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  • No Make up selfies.
  • pictonroad
    Full Member

    Sorry, but I can’t see the difference between this and Movember either. I’m sure that most guys taking part in that don’t actually raise any money and, though I’ve yet to see any of these selfies, the fact that you’ve posted this has already “raised awareness”.

    I know lots of people who put in a lot of effort to raise cash at Movember, a few of us raised a grand last year, gift aided too.

    Since its humble beginnings in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia, when 30 Mo Bros first grew moustaches, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 4 million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate across 21 countries worldwide. Movember is also aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health causes from across the globe, from Moscow to Rio de Janeiro, and everywhere in between. Together these selfless Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have raised £276 million which are funding 577 projects aimed at achieving our vision of having an everlasting impact on the face men’s health

    you may be ‘sure’ but I know you’re wrong for the people I know who did it.


    Free Member

    If they were posting on r/gonewild I might donate to charity….. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I think Cougar has it. Just prior to this there was a photo going around of this girl looking all done up next to one of her looking like death in a hospital bed. So I think this is a gesture of solidarity with her and other sufferers.

    To understand why this is important you have to understand how many women feel about their appearance. To them, make-up is like clothes – they feel as naked without it as you would without your trousers. It’s ignominious at best.

    Free Member

    If they were posting on r/gonewild I might donate to charity…..

    What sort of deposit would Sir be making?

    Free Member

    I’m going with attention seeking, all the ones doing it on my feed are the ones who don’t need makeup. The comments are along the lines of…”ohhh wow baaabez you look amaazhin wivout makeup…I’m so jelous x”.

    They’re the girls who want attention but can’t quite pluck up the courage to post on reddit. I’m not really complaining though, it makes a change from having to look at my ugly mates. :mrgreen:

    What sort of deposit would Sir be making?


    Full Member

    as always, Doug Stanhope hit’s the nail on the head

    Whatever your cause, your charity, or your drive, your effort: audit it.

    Because so much of it is symbolism over substance, where people think they’re helping by doing nothing. Audit all the time and effort, and see if you’re actually effecting change. Rather than just,

    “Oh, we’re gonna have a 10K Fun Run for the Cure!”

    “Come on down on Sunday; it’s a 10K Fun Run for the Cure!”

    Why? Why! When has running ever cured anything?

    I don’t understand the cause and effect on this. Is that how Jonas Salk cured [sic] polio, by speed walking around the track down at St. Mary’s High School with a wife-beater on and a paper number safety-pinned to his back?

    “Oh, we’re doing it for the cure!”

    How are you curing anything?

    “Well, what I do is, I get sponsors, and every time I go around the track another time, my sponsor gives me another quarter for the cure!”

    Are your friends that sick and sadomasochistic that they wouldn’t just cut you a check outright for the cure? They make you do weird [crap] first?

    “Larry, you know my daughter was born with cerebral palsy, and we’re trying to get a big fundraiser going…”

    “Really? Yeah…how many hard boiled eggs will ya eat? Come on! You love your kid right, come on!”

    No, they would cut you a check outright, but you’re that much of a megalomaniac that you have to make the cure about you. You need the spotlight in this. You could just get a check, but no one’s gonna be,

    “Ya know, the truth is I do the same speed walk at St. Mary’s every morning at 6:30 before work with my labrador Sheeba. I’m trying to shed a few pounds, ya know? But no one claps for me then and calls me heroic, so I’m gonna do it on Sunday afternoon for the cure, and everyone’s gonna go, ‘Go Ray go!'”

    It’s a 10K fun run about you, you megalomaniac. Stop it. You know you’re not doing [crap]. You could just get the check from your friend and then actually do something that means something other than running.

    Put that time and effort and money into something that’s calculated that actually helps.

    “We’re gonna knit a SARS quilt! It’s gonna take all summer long!”
    “We’re gonna have a prayer circle.”

    “We’re gonna have a candle light vigil at midnight!”

    Could you do less??

    Mathematically, ask your accountant if there’s any way you could do any less than that…

    “Well, we are raising awareness!”

    Raising awareness is another form of doing nothing.

    Only now, you’re making me aware that the nothing that I’ve been doing is not up to par with the nothing that you’re doing for such a noble cause. Why don’t you do my nothing for your cause? We’ll watch Storage Wars for the cure! Then we’ll both be happy in our impotence…and we’ll find out what’s in that safe!

    We all win!

    Raising awareness is me standing next to a drainage ditch where a guy just hit a goat with his moped on the highway, and now they’re in the ditch, laying in the muck with compound fractures, and the dude’s got a bone sticking through his leg, and the [freaking] goat’s got a bone sticking through his fur. They’re both laying there in agony, and I’m raising awareness by standing above them shouting down an empty highway,


    And they’re going, “No, HEEEEEEEEELP!”

    “No, no, no! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!”

    It’s way easier to just say, “LOOOOOOOOOK!”

    Free Member

    *invents spoogecoin*

    Full Member

    Ha! Love the Stanhope

    Full Member

    I’m so jelous x”.

    I think you’ll find it’s “weljel” these days.

    Sadly, campaigns to raise awareness are like trying to fill a bath using an eyedropper when the people you’re trying to make aware have the same mental capacity as your average bunch of begonias.

    Free Member

    I just saw the text on my facebook saying ‘I’m going bare!’ and the word ‘breast’…..took me a good while to work out why there’s just a picture of a face.

    Free Member

    Can I have a prize for never having taken a selfie.

    Free Member

    So many people get cancer, why do people need awareness raising?

