When I’m not fapping about tyres on here, I run for reasons I don’t fully understand a nerf gun-running ebay store, so, unleash the nerd!
You want these, called koosh, unless you use the drum magazines:
They tend to stick in the drums but they’re child-safe and actually work better than genuine nerf darts, as well as being 1/4 the price. They shoot a little further and a lot straighter, and work in absolutely everything that uses the small darts- even the old dart tags and that.
If you do use the drums, you want these, called voberry for some reason:
These are also a soft child-safe tip, they’re pretty similiar to the genuine darts. And 1/5th the price of hasbro kiddie crack.
Most of the really cheap darts have a solid tip and you don’t want that unless they’re older kids and wear eye protection, and even then it’s a bit iffy. Even most adult/student (*) games shy away from them, they bloody hurt and they can damage furnishings etc. And also the quality’s incredibly up and down. So basically, don’t
(* well, adult is debatable. But you know what I mean.)
Now obviously the thing here is, you can’t get any of these from hong kong in time for christmas. And the other thing is, while there’s UK vendors, there’s variants and good and bad versions of all of these and you can easily buy something that looks identical, but isn’t. (for the first link, there’s identical looking darts with bad foam; for the second, often vendors advertise these soft ones but send hard ones. It’s a total pain in the arse to be honest)
But I’ve got hundreds of ’em for my ebay gunrunning so I could fire you some on at cost and I’ll just restock myself… Drop me an email on andrew@blackjack.f9.co.uk if you want ’em!
If you need the big red ones or the discs, you’re boned I think.