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  • No America. Please don't. Please please please please…
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    america also spent $6.5 billion on halloween costumes and candy this year

    its a big country

    not that the election money isnt obscene or anything

    Free Member

    Exactly graham, he is completely unelectable and not even worth considering, Obama is doing everything the money men want. The only way to move out of the recession is to get the US banks under control and the other banks and create an environment of stability and trust between normal hard working people and the banking system.

    Obama has no real power the entire democratic voting system is simply a con to fool stupid people into handing over sovereignty and as such control of their lives to rich people.

    Name one political party that made a real difference or wasn’t about as much use as a wet fart in a stuck lift!

    This is how the US banking system collapsed http://vimeo.com/27292661

    These bastards paid of the loan rating companies, then made money selling loans that were dodgy, then they insured the loans so that they would get paid when they eventually collapsed.

    Not too mention how much legislation they had changed to do so and how many people warned about the collapse, everyone involved benefited from the massive fraud committed and they are all still employed in the banking system?

    Free Member

    Or they have got Obama under their thumb.

    Free Member

    america also spent $6.5 billion on halloween costumes and candy this year

    Source? And I don’t mean some bloke off the tele. 😈

    Full Member

    Obama is doing everything the money men want.

    Erm.. surely Romney is the Republican: generally in favour of big business and low business taxes, no social care, aggressive foreign policy etc?

    Romney pledged to lower corporate tax by 25%

    Obama also wants to lower corporate tax, but pay for it but eliminating tax breaks and introducing new minimum tax rates for US companies that hide assets offshore.

    I would have thought “the money men” would have preferred Romney.

    Free Member

    Not really look at what Obama is getting away with over sea’s, do you think all of the drone strike and other shit would have been socially acceptable under Bush?

    Obama can get away with a lot more shit than any white president ever would have, he got the Nobel prize before he had even done anything?

    It’s obvious that Obama is very well connected, his rise to power has been meteoric!

    Free Member

    kaesae – Member
    Hahahaha, this guy is unelectable without the media BS!
    Why exactly was he running for president?

    Because they knew he had no chance of beating Obama. Their real candidate will be at the next election where Obama cannot stand.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Two points.

    1) that money spent doesn’t disappear. It goes to TV stations, who employ people who get paid, it goes to local print shops and truck drivers and whatnot.

    2) If you don’t spend it then someone else will, and you’ll lose. That’s why tight controls on political advertising (like we have here) are so important. We get plenty of coverage of the actual debates in the commons and moderated discussions on news programmes etc – we don’t need totally unmoderated spin being blasted into our homes constantly.

    Free Member

    That Moron and the other one OBAMA spent $2 billion on media crap when there are entire tent cities of people and we’re heading into a winter.

    Not quite true. Combined they spent 1.6B and 400 million dollars IS quite a lot but most of that (all but 200M or so) is raised funds so not government or party supplied. Not sure that the people who donated 1.4B dollars would have donated that sum to helping their fellow citizens or their country out of trouble.

    That said, it works out at $5.14 per person in the US. For the UK the number is closer to $1 per person. If the US was to ban PACs and SuperPACs from also raising and spending funds, they’d be down to approx $1 as well.

    Full Member

    Mormon, mormoff.

    Free Member

    Because they knew he had no chance of beating Obama. Their real candidate will be at the next election where Obama cannot stand.

    This is kind of the feeling I got too.The Republicans can’t be that stupid. Be interesting to see who is lurking in the shadows…

    Free Member

    Is there a republican version of Boris? Seriously I think the govenor of New Jersey is being lined up for ’16.

    Full Member

    When it comes spaffing money on election campaigns, you have to look to Europe I’m afraid. the Americans have got nowt on the Italians

    Say what you like about the filthy old goat Berlisconi, but his party funding wheeze was the work of utter corrupt genius

    1. As you approach an election, make all political parties state funded, with massive funds available

    2. Spend all your now state-supplied funds to advertise in the media. All of which you own.

    3. Give yourself a load of free advertising too

    4. Watch all your opposition try to counter your advertising blitz by spanking their now state-supplied funds to advertise in the media. All of which you own.

    5. Win election

    6. Sit back and count all the millions of taxpayers money you’ve just funneled into your bank accounts

    7. Invite a houseful of underage hookers round to celebrate

    Full Member

    This is how the US banking system collapsed http://vimeo.com/27292661

    Great to see you bak with more research Kaesae.

    Now, where did you get those frames from?

    Full Member

    Obama is doing everything the money men want.

    Romney has said publicly, and repeatedly, that the trouble with the economy is that American Banks and Corporations are massively over-regulated, and need freeing up from these constraints.

    Exactly the same conclusion that any well-rounded, sane and rational person would have come too after the events of the last 5 years or so. Lehman Bros? Enron? AIG? Goldman Sachs? To name but a few. All obviously the victims of massive state interference, clearly.

    Can you find me the bit where Obama said anything like that?

    Full Member

    kaesae – Member
    Not really look at what Obama is getting away with over sea’s, do you think all of the drone strike and other shit would have been socially acceptable under Bush?

    He only invaded 2 countries in his first term.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    All obviously the victims of massive state interference, clearly.

    Thank goodness we have (finally) got that straight! 😉

    The odd thing is how people perceive the TARP bailout though. Most think this was Obama, when it was Bush. But then gets confusing when Rep’s increasingly object to it and Democrats favour it. Funny old world!

    2016 – the delightful Ms Clinton in the blue corner versus…….?

    Free Member

    binners, actions speak louder than words, can you show me where Obama has done anything to get the banks under control?

