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  • NOTW Hacking [spoiler]
  • BigButSlimmerBloke
    Free Member

    4d – in desperation tj resorts to personal insults claiming that shows how strong his argument is.

    Shall we see who can be most imaginative in the name calling stakes. Maybe instead of debate you should head straight to the name calling, cut out the middle man so to speak?

    God I’m bored today – even picking on tj isn’t helping

    Free Member

    To be fair to New Labour, who were obviously a bunch of scumbags (not that the Conservatives wouldn’t have gone to war in Iraq though), Cameron employed, just before an election someone with a lot of media contacts who it was well known (and Cameron was warned) was under suspicion of obtaining information in very illegal ways about lots of people in the public eye, including pretty much all of the current cabinet.

    So, the obvious suspicion is that given Coulson almost certainly knew stuff about Labour politicians based on hacking their phones, Cameron may well have had access to information that was gained from phone hacking. Possibly unknowingly, but he was clearly pretty careless about the whole thing, given he was warned about Coulson way back. So potentially we are talking an opposition party who ran their political campaign based on information gained by hacking the phones of the government. Last time something similar came to light, it was the Watergate affair, and was seen as quite a big deal.

    Free Member

    4e – the jimster wheels out the piffle’n’plonker wind ups, then when people respond he pulls the ‘oooh they’re all attacking me’ ploy 😆

    Free Member

    Shall we see who can be most imaginative in the name calling stakes. Maybe instead of debate you should head straight to the name calling, cut out the middle man so to speak?


    Free Member

    Daily Mail? Draw your own cross-hairs

    Free Member

    Calm down, ladies. I’ve been informed that the forum pixie is “sick” of all the arguing… apparently.

    Free Member


    Shall we see who can be most imaginative in the name calling stakes. Maybe instead of debate you should head straight to the name calling, cut out the middle man so to speak?


    Free Member

    I think the place I’d like to be right now is in the Private Eye offices. Hislop must be like my kids on Christmas morning. I wonder if his face will actually fold in on itself from all the grinning. That’s the place to be I reckon.

    Free Member

    I don’t really get


    would you care to explain?


    Free Member

    Is there any way that Piers Morgan can be dragged into this sorry mess

    Piers Morgan, ex tabloid editor does seem rather quiet on the whole subject doesn’t he. I wonder why.

    Full Member

    Shame Andrew Neill isn’t involved:
    The Politics Show makes me want to hurt people.

    Full Member

    Oh my God I can’t BELIEVE you suggested that! I NEVER took any cash!

    Honestly. Sort of.

    Free Member

    I’ve just read through the whole Richardson vs W.Mids police 2011 case. You can’t just apply that judgement to any situation where some turns up at a police station to get arrested. There is far more to it than that.

    Free Member

    Colleague at work (estate where NI have their offices – been on the TV every day since Friday evening) told me he was sitting outside the main tenancy having a fag when the silver Range Rover pulled up and out stepped the Dirty Digger and a bodyguard. They walked towards him, but the bodyguard turned back to get something out of the car. As Murdoch walked past, he exchanged a “Hello”, then my colleague stepped into the same slot in the revolving door, right behind Murdoch.

    He said “We shuffled forward like a couple of penguins. I nearly had his shoes off.”

    I said “You should have shafted him and then said “There you go, how do YOU like it?””…

    Free Member

    Next day, he started using the loading bay to make his entrances and escapes….

    Free Member

    Rebbekah Brooks now arrested

    They are going down!

    Free Member

    Getting interesting. I suppose how far things go will be influenced by how dirty the Met’s hands are.

    Free Member

    But did the MET arrest her so she couldn’t be questioned by C.M.S Committee….?

    Full Member

    piha – Member
    But did the MET arrest her so she couldn’t be questioned by C.M.S Committee….?

    My thoughts exactly. Convenient, innit?

    Free Member

    That suspicion has been voiced publicly by Michael Watts on the Beeb and the peculiar-looking guy with the white bouffant on Sky.

    Free Member

    surely if arrested she can now claim all issues are sub judice and therefore decline to answer.

    Free Member

    If there was MET collusion with News International before, and there almost certainly was, along with, or even because of, political/government collusion, then there is no possibility of MET collusion with News International now, since the meltdown at Wapping started – there is simply too much attention and scrutiny of this story for this to be feasible.

