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  • Osbourne says no to currency union.
  • teamhurtmore
    Free Member

    Ah, classic THM impartial commentary.

    I have never made any pretence in impartiality where the DO is concerned. He is potentially leading Scotland and rUK down a negative path based on deceit and lies. When he steps into the big boys playground and is immediately exposed for what he is, then he hides behind the classic paper shields of crying bully – exactly the behaviour he portrays in his little pool. (Not) funny that.

    I don’t think the debate is streamed in the rUK – so spared the detail. But the result will be interesting. By claiming that Darling has the heebie jeebies already, the DO has set the benchmark against which he must be judged. Anything other than an obliteration must be seen as a failure on his part.

    Cue prep from Nigel Farrage….

    Edit, jambalaya it doesn’t take much to pin the DO in the corner, but beware the cornered animal – he will have some stunt to pull.

    Free Member

    What do you think is the core issue thm?

    He could start by outlining a case for independence. So far he has avoided this completely. Why is the leader of this whole movement scared to commit to independence and all it involves? The answer is obvious…..

    Full Member

    This seems like rehashed old news to me, there is no detail in the statement from the three scottish leaders, and the final decision will be made by the uk leadership of whichever party wins next year. Each party is putting forward it’s own proposal so we do not know what we would be getting. Finally the per centage of spending that would be put under Holyrood control remains very small under all of the proposals,so really it is nothing more than window dressing.

    Free Member

    Well given how much use has been made of the tartan tax, Gordi, what do you expect? 😉

    Full Member

    On the contrary Thm the core issue is clearly expressed in the referendum question.
    “Should Scotland should be an independent country?”

    Free Member

    Indeed that is the question – we await the answer?

    Nothing so far. Both sides have explained why they think that is a bad idea. Two separate arguments, with the same conclusion. If you can’t answer you own question then it be ones little more than a vanity project, and an expensive one at that.

    Full Member

    Thm if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport you would get a gold medal

    Free Member

    Well feel free to point me in the direction of a genuine case being made for independence and I will run all the way back through the long jump pit! In the meantime, we continue to await Godot, with I fear, the same result.

    Free Member

    THM, it’s tricky when your definition of independence seems to be different to everyone else’s. Excuse me for paraphrasing here, but you seem to believe that if a country has treaties and unions and obligations with other countries, it’s not independent.

    We’ve had this several times – I’ve previously given you genuine reasons for wanting independence (for example getting rid of the nukes).

    Free Member

    Thm if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport you would get a gold medal

    No he is that good at it he would be suspended pending further investigation for suspected doping.

    Free Member

    He’s not even offering that Ben – only to stop paying for them. They will still be there under don’t ask, don’t tell –

    See no evil, hear no evil, talk no evil…

    And he opens up normally with the claim that Scotland will be free to make its own economic decisions while at the same time delegating responsibility for major economic decisions to a foreign country. You couldn’t make it up – well actually make it up is about right.

    Still will be interesting to see if he holds a sober,, statesman-like persona for the full 2 hours!!

    Free Member

    commonwealth closing ceremony??

    JY I didn’t watch that either, not even for Kylie.

    Free Member

    only to stop paying for them

    I don’t know about the rest of the country, but I for one would be pretty happy with that.

    Free Member

    I would agree on that too!!

    Free Member

    The trouble with the West Wing is it makes all real politicians look like morons 😉

    Free Member

    Many real politicians are morons

    Full Member

    WRT the trident/faslane thing, again:

    bencooper – Member
    The problem is that there really isn’t anywhere else Trident can sensibly go in the UK….
    The only disposable population in the UK is in Scotland it appears….

    I think devonport would be quite happy to take them. They did used to service nuke subs there in the past, and frankly plymouth is on it’s ar5e financially, so a few thousand jobs thrown at them for the ( let’s be honest ) very minimal risk of disaster, is a win for everyone.

    Free Member

    trident/faslane – the submarines are there as geograhically it gives easy access out into the North Atlantic and in particular North Eastwards. The water gets deep quickly and allows the subs to go evade detection, as much as is possible these days anyway. The location has nothing to do with the fact that it’s Scottish vs English or Welsh “at risk”. That’s all a Red Herring. I don’t really think AS gives a hoot about the nuclear aspect, its just political expediency to say he doesn’t want them. He’s hardly “green” as he is 100% behind the oil industry, understandably so.

    Full Member

    Many real politicians are morons.

    “And we keep picking them again and again”
    Pete Seeger

    Free Member

    Well, independence gets off to a good start as the STV viewer goes into meltdown…

    Free Member

    Yeh, still down.

    I don’t have STV on’t telly either.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    Free Member

    Salmond is wiping the floor with Darling.

    Free Member

    The brief few seconds I saw just looked like rhetoric from both.

    Players gone again anyway. I blame MI6.

    Free Member

    STV viewer still not working for me, anyone else?

    Free Member

    up and down here

    So far the best line of the night is a Michael McIntyre joke!

    Free Member

    We’ll, Big Eck asked about Space Invaders and driving on the other side of the road.

    You ain’t missing much.

    Free Member

    If I here “best of both worlds” one more ******* time I’m heading down there to offer some extreme verbal abuse

    Free Member

    Range of options… What’s best for Scotland…

    Free Member

    Do you think Scotland can….

    It’s like rhetoric bingo…what little STV has let me see.

    Full Member

    IMO Salmond is doing more damage to the yes vote than Darlings responses.

    Free Member

    Dunno, I reckon Darling is gonna crack

    Full Member

    Ouch, the audience is turning on Salmond now, the yes voters are heckling the audience questions now, oh dear.

    Free Member

    It is a bit of a mess. Reckon Salmond is doing a bit better. Like the socialist yes voter in the audience that wonders why Scotland should continue to subsidise the rUK. RUK obviously not her people. Tell that to the next Stevenage diabetic.

    Full Member

    Salmond looked very uncomfortable when the old business chap with glasses told him off, he looked like a petulant child.

    Free Member

    If I here “best of both worlds” one more ******* time I’m heading down there to offer some extreme verbal abuse

    That’s it, he said it again. I coming for you Darling.

    Free Member

    Poor debate tbh. As a yes supporter I’m calling that a draw.

    Free Member

    Yeah, a no score draw I think – neither of them did spectacularly well.

    Many real politicians are morons

    And going by that audience so are many members of the public 😉

    Free Member

    Seosamh. I almost agree with you. Thought Salmond edged it but the quality of the debate was poor. It there one on the BBC?

    Free Member

    Yes, BBC one in a couple of weeks I think.

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