Dropping my son of at school this morning a youth on a bike decided it was ok to ignore the lollipop lady and the half a dozen or so of 4-7 yearolds actually crossing the road at the time and just weave through them at full speed! The lollipop lady did her best to try and warn the kids in the road and by a miracle no-one actually got hurt. I cycle in to work most days and rarely have I seen such shabby behavior of a fellow cyclist! Apart from shouting at him I caught up with him and gave him a old fashion telling off. I’m not surpised cyclists get a bad reputation with lunatics like that on our roads! When cylists that currently won’t stop for either lollipop ladies or red lights realize that having to stop in traffic is an excellent opportunity to practise/show off your track standing skills then maybe they won’t be in so much of a hurry and show a bit of consideration.
Not much of a rant I know, but you have to start somewhere.