plenty of politicians will be mixed up in this.
Will there be ? If there was any collusion between politicians and News International to suppress the initial fallout concerning the phone hacking, then I suspect it’s probably very few, possibly just the last two prime ministers and the mayor of London. But I have yet to be convinced that this was the case. I doubt whether Brooks/News International would have wanted to deal with any politician much below the rank of PM.
And it should not be understated the power that Murdoch/Brooks/News International were able to exercise over the government, and therefore possibly also, the police.
It has been suggested that Cameron employed Andy Coulson against his better judgement due to specific instructions to do so by Rebekah Brooks. Clearly News International saw the benefit of “their man” at the heart of Downing Street, plus also the PR benefit of Andy Coulson appearing to be exonerated of any wrong doing concerning the phone hacking by being employed by the Prime Minister.
The claim is plausible imo, it would have taken a brave Prime Minister to defy News International. Cameron, as others before him, doesn’t strike me as being one of those.