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  • Overtook a roadie today…
  • esselgruntfuttock
    Free Member

    I got overtaken by someone once. (or was it twice?) anyway I’m on the HT & a roadie came past & said ‘Flipping heck, you took some catching’ Which was much more satisfying than if I’d passed him!

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    I got swallowed up by a load out on a group ride until someone noticed I was on a singlespeed. Cue everyone dropping back to mention my cojones. That was nice.

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    I overtook 6 or 8 of em today in the triathlon…..sadly 2 of them passed me again once i had to get off my bike and make forward motion without it !

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    I ride my road bike with 23mm tyres mudguards and panniers on it off road sometimes .Do I get a point back for roadies ?

    Free Member

    I’ve never overtaken anyone.. 🙁

    I thought I had this little bugger in my sights the other day, and I was getting ready to carve the first notch in my forks

    Little blighter dropped me at the next climb though

    Free Member

    Just to add balance to the ‘aren’t i fast’ stories…on long steep (15-18%) climbs (on my commuter on way to work, a mere 5-6 miles and 120m ish climbing) I have been dropped by runners a couple of times. 😳

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    I was running round the park with my daughter in the buggy and overtook 3 other runners.

    Free Member

    Today I went on a road ride with a mountain biker, complete with backpack, baggies and flatties on a road bike.
    I did however learn a new skill – You can actually ride that slow and not fall off! 😉

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    I had a bizarre one last Sunday whilst/after overtaking a roadie. Sorry, no heroics!

    I went on my first dedicated road ride as i had given my non mtb a bloody good service and just fancied it. My ‘road’ aka commuter bike is my old mtb- a 26″ inbred but with 1.5″ tyres/mudguards and rack. It was a nice morning and i went further than i’d planned and it was fun.

    On a very long straight road i saw a guy going a bit slower than me so i caught up to him eventually and he seemed aware of me as soon as i was approached. I pulled out straight away and went past. As we were level i said ‘alright’ (two human beings a few miles from anywhere, i’m not going to ignore him, right?) and he glanced over simultaneously and went ‘pfft’ in a dismissive kind of grunt which seemed a bit rude! Probably some kind of bike related snobbery, not that i give a shit. Some people have issues, right?

    A few miles later i got to a village 5 miles from home and have to swap a punctured tube. I then became aware that this chap had caught up but had stopped about 100m back, by a church and was kind of peeking around the corner up the road towards me. I looked a couple of times and he did’nt seem to be snacking or bike fettling.
    Just a bit of a weirdo i think.

    Full Member

    You got a nice bum by any chance ?

    I was going to post a link to a thread I started about how many losers STW forum attracts, and a post I made recently about how I know a few fast racers who won’t post on STW because of the atmosphere and the way you’ll get banned for typing shobgite, but it’s OK to act like one.
    I can’t be bothered to search for them both though, so can we assume I did and that I made some witty response to those sad people who have to take such a light hearted post about overtaking another cyclist so seriously ?

    Full Member

    Pfft. My mate and I overtook a GROUP of roadies today, on our MTBs. 7 or 8 of them, that’s a PELOTON.

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    I’m loving the fact that one mtber passes a roadie and every roadie in the world is pissed off, brilliant!


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    everything you really need is still available

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    OP you are awesome

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    who have to take such a light hearted post about overtaking another cyclist so seriously ?

    Not really taking it seriously Graham but personally I am struggling to understand [ if it is true] why anyone would post this on the internet ?Hey world today I have just overtaken the worlds slowest road cyclist so seems fair game for some incredulity and/or mockery
    I mean they were in the distance and they “hunted them down” “Oh really” etc

    A pro on the OPs bike is not hunting an average cyclist in the distance etc

    I’m loving the fact that one mtber passes a roadie and every roadie in the world is pissed off, brilliant!

    As it is a MTB forum “every roadie in the world” would be as wide of the mark as everything else you posted.

    Full Member

    Not really taking it seriously Graham but personally I am struggling to understand [ if it is true] why anyone would post this on the internet ?Hey world today I have just overtaken the worlds slowest road cyclist so seems fair game for some incredulity and/or mockery

    Because it was fun, gave him a sense of achievement (misplaced or otherwise) and he naively didn’t expect the worlds most grumpy and holier than thou mountain biking forum to come down on him like a sneering tonne of bricks. Jeez, give a guy a break, he was just sharing an enjoyable moment in his life. He’d have got a much more positive reaction if he’d shared the time a bloke in a van punched him, I suppose…

    Free Member

    It’s a forbidden pleasure to outride a roadie on an inappropriate bike; I confess to doing it. Plopping off the steep Combe side trail to the road and spotting a pair coming up I swore not to be overtaken and plugged away to the top maintaining the gap. After a breathless chat I found out they were doing hill reps so were probably buggered anyway!

    expect the worlds most grumpy and holier than thou mountain biking forum to come down on him like a sneering tonne of bricks

    New here ?.

