I struggle with long sentences but I would just like to leap to the defence of the mods. *leaps*
I help moderate a couple of high-traffic, moderately well-known messageboards and sites elsewhere on the interwebs, and it’s a pretty thankless task sometimes. You can’t follow every last conversation, or chase up every last infraction of the rules, or interpret them all perfectly every time. When there’s more than one mod, the difference in attitude or sensitivities between each mod will make inconsistency inevitable. One mod will let something slide where another would stomp on it hard. Sometimes mistakes or misjudgements are made. Mods aren’t perfect, they’re humans just like you, and they’re usually trying to moderate vast quantities of inane chatter at the same time as doing their actual proper day-jobs.
If they weren’t doing their thing the place you like chattering on would be full of spambots and trolls and godknowswhat. Cut them some slack. You could maybe even make their lives less difficult by accepting that they’re not perfect and, well, try not to annoy them?
Right, flame away… 🙂