    Off the top of my head… My mam’s best friend died on Sunday – breast cancer. A former colleague died last month – pancreatic cancer. A friend’s dad died last year – lung cancer. My previous boss died a couple of years ago – lung cancer. My wife’s grandma died two years ago – lung cancer. Going back further, my 6th form college tutor died in my final year – brain tumor. My grandma died when I was ten – lung cancer.

    How is it possible to be unaware of cancer? (Unless I’m unwittingly carcinogenic, and this is an unusual experience?)

    Free Member

    I think as with much charity work, it has more to do with making individuals feel good about themselves .

    I’m going to get involved in something, maybe even organise something in an effort to increase my sense of self worth.. I know, I’ll pick a charitable cause to attach my actions to, to legitimise my plan and to increase my good feelings about myself..

    Fair enough then

    Surely of all the selfish things people are capable of, this sort of thing is the least we should be concerned about

    If you’re genuinely upset by it I think you should probably be having very stern words with yourself, perhaps utilising a sharp implement to press the message home

    Free Member

    Do any of you bastards spend half as much time making the world a better place as you do whining about other people’s attempts?

    Free Member

    so make-up gives you cancer.


    Full Member

    miketually – Member

    How is it possible to be unaware of cancer?

    It’s not about being unaware- it’s really about thinking about it. Mmm what’s that lump/mole/cough? Ah probably nothing. All the improvements in cancer treatment haven’t changed the fact that the best thing you can do to increase your survival rate is get diagnosed earlier.

    Free Member

    Know quite a few girls at work have donated and seems to be raising money

    Free Member

    Got to agree with konabunny – stop whingeing, you moaning sods.

    Free Member

    Do any of you bastards spend half as much time making the world a better place as you do whining about other people’s attempts?

    Well I try to with donations to various charities and have just helped my lad raise around a grand for a charity.

    Unlike many of family and work colleagues who have pretty much all just posted on Facebook and hit like; to most of them it’s just a giggle and a dare like the drinking game a few weeks ago.

    Full Member

    Judging by that porn star link earlier, I think it’s fair to say that the theory that a face full of ‘Chef’s Special Sauce’ is good for the complexion can now be safely disproved…

    Free Member

    I made a noise like *argggg* this morning when I saw a picture of the girl we all fancied at school (20 years ago) with no make up on.

    Noooooooooooooo….. I want to remember her as she was 🙁

    Despite that, I’m with Konabunny and NW – it can’t hurt, so why the haterz?

    Free Member

    Nut sack nominate and cock in a sock are doing the rounds next

    Free Member

    Nut sack nominate and cock in a sock are doing the rounds next

    Anyone up for an internet wide game of cock or ball to raise awareness of ball cancer?

    Free Member

    so make-up gives you cancer.


    See, if they hadn’t stopped us testing it on animals, this could have been avoided!

    Free Member

    Just seen a fully naked no make up selfie (from an angle where nothing much was revealed)…

    It was deleted by facebook within a few minutes but I think we should ride out this craze and see where it goes…

    Free Member

    I’m assuming most ladies post a picture of themselves and then hope that they get lots of messages saying that they still look beautiful.

    Free Member

    Posted this already in response to something on FB but hey ho:

    If they have links in to relevant information or stuff about donating then fair enough.

    Just saying ‘post selfies because cancer’ with no further information isn’t helping anyone though.

    I think everyone is fairly aware of cancer already.

    Full Member

    Do any of you bastards spend half as much time making the world a better place as you do whining about other people’s attempts?

    Well, I clicked like on a picture of a dove with the text “like this if you support the fight against cancer” on facebook yesterday. So I don’t see how it can be humanly possible to be any more proactive in saving the world.

    Full Member

    D’you know what, I like it. Maybe it’s not going to make a difference, but maybe one person’s going to go “look, another no makeup selfie – I really should get that bump checked out” in which case that’s job done. some good advice has been posted too. Fair play.

    Free Member

    I do naturally tend towards the cynical but I can’t see any harm in this and knowing people who view their make up as their “face ” for some it is an act of some determination to post without make up. The “campaign ” is generating a debate which as this thread shows includes discussion about donation so the trend of it can only be posative.

    Crankgirl has not done it but I would say 80% percent of all photos of her would qualify anyway.

    Free Member

    My wife had a mastectomy as a result of breast cancer just over a year ago. She has been fairly irritated by the early selfies with no info on how people help beat cancer. Her irritation has been soothed since Cancer Research got involved.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Seems appropriate for many taking part in this latest #selfie craze

    Full Member

    I just saw this:

    Cancer Research UK says it’s received “tens of thousands” more donations than usual in the last 24 hours. It’s after thousands of women posted a ?#?makeupfreeselfie? on social media before nominating other friends to do the same to raise awareness about cancer.

    So it seems not all bad?

    Free Member

    Anyone seen the socks on cocks selfies to raise awareness of testicular cancer..

    Free Member

    Cancer Research UK says it’s received “tens of thousands” more donations than usual in the last 24 hours. It’s after thousands of women posted a ?#?makeupfreeselfie? on social media before nominating other friends to do the same to raise awareness about cancer.

    Yeah just think of all the extra animal testing they can do now. 😛

    Free Member

    No make up “selfies” are like soooo over.

    selloptapeselfies are where it’s at these days.

    Free Member

    Anyone seen the socks on cocks selfies to raise awareness of testicular cancer..

    Ooh, no! Got a link?

    Free Member

    Socks on Cocks??

    Most Excellent idea, anyone got a sock 3ft long? 😉

    Free Member

    Socks on Cocks??

    Who’s going to admit to being a cock? 😉

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