    Plus of course senior police officers and politicians are no longer scared of Rupert Murdoch/Rebbekah Brooks/News International and the power they once wielded, so doing their bidding is no longer necessary. And I’m sure it has been accepted that some coppers heads will have to roll – indeed that it is imperative for that to happen to regain the trust of the public.


    Full Member
    Free Member

    Good grief!

    Free Member

    Hmmm…didn’t see that one coming…at least not yet. Jeez…heads are rolling.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I suddenly feel like we’re on the edge of a cliff. The institutions fail. The government falls. The UK implodes in a constitutional crisis and then…

    The Euro goes down the toilet.

    A perfect storm.

    EDIT: What tyres?

    Full Member

    EDIT: What tyres?

    Something with lots of grip and the ability to hold its line through any amount of slurry. Nobby Nics? Or Maxxis Swampthings?

    Free Member

    only super tacky swampthings will do.

    It does feel like OMFSM who next. There will be some coppers in the sheeete in the next few weeks I reckon.

    EDIT anyway Sir Paul Stephenson has only resigned his post as head of met, I suspect he is still effectively a copper and will still have a job.

    Free Member

    I think there are more to go yet – more senior coppers and Cameron must be kakking himself

    Free Member

    Yup plenty of politicians will be mixed up in this. I think there will be a few of of your labour chums to be outed yet too. I’ve never felt such lucious schadenfreude. I’m really looking forward to tomorrows guardian..

    Free Member

    Indeed. I may have to take out a new subscription to private eye

    Free Member

    All I can say is Ha flipping ha. Serves them right.
    I still wonder what goes through a journo’s mind as he writes an expose on some hapless individual, do they really think that some day it wont come back and bite them on the arse. I hope they all get screwed.

    Free Member

    plenty of politicians will be mixed up in this.

    Will there be ? If there was any collusion between politicians and News International to suppress the initial fallout concerning the phone hacking, then I suspect it’s probably very few, possibly just the last two prime ministers and the mayor of London. But I have yet to be convinced that this was the case. I doubt whether Brooks/News International would have wanted to deal with any politician much below the rank of PM.

    And it should not be understated the power that Murdoch/Brooks/News International were able to exercise over the government, and therefore possibly also, the police.

    It has been suggested that Cameron employed Andy Coulson against his better judgement due to specific instructions to do so by Rebekah Brooks. Clearly News International saw the benefit of “their man” at the heart of Downing Street, plus also the PR benefit of Andy Coulson appearing to be exonerated of any wrong doing concerning the phone hacking by being employed by the Prime Minister.

    The claim is plausible imo, it would have taken a brave Prime Minister to defy News International. Cameron, as others before him, doesn’t strike me as being one of those.

    Full Member

    cameron must be very relieved brooks wont be testifying at the select committee this week, it would have put his close relationship with brooks, coulson and possibly wallis under scrutiny that callmedave might find very awkward

    so if cameron were to go* does that mean clegg would become pm?

    * not that it will come to that

    Full Member

    so if cameron were to go* does that mean clegg would become pm?

    * not that it will come to that

    Don’t know, they’ve all tried to keep a lid on things for ages, I think rather a lot of standard practice is currently coming to life and anyone getting caught up is going to get covered in sh1t. PM’s have gone for less (don’t ask me for examples, this is the tinternet not the apprentice, talking of which but was it me or were all their business plans weak to the point of feeble? Susan in particular obviously had zero concepts of regulation. Mind you in my experience most very senior people don’t see the need to understand the limitations on what they are allowed to do which nicely brings me back to NOTW, police and politicians).

    Free Member

    so if cameron were to go* does that mean clegg would become pm?

    I think if Cameron was forced out it would be very hard to avoid an election. I can only see him being forced out after loosing a vote in the commons and I don’t see Clegg being able to get teh support required.

    I suppose Cameron could resign without bringing down the government but I don’t see him doing that.

    Full Member

    PM’s have gone for less (don’t ask me for examples, this is the tinternet not the apprentice

    I can’t actually think of any PM’s that have resigned mid-term since Suez (I’m not counting John Major’s faux-resignation or TB being ousted by GB). Before that, Neville Chamberlain?

    So a disastrous war would be a problem, but suspect hiring policies? Probably not.

    Full Member

    sir paul is being bitchy about dave and even theresa tho…


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