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  • More than 1 child………….selfish??
  • ton
    Full Member

    listened to a interview earlier, and just seen him on the news.
    a bloke who has been sacked from a high paid job talking about his beliefs and why he was sacked…….
    one of his comment was that people who have more than 1 child are selfish, and take more of the earths resources than they need.


    and to top it all the pillock rides a brompton.

    Free Member

    Seems reasonable. Each person on this planet uses up more of the resources. There is an unsustainable number of people on this planet. Reducing population is thus the most selfless thing you can do and having children the most selfish.

    Full Member

    What TJ said.

    Full Member

    Agree (with ton), surely two kids per couple makes sense (actually would need to be more than 2 to keep the population level constant, not everyone has kids or even gets to being old enough to have kids).

    Is this the guy trying to take his employer to court for making him redundant alledgedly because of his Green agenda? Using religeous hatred laws or something. Someone should point out that we're not very interrested in him or his barking ideas.

    Free Member

    I'm in agreement, plus kids are rubbish anyway so everyone wins if you don't have any.

    Full Member

    I assume we are talking about this chap.

    Re his sacking – I imagine it might be frustrating in a role like that but you are employed to disseminate the views and edicts of your employer no matter what you personally think. If you can't manage that maybe that’s not the job for you.

    Re the kids thing – I think I agree. People only have children for 100% selfish reasons (wanting to get to play at being parents, continuing their "blood line", having someone to wipe their arse when they are old and wrinkly, etc) and I happen to agree with him that the world would be a better place with a smaller number of us on it. That requires us having less kids per family. Lots of economists will tell us that the world would fall apart with less people to grease the wheels, but we have coped in the past and I'm sure we can do it in the future.

    Free Member

    Is it selfish to have two weetabix at breakfast instead of one as well?

    Full Member

    No thats just lame you need 3 for brekkie.

    Free Member

    I love kids, as long as I don't have any and a new car every year I'm happy!

    But it's true on natural resources and over population? well we could develop areas of Africa and other large land masses that are considered deserted states of land.


    Free Member

    Children are wonderful.

    And Convert – What horse shit!

    Free Member

    Further massive population growth is unsustainable. The planets resources are finite. We are squeezing a huge amount of species into extinction.

    Trumps "Aww kids are cute i want loads" imo.

    Full Member

    Why? Because you have them and can't hack it that the reason you had them is for your own edification? Think about it, what other reason is there?

    Free Member

    People only have children for 100% selfish reasons

    Then why are men made to feel like the selfish ones when they tell their partner that they don't want kids?

    Free Member

    For all those who think having kids is selfish, do the right thing – Jim Jones can help:


    Go on, save the planet from yourself.

    Free Member

    well we could develop areas of Africa and other large land masses that are considered deserted states of land.

    Well that's a great idea!

    😯 🙄

    Maybe your being ironic?

    Full Member

    i think all people who do not want kids should do us all a favour….see what br said…
    we were made with reproductory organs………..figure the rest out

    you sad f*cks 8)

    Free Member


    Well I have thought about it. I did not have my 2 children purely for my own gratification. I had them because I wanted to allow life to be born, to grow and to blossom. They are not promotional displays for myself or my wife, nor are they pushed with my own sometimes strong beliefs and agendas. They have their own tiny beautiful minds and hopefully will contribute to this planet and move on stronger than their predecessors.

    Its life. And life moves on.

    You need to get a hold on that bitterness brother!

    Free Member

    i'm with Ton

    Free Member

    I dont know why its so hard to grasp though, I know it sounds mad but if you think about it of course its selfish. If everyone keeps breeding at the rate (increasing rate) we do now then the world will be ****

    Free Member

    Convert your parents must be very proud and moved by your views on their motivation for having you.

    Full Member

    I'm with b r on this one- all the nimby's need to practice what they preach.

