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  • mydadhatedbritain
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    In response to the the daily mail’s -low by their own standards- attack on ed’s dad

    the paper that supported hitler and mussolini calling ralph milliband unpatriotic

    its emerged that while ralph was in the navy paul dacres dad was a showbiz reporter for the express

    Free Member

    I hate tory Britain. They’ve sold off all our industry so we now have a minuscule manufacturing sector and we pay a fortune for utilities and travel.

    But, you know, the private sector is where it’s at, sod the public, keep the shareholders happy.

    I’m with Ed’s dad (maybe not quite the peoples revolt part though…)

    Free Member

    low by their own standards

    I find this quite shocking. I didn’t know the Daily Mail had any standards.

    Free Member

    I have a chrome addon now that redirects me to pictures of Kittens and mugs of tea every time i’m linked to the dailymail.

    No more clickbait for me

    Free Member

    I wonder if the Mail will show parity and highlight Cameron’s fathers tax affairs?

    Free Member

    B**** H*** Kimbers, why make us click on that awful website?!?

    Full Member

    its got a hashtag thats fairwarning imho

    Free Member

    fascist scum. disgraceful excuse for a newspaper

    Free Member

    An awful abuse of their position as a well read newspaper as they are pissed off about press regulation. the irony is the hatchet piece shows why we need to regulate them as they cannot do it themselves. Worse they were utterly unrepentant in their reply
    Its not fair to do a character assassination of someone’s father like this whether you agree with them or not. Even criminal ave some standards so it seems only [some]journos are without a moral code or conscience.
    Portraying ed as some sort of rampant socialist is equally at odds with reality.

    Free Member

    Problem is, a lot of the people who read the mail, believe every single word.

    Free Member

    I agree with JY, the reply looks worse than the original.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the whole ‘the Mail supported the Nazis’ stick. I mean, it’s not like anybody currently linked with the paper (owners, employees, shareholders, whoever) was in any way a part of this support. Further, plenty of German (now global) companies must have supported the Nazis at the time. Do we hold this against them? Are modern Germans accountable for the support their ancestors gave the Nazis? Of course not. So why beat the Mail with it?

    Free Member

    The elephant in the room is that the Labour leader’s Dad was a vocal Far Left extremist. Maybe a good start would be for milliband to distance himself from Marxist doctrine..

    Full Member

    enfht – Member

    The elephant in the room is that the Labour leader’s Dad was a vocal Far Left extremist. Maybe a good start would be for milliband to distance himself from Marxist doctrine.. Personally, I’d rather he embraced it.

    I’d like to see nice purge of the right wing elements in Britain.
    We could turn Essex into a nice internment camp for Ayn Rand apologists, EDL/UKIP voters and anyone, anyone who has ever said ‘You know, Thatcher had a point’.

    Fence it off and bomb it daily with human waste collected from the remainder of Britain.

    Free Member

    Not something I normally say but JY+1

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner for President!

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner for President!

    Gulag commandant would be more his thing by the sound of him.

    Free Member

    So why beat the Mail with it?

    I dont think anyone really uses it against them more some pointed out their past was less than glorious. Given this is the better question not why they used something [ untrue]from the distant past [ of which he is not responsible] to beat up ed?

    Maybe a good start would be for milliband to distance himself from Marxist doctrine..

    if you think the current labour party and leader is not some distance from marxist doctrine then you must be a swivel eyed right wing loon.

    Free Member

    The reason why people mention the mails support of the Nazi’s, is to remind others that the mail is normally wrong.

    Free Member

    Are modern Germans accountable for the support their ancestors gave the Nazis?

    But the Daily Mail was never a German newspaper, it was a British paper. A British newspaper that supported the Nazis, despite the fact that, among other things, Nazi persecution of Jews was a well known fact. The Daily Mail didn’t cease to support the Nazis because they “saw the error of their ways”, they stopped supporting them because doing so would have been illegal.

    And the Daily Mail’s support for the Nazis is significant to this story because as a Jew Miliband’s father would have been accused by the Nazis of “hating Germany”. So it’s interesting that the Daily Mail, in a classic extreme right-wing tactic, now accuse Miliband’s father of having hated Britain.

    You might think that the Daily Mail’s well established support for the Nazis, with their carefully thought out articles, is just water under the bridge which should all be forgotten, but the Daily Mail’s entire case that Miliband’s father hated Britain relies on a single alleged comment, comprising of 4 sentences, that Ralph Miliband wrote as a 17 year old in his diary 72 years ago.