    Full Member

    binners, actions speak louder than words, can you show me where Obama has done anything to get the banks under control?

    Quite right.

    Kaesae, actions speak loader than words, can you tell me where you got those frames from?

    Free Member

    Er…compare the restructuring and recapitalisation of the US banks versus what has happened in Europe as a starting point? Which industry is better placed now to act as a transmission mechanism – the US or the European?

    Legislation of size, structure, range of activities, compensation – all passed or WIP. In terms of restructuring banks, place the following countries/regions in order of policy publication – US, UK, Europe. Hmmm?

    Full Member

    You just know that the Tea Party headcases will be doing the postmortum on this now and probably concluding that they lost because they were too lilly-livered and touchy feely. In fact what Romney was advocating was only marginally further from Socialism than Obama

    And seeing as those hatstand-mad loons presently own the Republican party, Christ only knows what gun-toting, god-fearing, swivel-eyed, squirel-eating redneck they’ll put forward in 4 years.

    Free Member

    Perhaps Hillary versus Donald will be the 2016 low. All covered on “pay-to-view” TV!!

    Full Member

    Isn’t this whole charade a bit of a case of fiddling while Rome burns anyway? As its resolved none of the legislative paralysis in Washington, so the whole American economy is going to drop off a cliff in January anyway? Forcing a chain reaction meltdown, that will cause the implosion of the Euro, amongst other delights, and subsequent worldwide economic Armageddon?

    Free Member

    And seeing as those hatstand-mad loons presently own the Republican party, Christ only knows what gun-toting, god-fearing, swivel-eyed, squirel-eating redneck they’ll put forward in 4 years.

    I keep hoping (without result) that each loss the republicans suffer encourages them to be less mental but they seem to think committing further to the slide into darkness is the only way to win. In some respects, imagine if they’d done something like select a moderate instead of Paul Ryan or toned down the anti-gay and anti-choice rhetoric. They’d have at least won the popular vote. Who knows how the swing states would have gone.

    Full Member

    Isn’t this whole charade a bit of a case of fiddling while Rome burns anyway? As its resolved none of the legislative paralysis in Washington, so the whole American economy is going to drop off a cliff in January anyway? Forcing a chain reaction meltdown, that will cause the implosion of the Euro, amongst other delights, and subsequent worldwide economic Armageddon?

    What a cheery thought

    Free Member

    Binners – yes, my point on the other thread yesterday – but Armageddon is hopefully going a bit far!!

    So Greece (again today), EU budget discussions, Spanish bail out, weaker 3Q economic data, bank lending down again in Europe….not exactly a lot to make you feel good inside!

    Free Member

    and subsequent worldwide economic Armageddon?

    Here’s hoping.

    Full Member

    Once you start to question where money comes from you realise that the entire system of wealth creation in the western/developed world resembles a large game of jenga with greedy feckers playing out of turn and grabbing any piece they can at the expense of everyone underneath.

    There’s a good book released last year called Where does money come from?[/url] that has opened my eyes as to how the system works, it’s rather unnerving reading and the jenga game will come crashing down at some point in the not to distant future so binners is right (gawd forbid, i never thought i’d say that – we really must be doomed), we are slowly working our way towards our own destruction.

    Free Member

    Forcing a chain reaction meltdown, that will cause the implosion of the Euro, amongst other delights,

    You are like a political Swiss Tony

    there is no situation or scenario where you cannot link it to the demise of the Euro.
    You are Farage and I claim my 5 METRIC euros 😉

    Free Member

    Yeah, but money doesn’t need to be anything physical, does it? As long as trust is maintained, at least…

    I’m not entirely convinced that the jenga will collapse – after all, there are lot of powerful people holding it up.

    Full Member

    And as I always tell you, when you level this at me – I’m all for the idea of a united Europe. Its a great idea!

    But if you held a competition among village idiots worldwide, and everyone tried really really really really really hard, to find the most brain-numbingly stupid idea EVER! Then even they would struggle to come up with a concept as patently absurd and ridiculous as the Euro as a currency 😉

    Free Member

    Well said that man!

    Full Member

    I keep hoping (without result) that each loss the republicans suffer encourages them to be less mental but they seem to think committing further to the slide into darkness is the only way to win. In some respects, imagine if they’d done something like select a moderate instead of Paul Ryan or toned down the anti-gay and anti-choice rhetoric.


    What amazes me is that the Republicans can espouse these views and still get 48% of the vote!

    Free Member


    What amazes me is that the Republicans can espouse these views and still get 48% of the vote!

    And they won the house, so they could even conclude it’s working. Their more right wing congress candidates won, and their more moderate presidential candidate lost

    Full Member

    What amazes me is that the Republicans can espouse these views and still get 48% of the vote!

    Absolutely! I just don”t get it either!

    But the Republicans are going to have to ‘do the math’ sooner rather than later. Demographics are most definitely not on their side. Their white, middle class, evangelical christian, country club support is in terminal decline. Being replaced by rapidly growing ethnic populations to whom they have made absolutely zero effort to appeal. In fact in some cases (ie: Romneys 47% quip) have actively demonised. Can’t see that happening any time soon though. The political wilderness awaits. Hopefully

    Free Member

    The problem is that there are at least half a dozen distinct groups of people with significantly different values, and yet only two parties.

    This is a big flaw, but it’s hard to address. PR is the way forward imo, for most modern societies, but it’s not even on the radar in the US afaik.

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    Free Member

    If Mitt was a straight forward Christian would he have landed more of the votes?

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