    Full Member

    Interesting article in this week's Economist: the fertility rate has now just dropped below 2.1 for the first time. The population will still continue to grow for a good few years but we're not likely to be squeezed off the planet!

    Free Member

    Keep smoking it 59 times…

    Full Member

    let's all move to scotland with our selfish wives, and all our kids……..
    and bug the **** out of teej……….. 😈

    Free Member

    Infact, maybe the problem isnt how many people there are, its actually how we choose to live.

    If you live a sustainable/eco friendly lifestyle then I'm happy for you to carry on breeding.

    However, if you drive a car, buy excessive amounts of food and luxury items then you seriously need to think about what your doing

    Free Member

    Also these "children" are the people who will be creating wealth and paying taxes to pay for your pensions,NHS, etc that you will be taking of advantage of in your old age.

    Free Member

    Wow, what well reasoned points in support of endless streams of kids.

    Free Member

    TON you do some ace trolling RESPECT to the Big man — you certainly use more that your fair share of resources especially Bikes and Pies … I know slap waiting this Sunday 😀

    Full Member

    Listen, doing something for your own self edification is fine and entirely natural. We do it in just about everything else we do in life. I just think denying that it had a part in choosing to become a parent when of course choice plays a part is deluding yourself.

    My parent, whilst disappointed they are not to be grandparents (selfish?) understand my reasons for not. My reasons could of course been seen as selfish as I don't want a bunch of rug rats getting in my way! I have more than enough of them at work (school)- i.e. I dont actually hate kids.

    Full Member

    i hate spinsters and sad tree hugging batchelors moreso…… 😈

    Free Member

    convert you are depressed mate.

    no really you are.

    tj your point falls down when you meet all the couples in middle age who didnt have kids because its selfish…they tend to be selfish c*cks.

    Free Member

    …and presumably TJ will be expecting someone elses children to contribute to his final salary pension scheme…

    Free Member

    slw – then why are you here? Earth that is. Why do you feel you have a valid right to your life yet negate the existence of the future populus and parents of this planet?

    Free Member

    Well said Crikey – draw a picture of our (aging) population demographic and you'll find it looks like an inverted triangle, i.e. the point at the bottom, with all those baby boomers about to shuffle off into retirement (yes you TJ!) at the top looking to us, the Generation X and Y to finance it all. We'll be lucky if we still even have a state pension.

    More children means greater intellectual capital to provide the solution; means greater tax revenues to finance the solution; means greater prosperity for mankind.

    Free Member

    in my facist empire, you wont be allowed more than 1 child.
    end of story

    the population needs reducing drastically.

    its currently (apparently) 6 times what can be sustained comfortably.
    i can believe that.

    ANYHOO, this bloke is interesting:

    why the FERK should he be fired for his beliefs, but your religious beliefs protect you?

    thats like saying "your beliefs are based on fact and(even though your job is RELATED to these belives, but if your beliefs are made up, fiction, then you ARE protected."

    what utter bull
    seriously, can no one else see that?

    his thoughts on the environment are probably the closest thing to religion he has?

    however, he did raise a whole load of money for BHF by driving a morris minor 20,000 miles, or something. very green?

    Free Member

    I'm sorry but if the likes of me and Teej have contributed taxes all these **** years putting your sprogs through education, hospital, etc then damn if them brats cant wipe up our skiddy drawers and mop our dribbling chins in our dotage.

    It the least they can do. ingrates.

    Free Member

    Rumbledethumps, you'd have to ask my parents the first question.

    I have not said i have a right to life. Not sure what you mean about the future.

    Of course people should breed. Maybe a bit less would be good for everyone?

    Problem is, how would one go about deciding how many kids can be produced, and by whom. Difficult one that.

    9.2 billion by 2050!!!

    Free Member

    didnt you spend all those taxes borrowing money that wasnt there to buy things you couldnt afford though?

    Free Member

    It's not the number of people on the planets thats unsustainable, its the lifestyle they lead. Crucial difference that. Ergo – the guy is a knob jockey.

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