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  • No Make up selfies.
  • cloudnine
    Free Member

    Ooh, no! Got a link?

    Free Member

    I don’t think it’s “awareness” of the disease per se, it’s awareness of the fact that cancer care and finding a cure isn’t cheap and often undertaken by non-profit making organisations (mainly care). Now, I have my own reservations about many charities and how much money actually goes to the end cause, but that is another argument.

    On a side issue: Has anyone seen that advert for makeup that has the line “When I put this on I feel beautiful inside”. Now that is insidious advertising.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    as others have probably already said I believe it’s not “cancer awareness” in an LA stylee, there’s supposed to be donations along with the selfie and the awareness isn’t “have you ever heard of cancer, it’s kind of a big deal” it’s about getting people to remember shit like feeling for lumps, not ignoring constant coughs and other stuff.

    But yeah some will just be posting the selfie, but in the grand scheme not something to get too worked up about I’d have thought.

    Full Member

    Okay everyone, put your pitchforks down.

    The ‘no make-up selfie’ trend has helped charity Cancer Research UK raise more than £1 million through 800,000 text donations since yesterday.
    The charity also saw a rise in people donating at their Cancer Research UK shops, and a huge peak in visits to its website.


    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member
    Okay everyone, put your pitchforks socks down.


    Free Member

    I love it when a plan comes together

    Free Member

    No makeup.

    Free Member

    I don’t see any harm in it, but I don’t get the idea of posting a photo of yourself without make up as being something of interest, whereas growing a moustache for a month is.
    Also, I feel a little frustrated that there are a lot of equally worthy causes that get bog-all funding or attention.
    I’m tempted to post on FB that if I post a photo of my backside will anyone donate to a charity of my choice, namely Alzheimer’s research, Bipolar UK, Mind, or Migraine Action. 😀

    Free Member

    It’s raised over a million pounds, what’s the problem?

    When you post you are meant to donate too. £3 a time.

    I really don’t understand threads like this. There is no negative to it.

    Free Member

    The negative to it is that you feel obliged to donate. Other diseases exist too.

    Free Member

    There are some right miserable clunts here.

    Surely anything which adds to funding for research towards cancer can only be a good thing?

    How many folks sitting somewhere on a Thursday evening have now given a donation which in some way will help others and potentially them too – and which they may not otherwise have done.

    Might as well slag Davina off too…..but no…good on her for getting off her butt and doing something positive too.

    Full Member

    No you don’t. And yes there are, but one thing at a time, hey? Helping cancer research isn’t a bad thing because it doesn’t stop third world polio.

    Free Member

    Please just get your phone out and help,

    Just text beat to 70099. its only £3.

    Free Member

    Do you still have to randomly donate even if you give a monthly donation?


    its only £3


    Full Member
    Free Member

    The negative to it is that you feel obliged to donate. Other diseases exist too.


    Donating to a charity is actually a negative thing to do, because you aren’t donating to another different charity.

    This place is weird sometimes.

    Full Member

    When I first posted this folks weren’t donating they were just posting pictures (well the ones in my fb weren’t)

    Free Member

    you can’t start back tracking now, we all know your stance on the matter 😉

    Full Member

    Funny how any attempt to raise some money to help others gets some people all hot under the collar. I fail to see the problem, if women post up a photo of themselves without the slap on, and they get positive responses, along with helping others, who’s losing? Many women can’t leave the house without makeup, despite looking absolutely fine, so this can only help fight against the Daily Wail’s continual sniping at women, by publishing heavily sharpened photos of celebs without slap, to show how ‘ravaged’ they really are, which is just cruel.
    I know quite a few women who hardly wear any, and look fine, and age makes no difference, either. Neither of these two wear any at all, despite some thinking that all young women go out plastered in the stuff. Neither are teenagers, either…

    Free Member

    Prostate Cancer I support, Bill Bailey does something similar I hear.

    That could an interesting selfie – nsfw ?

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