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  • Only in America….
  • aracer
    Free Member

    Even more convoluted than I’d thought then – so in order to get her insurers to pay out she had to sue and lose? Now that really is a broken system – and I don’t think it is something which would happen here (at the worst the insurers might sue the kid, but then nobody would be using insurance to pay for treatment on a broken wrist here would they?)

    Free Member

    What do the USA have against universal healthcare? Serious, if naive question. Is it because they don’t want to pay for it?

    Free Member

    Simply put, they are against an NHS style healthcare system not because they don’t want to pay for it (after all, they pay far MORE than we do) but because they don’t want to pay for the possibility that someone else may get healthcare.
    Its a bonkers mindset, but bear in mind the average US conservative-minded voters abhorrence of the ‘socialist’ word and you realise they seriously think an NHS type system means they personally will be paying someone else’s healthcare bills rather than society as a whole spreading the cost.

    Free Member

    What do the USA have against universal healthcare? Serious, if naive question. Is it because they don’t want to pay for it?

    Because it makes you a commie, and if there’s one thing worse than breaking your wrist in the USA, it’s being a commie. First they’ll come and fix your wrist, then they’ll want your guns, and a year later you’ll all be speaking Russian.

    Free Member

    That’s spot on, that and the idea that you might be paying for someone else too!


    “But it’s MY money!!!”

    Full Member

    A nation needing to grow the **** up. Having seen a woman in her 60s screaming at an airport worker because her flight was delayed and numerous other televised tantrums. A place I never want to visit as their PR is really poor.

    Free Member

    I have had many conversations with many Americans on this.

    It’s not that they don’t want other people to have health care. After all, insurance works the same way as tax in that you can pay in and if you don’t need it you end up.paying for someone else. Mostly it’s because they don’t want the government to control health care.

    The health care lobby spreads scare stories about nationalised health care. America’s biggest problem is not its people, it’s the way the media works.

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