    So I think reminding the Daily Mail of their own past is fair comment. Specially when they are using the classic extreme right-wing smear tactic of accusing others of being unpatriotic.

    Full Member

    5thElefant – Member

    Rusty Spanner for President!

    Gulag commandant would be more his thing by the sound of him.

    Ohhh, I do like a nice uniform.

    Basically, I was trying to balance out the rampant, right wing, scaremongering tossery spouted by enfht with an equally realistic and well thought through alternative.

    Seriously, the right wingers on here are getting out of hand.
    It’s like a meeting of the Young Conservatives at times – hateful, vitriolic nonsense spouted by frothing misanthropes.

    Chill out, righties.
    Or it’s Essex and excrement for the lot of you.

    Full Member

    We could turn Essex into a nice internment camp for Ayn Rand apologists, EDL/UKIP voters and anyone, anyone who has ever said ‘You know, Thatcher had a point’.


    Isn’t this already the case?

    Free Member

    Is there a difference between Essex and excrement? 😛

    Full Member

    Now now, Essex gave us Dr Feelgood, Laura Trott & Wat Tyler.
    Mind you, it also gave us Noel Edmonds, Ronnie O’Sullivan & Darren Day, so on balance, RELEASE THE TURDS……

    Free Member

    if you think

    I think accusing enfht of “thinking” at all is the looniest thing I’ve seen written on this forum in quite a while.

    Free Member

    I’m no supporter of Ed, but I really think that the DM has gone beyond the pale (again). Even as a fan of free market economics, I’d be very happy to buy Ed’s Dad a pint (if he were still alive and popped into my local) and have a chat with him about life, the universe and everything, whereas I’d never get tired of slapping Paul Dacre in the face.

    I even think that Ed has shown a bit of backbone here, standing up to the bullies at the DM – if there’s a fight in the car park, Ed, we’ll hold your coat!

    Free Member

    “I hate tory Britain. They’ve sold off all our industry so we now have a minuscule manufacturing sector and we pay a fortune for utilities and travel. “

    That’s what Ed and NuLab want you to believe and propagate at every opportunity – some rather rather inconvenient facts include:

    1. In some manufacturing sectors we now make and export more than we did in the 1970’s e.g. automotive, life sciences

    UK car manufacturing achieves all-time record exports in 2012

    2. manufacturing employment has risen over the last 3 years as UKTI’s efforts to extend UK supply chains around successful industry sectors kicks in

    3. we earn more from designing the intellectual property in some sectors than we would ever earn from the actual fabrication e.g. ARM Plc who last year received license fees on 8.7 Billion microprocessors

    4. Utilities in the UK are middle of the range for price compared to the rest of Europe. When you strip out the CO2 escalator / sustainable energy premium added on top of prices by Milliband when he was in power / Chris Huhne 2 years ago, our actual energy costs are amongst the cheapest in Europe.


    As for the “selling everything off” the rest of Europe has been doing this with the notable exception of France. Postal services in Germany and Netherlands were privatised years ago, First Group already and National Express are just about to take over train franchises in Germany and what was “British Gas” is now making Billions for the UK as “BG Group” who are developing LNG infrastructure in Brazil, Oman, Australia, Egypt, USA to name but a few places. Oh, and National Grid are pretty busy in the USA these days.

    The UK is actually doing pretty well – let’s not talk down a country and industries that are consistently punching above their weight on the world stage.

    Free Member

    Can we stop pissing about. Call his out as anti semitism pure and simple and get the police involved. It’s beyond low.

    Free Member

    DM has probably done ed a favour.
    He’s always come across as a bit crap. Now he can stand up and shout, and people will probably support him on this.

    Full Member

    our actual energy costs are amongst the cheapest in Europe.

    I would think this is due to a lack of investment in new plants. When the utility company have no option to build new plant or repair a significant part of the network due to age the cost of our energy is going to sky-rocket.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the whole ‘the Mail supported the Nazis’ stick. I mean, it’s not like anybody currently linked with the paper (owners, employees, shareholders, whoever) was in any way a part of this support. Further, plenty of German (now global) companies must have supported the Nazis at the time. Do we hold this against them? Are modern Germans accountable for the support their ancestors gave the Nazis? Of course not. So why beat the Mail with it?

