Oh dear – I really should not have dipped back into this. Very funny tho that there is two more pages of people I have never met trying to tell me I do things I know I do not
its quite phenomenal how many of you simply miss the point
Junkyard – lots and lots of phrases where I qualify the absolute. even in your quote most people would not take “bugger all” as absolute zero would they? Why yo keep on doing this selective quoting and then inventing things yo claim I will say is rather obsessive
One more go
What you guys seem unable to understand is the separation between what the object is and what its marketed as – sometimes this gulf is small,sometimes large
I’ll pick a couple of posts apart to try to explain once more
How do you know what something is before you have bought it?
TJ » read the label?
So….. read the Marketing information on the Packaging then ?
No – the legally required mandatory information – ingredients and weight and so on. the objective info. I ignore everything but this
And again, the way a product looks and feels is erm……. Marketing
No – wrong – what I am looking at is the object. Ie will it meet my needs
TJ » research beforehand?
Ah, Internet Marketing or Maybe another media, but either way…… Marketing
No – looking for objective information on what it is
Well done, you’ve proved yourself wrong
Well done – yo have proved me right – you do not understand the difference nor do yo understand what I do.
“the IOID was an insurance replacement – to replace my commuter. its qualities matched what I wanted for that purpose”
Did the insurance company just send you an IOID, or did you choose it? Were there no other bikes on the planet with the same qualities, and if not, how did you know? If there were, why an IOID over the others?
I was offered an insurance replacement from wheelie with a value up to £1000. I had a list of criteria in my head I wanted. there was a limited list of bikes I could get – the IOID met more of the criteria I wanted thus I chose it.