You’ve highlighted two extremes of the ‘Adult Male’, the youngest and oldest, then taken the tiny sample of your personal experience of one group and made a guess about the other.
24% of the young being out of work, that means are 76% are in work, thats quite a lot. And given those young scamps are all born with playstation thumbs its likely the majority will have a smart phone of some sort.
Of the other 24%…. Being out of work today is not the same as being out of work all the time. Most people who are out of work are only out of work for short periods. Many employers like to fill posts with temporary staff, even if the role is an on-going one. Thats particularly true of the kinds of jobs that young people do. So for many people being out of work is better described as ‘in and out of work’
Being out of work also isn’t always the same as being poor, particularly if you are young, and still living at home. There is also an anachronism of the way unemployment figures gathered, and lots of students are identified as being ‘out of work’.