    Free Member

    i overtook a few today. they were on about mile 50 of 70 of the lakes loop (the chap i was talking to had a computer but it was soaked and stopped working). at first they looked quite suprised to look back and see me draughting them on a full sus in baggies… 😉 they had already done wrynose/hardknot etc and had a few passes left to do to get back to keswick, poor buggers, but good to see so many people out even with the minging weather. so we had a chat then i missed my turning. doh

    Free Member

    I like gazc’s story much betterer (I’m assuming he got home okay as he’s posting)

    Full Member

    As it is a MTB forum “every roadie in the world” would be as wide of the mark as everything else you posted.

    Ok, every roadie who frequents STW with a massive lack of sense of humour and takes themselves waaaaay to seriously!

    Is that better?

    Full Member

    Even if the roadie was slow and got overtaken, at least he was out on his bike and hopefully enjoying himself. It was a lovely morning for it (round these parts anyway).

    Free Member

    Ok, every roadie who frequents STW with a massive lack of sense of humour and takes themselves waaaaay to seriously!

    If they all take themselves so seriously, why are they laughing so hard?

    Free Member

    Is that better?

    It is not any funnier but it is not quite as 100% full of wrong as your last post 😉

    Free Member

    Whoa – you’re kind of a big deal!

    Free Member

    Is there a collective noun for a series of threads with a common SOH fail?

    Free Member

    He was probably just warming up, or cooling down, or in-between intervals, thats the only time punters usually pass me out!

    Free Member

    As long as the OP made it look effortless that’s all that matters.
    I’ve had the odd try hard overtake when commuting and nothing’s worse than ones that are really struggling, as you’ve often got that awkward bit when they go into oxygen debt and you are faced with overtaking them, which seems slightly embarrassing, or slowing down to walking pace whilst they get their breath back.

    Free Member

    Wow, thought I’d log on before going out for a ride and read this thread, FWIW I would be quite impressed if I overtook a roadie on my MTB, although I am slow! I think the OP’s post was just lighthearted banter and really think some on here take it all a bit too seriously. Anyway, off to enjoy the sunshine now 🙂

    Free Member

    I was commuting to work one morning on my mtb, and gradually caught up with a bloke on a road bike doing a leisurely pace. As soon as I drew level with him, he looked totally infuriated and immediately accelerated, so I accelerated too. He eventually got ahead, but it was hilarious that he obviously couldn’t deal with a woman overtaking him!

    Free Member

    OP – Can I have your autograph please? 😀

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    i got overtaken by a roadie woman last year, i was on my rigid singlespeed (32/16). She dropped me on a downhill bit, the cheating fecker. She could have sat up….
    Anyway, i had to cheer myself up so i got some rad air. 16foot to flat. Bent my saddle.

    Another time i saw a roadie ahead on the hill. I got it in my sights and hunted it down like an inuit does a baby seal on the ice shelf. As i overtook him i said ‘hello’. He looked at me and said hello back.


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    I overtook a couple on road bikes last week. As I passed them they both shouted out almost in unison that they had already cycled 60 miles. Made me chuckle.

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    I outskillzed a roadie the other day

    I was on my road bike going up a short steepish hill; held my super slow near-trackstand until he was forced to pass me. I’d have had the upper hand for the sprint later on if he hadn’t turned off.

    least I think he turned off – didn’t actually see him after that


    Full Member

    What tyres for overtaking roadies?

    Free Member

    rear tyre only needed, …

    you should always pop a wheelie, tip the visor of your all mountain lid and do a wink when passing a roadie . . .

    Full Member

    hmmmm, I was always led to believe that the same rule applies as for nutmegging in footy – doesn’t count if you don’t slap ’em on the arse as you go past

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    I got passed by a guy with one leg once in the Black Forest… As in only one leg, no prosthetic. I was towing a Bob trailer with 10kg, mind….

    But I’m with the op…. Well done. 🙂

    Free Member

    Do those being overtaken really feel miffed, really shout lame excuses, really, I mean really because I’ve never ever in forty years on the road experienced that ever.
    I feel slightly embarrassed if I overtake anyone, and always give a wry grin and a nod if I get passed (even though it hurts a bit, but you’ve set out you pace for the day and you have to stick to that)then I’m an old inverted snob, and I want everyone to think they’re better than me.

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