    Well isn’t the current owner the grandson of Lord Rothermere (he of ‘hurrah for the blackshirts’ fame)? Has he ever renounced his relatives views (like Ed is being asked to do) I wonder? Especially relevant given the constant stream of bigoted hate-mongering bile that the Mail puts out.

    Remember how when Thatcher died they were so outraged about the lack of respect shown to the deceased. But now they think it’s ok to make puns about someone’s father’s grave.

    A new low for the Mail. And that’s saying something.

    Trying to tie it to freedom of the press is almost hilarious in its cynicism.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    Portraying ed as some sort of rampant socialist is equally at odds with reality.

    I agree, that man is many things but rampant is not a word that would spring into my head

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Has anyone pointed out to the Daily Mail how unpatriotic it is to constantly be hysterically shouting that this country has become some kind of crime-infested socialist nightmare overrun with dangerous immigrants and benefit cheats. Despite the fact that actually in general this country is a great place to live (apart from the Daily Mail).

    Bit more unpatriotic than not being a big fan of the church, the monarchy and the Falklands war I would say.

    Full Member

    I don’t get the whole ‘the Mail supported the Nazis’ stick. I mean, it’s not like anybody currently linked with the paper

    if youre going to attack someone by digging up a 1 line diary entry that his teenage dad wrote and extrapolate that to him hating his country despite him then going to fight for it in the armed forces, then youre open to criticism of your newspaper at that time, especially when they were writing editorials in praise of the nazi party and dismissing

    “The minor misdeeds of individual Nazis would be submerged by the immense benefits the new regime is already bestowing upon Germany”


    Free Member

    The Telegraph republished their 1994 obituary of Ralph Miliband:


    Sadly nothing about his ‘evil legacy’ or how he ‘spent his entire life attempting to convert the impressionable young to his poisonous creed?’.

    Free Member

    I thought this a right non-story and wouldn’t be interested in it at all..but..I was absolutely fascinated by the bumbling, incoherant idiot Ed became when trying to defend his dad on the news.
    “i’ll use my platform as, as a… son..”. what? what a useless dork.

    Free Member

    From the Huff…

    Speaking on the Today programme on Tuesday morning, David Cameron said he understood Miliband’s anger about his father but wouldn’t criticise the Mail, saying he had not read the original piece. Health secretary Jeremy Hunt refused to condemn the Mail as well, preferring to highlight Ralph Miliband’s opposition to free markets in an interview with the BBC News Channel.

    Not that I believe for a second that Cameron came on to the Today programme without being briefed on the Mail article, but Hunt’s response was really nice.

    Free Member

    1. In some manufacturing sectors we now make and export more than we did in the 1970’s e.g. automotive, life sciences

    UK car manufacturing achieves all-time record exports in 2012

    2. manufacturing employment has risen over the last 3 years as UKTI’s efforts to extend UK supply chains around successful industry sectors kicks in

    When you mean we, do you mean Honda, Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Tata, and the like?

    3. we earn more from designing the intellectual property in some sectors than we would ever earn from the actual fabrication e.g. ARM Plc who last year received license fees on 8.7 Billion microprocessors

    Well that’s great, I’m sure everyone in the country could be employed doing this sort of stuff…er, hang on.

    4. Utilities in the UK are middle of the range for price compared to the rest of Europe. When you strip out the CO2 escalator / sustainable energy premium added on top of prices by Milliband when he was in power / Chris Huhne 2 years ago, our actual energy costs are amongst the cheapest in Europe.

    That’s great, due to privatisation and the subsequent lack of infrastructure investment which may cause power cuts within a few years, we finally get to build new nuclear reactors, which aren’t going to pay for themselves. Built by EDF I do believe. EDF, the energy supplier owner by the FRENCH Government.

    As for the “selling everything off” the rest of Europe has been doing this with the notable exception of France. Postal services in Germany and Netherlands were privatised years ago, First Group already and National Express are just about to take over train franchises in Germany and what was “British Gas” is now making Billions for the UK as “BG Group” who are developing LNG infrastructure in Brazil, Oman, Australia, Egypt, USA to name but a few places. Oh, and National Grid are pretty busy in the USA these days.

    Great again, It’s good to see a former nationalised company like British gas making money for it’s shareholders, Like international energy supplier does EDF does for it’s shareholder.

    The UK is actually doing pretty well – let’s not talk down a country and industries that are consistently punching above their weight on the world stage.

    Yep doing pretty well. For the few.

    Free Member

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