He’s the face of the Tory party about 50 years ago.
😕 50 years ago the Tory Party was a social-democratic party which, built affordable council houses on a massive scale, believed in a mixed economy in which all the utilities, and other sectors such as public transport, were in public hands, had an indisputable commitment to a universal welfare state, and actively recruited foreign labour to work in the UK.
Indeed by today’s standard as they would be dismissed as ‘left-wing extremists’ by everyone from the Daily Mail to Tony Blair.
In contrast UKIP stand in complete position to all those values and believe that, despite this present government being more right-wing than even Thatcher, it still isn’t right-wing enough and this justifies them forming a separate party.
How can anyone misread those glaring facts so easily ?
Perhaps this lack of understanding helps to explain why politics in Britain is in such dire straights and there appears to be not a glimmer of light at the end of the very long dark tunnel that we are very clearly in 🙁