I agree that Engineering / Engineer is a devalued term these days, apparently the fella who fixes our office printers (or fails to) is an “Engineer” he must be a chartered member of the “Xerox institute of toner changers” or something…
Certain institutes don’t help the cause either…
but it all depends on who you are selling to, if your selling Mechanical Engineering services to Mechanical Engineers, working for Engineering businesses (like what I be) then I think you need to make it clear, we deal with a few “Design houses” who are actually more “Engineering Design consultancies”… I’d look for the keywords Engineer(ing) and Design, if ou just use the word “design” I’ll assume you chop out web pages for a living…
Just don’t slip into cryptic bullshit, or my personal favourite which is pick to a colour and an object or animal; combine the two and hey-presto you’ve got a business name.
(apparently favoured by Graphic/web designers, ad-agencies and “Branding consultants”) Examples:
“Red Dog”
“Mauve Turtle”
“Indigo Door”
It’s piss easy really…