Home Forums Chat Forum No cake in the office!

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  • No cake in the office!
  • sobriety
    Free Member

    odd to leave bacon rolls lying around

    They’d be gone faster than cakes in this office!

    Full Member

    Life is short. Cake all the way baby!

    Free Member

    “Sugar free” for example a pack of Halls throat sweets etc, but then they are still 94% carbohydrate.

    Related question, do those “carbohydrates” actually have any impact on blood sugar? I thought that the sugar replacements were baisicly sweetener and soluble fibre in a crystalline form. So technically carbohydrates but in a chain length so long the digestive system can’t convert them into sugar.

    They’d be gone faster than cakes in this office!

    When I lived in Middlesbrough the default was to bring pies in rather than cake.

    Full Member

    If nobody brought cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day. But because people do bring cakes in, I eat them

    Sounds like she’s getting a good deal out of it, she ever bring the cake in?

    Full Member

    Hang on! Is this one of those trick threads? Is the cake religion or Palestine?

    Free Member

    I missread the thread title amd thought it was going to be abouta Tory MP complaining about the new rules in Westminster!

    Free Member

    elated question, do those “carbohydrates” actually have any impact on blood sugar? I thought that the sugar replacements were baisicly sweetener and soluble fibre in a crystalline form. So technically carbohydrates but in a chain length so long the digestive system can’t convert them into sugar.

    They do yes, the “simpler” the carbohydrate, the quicker it will be absorbed into the blood stream, but when we have to give my daughter insulin for mealtimes, we have to count every gram of carbohydrate, not of sugar.

    So we have been caught out a few times when she was first diagnosed by “sugar free”, or “reduced sugar”.

    For me as a Type 2 diabetic, i can consume carbs, but i find the way to control BG spikes, is to make sure the carbs are complex ones, such as brown rice, or steel cut oats, and i always have to eat them with a good quality protein, fats and fibre, that way there absorption in the bloodstream is much slower, and my body can deal.. i have become a peanut butter hound!

    Free Member

    If one of your mates was a recovering alcoholic, would you go round their house and drink loads? After all, it’s their choice if they have one of your bottles isn’t it?

    I thought that the sugar replacements were baisicly sweetener and soluble fibre in a crystalline form.

    I think it varies, most are random organic molecules..?

    Free Member

    If one of your mates was a recovering alcoholic, would you go round their house and drink loads? After all, it’s their choice if they have one of your bottles isn’t it?

    Me personally, i wouldn’t no, alcoholism is a horrible disease, and i’d feel a right knobber placing temptation in their path… i say that as the son of a man would drink a bottle of Bells or Teachers, and then go to the pub!

    Free Member

    I remember seeing the old “cakes in the kitchen!” email only to rush off there to get all the best ones, and realise someone has come back from India or Syria or something and they were distgusting spiced marzipan things and I always ended up eating one just out of politeness and to not look like a rascist.

    Free Member

    If one of your mates was a recovering alcoholic, would you go round their house and drink loads? After all, it’s their choice if they have one of your bottles isn’t it?

    fair point, and no I wouldn’t but then again I wouldn’t stop going to the pub on the off chance he’d want to come along either.

    Free Member

    Wait until these folk hear about bakers, and even worse than that, Greggs…….

    Free Member

    People who struggle with willpower need to find ways to avoid being in the situation where they just eat the cake.

    They usually have found a way. It’s by not buying it.

    This is exactly why it’s important to respect that a lot of people are trying to be healthier. And putting cake or cookies or whatever *effectively* in front of them is then something they can’t control

    Free Member

    They do yes, the “simpler” the carbohydrate, the quicker it will be absorbed into the blood stream, but when we have to give my daughter insulin for mealtimes, we have to count every gram of carbohydrate, not of sugar.

    Yes, but dietary fiber is carbohydrate (e.g. cellulose is a polysaccharide composed of glucose monomers but isn’t digestible by the enzymes in the human body).

    Stretching my knowledge slightly but the stuff in saliva is alpha-amylase, the bonds between glucose monomers in cellulose are beta and beta-amylase is what’s produced by fungi. Hence my assumption that where “carbohydrates” was listed it wasn’t always of a type that could be converted into sugar.

    Full Member

    Life is short

    Ignoring the biscuit pun…. So is cake.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    The team next to us had a full face to face team meeting today, and the manager had brought in cakes….

    ….and fruit, so anyone on a post Christmas diet needn’t be left out. To her surprise, numbers for each option were 50:50.

    The left over cakes and fruit were on the desk near me this afternoon. As someone with a bit of an issue with food, and needing to drop 10kg, I’m immensely pleased that for the first time ever I managed to resist am office cake.

    Full Member

    A solution was found during another cake related incident.

    Discovered  in France,1793.

    Full Member

    I quite enjoy working at a site that will regularly make cake if they know I’m visiting, in fact I was there today and had two slices of banana cake.

    Previously had chocolate cakes, Victoria sponge, scones with all the trimmings, crumble and custard.

    All need to be hidden from the stockman though as he’s eaten whole cakes before anyone else can get to the mess room.

    Our work isn’t particularly sedentary though, which helps balance things.

    Full Member

    In my pre retirement workplace there would have been a revolution if cakes and sweets were banned.  it was a rare day there was not some to hand.  At christmas we had 50 boxes of chocs handed in by relatives.

    Do you want the health service to collapse?  it runs on tea chocolates and cakes

    I let slip it had been my birthday after the event

    There was a level of mild annoyance that I’d failed to bring cake.

    I don’t eat any of the cake on any of the other office birthdays, be buggered if I’m going to the hassle of bringing it in when I don’t even want any myself.

    Cake doesn’t bother me in the slightest, now if it was birthday chips, that would be a different matter

    Full Member

    What day is today? It’s Leela’s birthday! What a day for a birthday, let’s all eat some cake.

    – and you smell like one too, *hurr* –

    It’s the thought that counts.

    Full Member

    now if it was birthday chips, that would be a different matter

    STR for President.

    Free Member

    now if it was birthday chips, that would be a different matter

    Mine is a small work place, your birthday offerings are yours to decide. T’pprentice brought a bag of mini haribo packs which was unfeasibly popular with otherwise grown adults. Boss bought in fish n chips, I usually do a round of breakfast sandwiches…

    Some folks bring fruit. We don’t much like them.

    Free Member

    I just don’t understand why the convention is having to cart in cake for your co-workers on YOUR birthday. What could be more enjoyable than having to schlep around Tesco wasting money up cupcakes on your big day?

    Free Member

    I just don’t understand why the convention is having to cart in cake for your co-workers on YOUR birthday. What could be more enjoyable than having to schlep around Tesco wasting money up cupcakes on your big day?

    Because they can’t talk to you with a gob full of Victoria sponge. What could be more enjoyable than the Tracy from accounts being broadly silent for five minutes on your big day?

    Full Member

    Sod bringing in cake for other people on MY birthday, cake only goes one way then.

    All need to be hidden from the stockman though as he’s eaten whole cakes before anyone else can get to the mess room.

    I had that reputation at my old job, Henry Hoover couldn’t suck up free cake as fast I could at the end of a shift at that place!

    Full Member

    One of the few perks of working in IT over the years is that at pretty much everywhere I’ve worked the IT Department has doubled as the Food Disposal Department. “What shall we do with the leftover buffet from the Directors’ meeting this afternoon?” – “Call IT.” If there’s anything that can put away more food than a nine stone Tech I’ve yet to see it.

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