If you don’t want to wear goggles with an open-face helmet then don’t – It’s that simple.
but it’s not that simple is it..?
The OP is feigning bemusement in an effort to gauge audience response.. the fact is that the OP thinks the look is achingly hip and desperately wants to tap into some of that attraction, but isn’t naturally stylish enough to just see that power and seize it without approval..
It’s interesting though, as the OP has already set sail on a course that ends in wearing the look, they have already allocated funds and researched the products and made a decision about the purchase..
The outcome of this thread, or in fact any of the posts within it are irrelevant, as the OP has already come out of the closet by starting this thread..
The burden has been lifted, and they are already on the first rung of the sartorial ladder, ready almost to take that next shy and tentative step..
They have already hit buy, and are eagerly awaiting the postman..