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  • Monday Moaning….. Justifiable homicide?
  • paulneenan76
    Free Member

    i think anyone in P-jay’s office needs to evacuate and call the sharpshooters in.

    Free Member

    I went for a walk at lunchtime today, and could have quite cheerfully murdered several dozen Australians. It’s some sort of weird cultural thing – THEY JUST DON’T LOOK WHERE THEY ARE F-ING GOING.

    I suspect it’s also connected to their strange lack of awareness of the concept of personal space – I often have to “pull over” while walking because some knobber is walking exactly one pace behind me (usually talking loudly on their phone), or…. my personal favourite: somebody joins the pavement and starts walking alongside you for several blocks.

    Honestly – I don’t know how the murder rate in the US is so low – I think if I was allowed a gun, I would probably kill somebody most days.

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