inspiration to many. Her achievements are astounding and the way she pushed herself to get to where she did when her natural talent was not obvious is utterly mind blowing.

    Free Member

    At my very best (I wasn’t that shabby a runner) I might have been able to stay with her for 5k.

    Sub 15min 5km? Not too shabby indeed (!). I wonder who was faster, you or Surfer…?

    Free Member

    To go from plucky loser to world record smasher at her age was “amazing” some might say “incredible”

    She set her first marathon world record in 2002 at the age of 28, having won world half-marathon titles in 2000 and 2001.

    So your characterization is entirely baseless.

    Full Member

    well said Ransos – just to be clear about Radcliffe’s commitment to clean sports


    Edmonton World Championships, 2001, she and Hayley Tullett are in the stands with a big banner protesting at a banned competitor

    Full Member

    She set her first marathon world record in 2002 at the age of 28, having won world half-marathon titles in 2000 and 2001.

    So your characterization is entirely baseless.

    I think also considering she was a lead figure in the campaign to improve the testing in athletics it would be a bit odd. Edit – beaten to it.

    She is a classic example of someone who found her true potential at the longest distances. She was part of what could be argued are the last generation that built up to marathon after a career at shorter distances. There are more elite runners now guided straight to marathon at a young age. It will interesting to see if they burn out very young.

    Free Member

    She is a classic example of someone who found her true potential at the longest distances. She was part of what could be argued are the last generation that built up to marathon after a career at shorter distances.

    Yeah, I hadn’t realised the extent of it until I looked at her record – a very clear upward trajectory through 5 & 10,000 metre track, half-marathon then marathon.

    Free Member

    People should understand she’s not a long slow plodder that couldn’t hack the shorter races. Marathon runners aren’t just endurance athletes. She was fast! It’s just that people with her ability make the races LOOK slow sometimes (at least until the last part of her races where she made it look very hard indeed!).

    She averaged around 5:13 per mile. That’s a smidge over 16min per 5k. I can’t find what the splits are but I’m sure she had sub 5 min miles in there. That’s FAST.

    Free Member

    Sub 15min 5km? Not too shabby indeed (!). I wonder who was faster, you or Surfer…?

    Er, no. I was referring to staying with her for that long on her marathon, which as just pointed out is just over 16 minutes for a 5k. That sort of pace felt pretty much flat out, but I could sustain it for a few miles. Her 5k pace is another matter – rather faster than my 800m pace!

    Free Member

    Er, no. I was referring to staying with her for that long on her marathon, which as just pointed out is just over 16 minutes for a 5k.

    She would have dropped me in the first 5k on Sunday (17 something through the first 5k)after missing heaps of training and she was ‘jogging’.

    I can’t find what the splits are but I’m sure she had sub 5 min miles in there. That’s FAST

    It was mentioned in commentary that she was one of the only women on record to have run a sub 5min mile in a marathon.

    I leave the EPO and HGH talk to the haterz – she’s a legend in my eyes and they don’t come along that often in British atletics.

    Full Member

    She would have dropped me in the first 500m on Sunday…

    Free Member

    Sub 15min 5km? Not too shabby indeed (!). I wonder who was faster, you or Surfer…?

    Her 5k PB is significantly faster than mine by over a minute and her Marathon WR is faster than I could have sustained even for halfway. Her pace on Sunday is a different matter but even if I could have hung on I would not have been smiling!! 😯

    Free Member

    I was about to make a jokey ‘we’ve all done a poo in the street’ remark, but then I remembered..

    When I was running regularly several years ago I had read about ‘joggers’ bowel’ but assumed my constitution left me impervious to such outpourings.
    When during one long run I was caught at the half way PONR.. with an incredible urge to unleash my by-product. I managed to shuffle/walk/hobble for around half a mile, I took a few minutes to admire the view and convince my body that everything was going to be alright. In the end it was to no avail – I ended up birthing a quadraplegic beaver beside a tree in what I thought was a largely unused alley/shortcut. The dog walker disagreed.

    Joggers bowel is real man – believe the hype.

    I believe I read Paula as stating on her evacuation ‘I had stomach cramps for several miles and knew I would have to quit the race if I didn’t go, so decided to get it over with’.
    Personally I think its testament to her winning spirit that she chose to do so in front of the adulating crowd. Win at all costs.
    Don’t google it.
    My episode had the density of lead. Paula’s was more like a brown watery death shower.

    Free Member

    My episode had the density of lead. Paula’s was more like a brown watery death shower.

    I’m amazed it didn’t end up on Ebay.

    Free Member

    ….she’s a legend in my eyes and they don’t come along that often in British atletics.

    Indeed and seconded. To think that she kept falling ever so short against her African nemesis in the 10k, so went the long more painful distance and set a time the Africans can’t get near. As someone said, her pain threshold must be off the scale.

    Free Member

    For the juveniles amongst us Steve Jones also stopped for a dump during the London Marathon. He and Charlie Spedding had broken away and the race was between the two. Jones said to Spedding “I need a S*** what should I do” (or words to that affect so the story goes) Spedding said “you will just have to go then” As they went under one of the underpasses with a few miles to go the cameras couldnt transmit Jones stopped and on the TV the world saw Spedding come out alone. Jones followed a few seconds later, went on to catch Spedding and win the race in a new British record. Spedding finished 2nd in a new English record. Jones was renowned for being “nails”
    I always like to think that even though Jones stopped for a S*** Mo Farah still couldnt break his record 🙂

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