Home Forums Bike Forum Marzocchi AM SL Oil replace

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  • Marzocchi AM SL Oil replace
  • ackie
    Free Member


    I need to replace the oil in my 2006 All Mountain SL forks.

    Do I need to remove the TST Cartridge from the right leg to drain the oil from it?

    I only ask because if so, it means either buying a rare as Hen’s teeth “Marzocchi 12mm Spanner” or grinding down a 12mm socket.

    At this rate I might as well send them to Windwave for a service which is annoying as I’ve barely ridden them.



    Free Member

    If you’ve barely ridden them why service them? They aren’t made by Fox you know.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to get them serviced.
    I just want to check whether they have the right amount of oil in them, as they are renowned for having too much. Sending them for a service will be a lot less hassle than ordering $25 dollar tool from the US or grinding down my own!

    Free Member

    I found I had a smaller 12mm socket that fitted without any fettling.

    Free Member

    My experience with Marz forks is that they are running fine then just leave them. If they have too much oil in them then you will know by generally not achieving full travel on them.

    Haven’t touched the oil in my All Mountain 1 forks for about 3 years. The bombers I had were the same !

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