Talking of wastes of time, the HSE’s internal approach to PAT is interesting.
HSE’s approach to maintaining portable appliances in its own offices
In 2011, the HSE reviewed its approach to portable appliance maintenance in its own offices. Thinking about the type of equipment in use, and how it was used, the HSE looked back at the results from its annual testing of portable appliances across its estate over the last five years. Using the results of the previous tests, the HSE decided that further portable appliance tests are not needed within the foreseeable future or at all for certain types of portable equipment. Also, they decided to continue to monitor any faults reported as a result of user checks and visual inspections and review its maintenance system if evidence suggests that it needs revising. Electrical equipment will continue to be maintained by a series of user checks and visual inspections by staff that have had some training.
Key Points:
* Annual portable appliance testing is not always necessary in low risk environments
* You do not need to be an electrician to carry out visual inspections
* Low cost user checks and visual inspections are a good method of Maintaining portable electric equipment