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  • Open face helmet and goggles
  • sazter
    Free Member

    Why not use the word “ridiculous” then? Replacing a word with ‘Gay’ is exactly derogatory and homophobic, and the problem is that so many fail to understand that. Sorry to have seemingly derailed this thread but I am fed up of this kind of talk.

    Free Member

    When you think about it it’s an awful homophobic way to use the word and it’s a slap in the face for all gay people who read the forums. We are supposed to be moving forward not backwards

    explain how its homophobic and backwards?

    Full Member

    Wear what you want. Might work really well for you, might not. Least you tried it.
    I saw a guy commuting in a full face lid and goggles. Why not. Better than no lid.

    Free Member

    This is the problem with people getting a uppity with the G-word used in this context – it isn’t intended as derogatory to gay people or homophobic, it’s just become shorthand for ‘failed seriousness’.


    It’s shorthand for weak, useless, effeminate, which are all traits that coincidentally a lot of people have associated with gay people. Trying to claim there is no connection is ridiculous.

    I still use the term in this way sometimes and have to remind myself not to do it – it’s nothing to do with ‘being PC’ is just old-fashioned basic politeness.

    Free Member

    Why not use the word “ridiculous” then? Replacing a word with ‘Gay’ is exactly derogatory and homophobic, and the problem is that so many fail to understand that

    because I can, just because you deam it to be degrogatory and homophobic doesn’t mean it is. oddly you are the only person, hetero or homosexual, I know that has issues with it. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with your atypical feminist/heterophobic attitude in person anymore.

    Full Member

    You can add me as someone that has a problem with it poah, it’s outdated language, times are moving on.
    First post and all, why not jump in with both feet hey 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks on the goggles front …. btw my daughter is GAY!! …. grow up !

    Free Member

    This thread is gay as ****.

    Free Member

    My cousin is gay and both him and his partner use gay all the time in the same way Poah did, nothing aimed at sexuality just in the sense that something is ridiculous.

    it’s outdated language, times are moving on.

    Maybe some people are moving on, afterall the word has changed meaning before.

    Free Member

    It’s shorthand for weak, useless, effeminate, which are all traits that coincidentally a lot of people have associated with gay people. Trying to claim there is no connection is ridiculous.

    So you’re saying all teh gays are “gay”?

    Free Member

    because I can, just because you deam it to be degrogatory and homophobic doesn’t mean it is. oddly you are the only person, hetero or homosexual, I know that has issues with it. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with your atypical feminist/heterophobic attitude in person anymore.

    Saying you will do something “because you can” is pathetic and neanderthal. It IS derogatory and homophobic. I am the only person who has dared to challenge you on your language, as I already said I kept quiet to many people for a long time, but not any more, it’s this kind of thing that can lead teenagers to suicide and it is not acceptable, not by me and not by a growing number of people, straight, gay and inbetween.

    I am very un-feminist in my life, but I think people should be treated equally, if this is a difficult concept to grasp then I feel sorry for you, the world is changing and you will be left in the dark ages with your pathetic backwards mentality.

    I am personally overjoyed that I no longer socialise with you, if you remember that was my choice, I deleted you from social media for your anti-women post, but equally I will not sit like a quite little lady and let you offend me from the safety of your computer screen.

    This is a forum for cyclists, these happen to come in all shapes, sizes, genders and orientations, so if you offend one don’t be too surprised if they have something to say about it.

    Free Member

    My cousin is gay and both him and his partner use gay all the time in the same way Poah did, nothing aimed at sexuality just in the sense that something is ridiculous.

    And some black people use the word…..

    So you’re saying all teh gays are “gay”?

    I’m saying that the usage of the term as an insult is intrinsically linked with outdated stereotypes about gay people, obviously.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Why do folks wear goggles over clear glasses?

    Free Member

    Jesus ! thread was looking useful … and I considered wearing my googles but now after this ! ….. 😕

    Free Member

    benp1, my sister wears goggles to protect her prescription normal glasses, as she does not yet have prescription bike glasses

    Free Member

    I wear goggles over glasses to ski. No problems.
    But I can’t do the same for biking. They’d steam up within the first 30 seconds. 🙁

    Free Member

    I wore goggles and an xc lid 18 months ago for a CYB long weekend in the peeing rain. I’d just had some pretty heavy eye surgery and needed to keep the eye as clean as possible. A couple of guys asked about the goggles, I showed them my bloodshot skank-eye and explained it had recently been cut open with a scalpel. They seemed to think it was a perfectly reasonable idea and neither of them questioned my sexuality.

    I assume my tutu, feather duster and clutch of Barry Manilow tickets was secondary to the goggles.

    Free Member

    i wear prescription sports glasses they don’t steam up as much [/url]
    although i do look like I’m going for a swim

    Full Member

    I don’t, as I don’t have any, and I’d need a prescription set.
    But I’m in the if it works then why not! We so times take ourselves too seriously, taking our eyes off the fact we ride bikes around the woods!!

    I can see that you may be perceived as trying a bit too hard to be fashionable though…but then I just think meh, get on with my ride and think of cake on the hills!!

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