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  • Makes you proud to be British (German?)
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    God save our gracious Queen and the humility and virtue she bestows upon us all:


    I hope you are proud to fund such nobility to the tune of £5m extra… less than a weeks lottery payout when you think about it.

    What say you snivelling underlings?

    Full Member

    She rakes in 240 Million a year and we give her just 34 million of it back? sounds like a bargain to me 😀 i think you need extra Maths lessons peasant!

    Full Member

    I wonder what would happen if she appealed to the European courts about the compulsory grab of her income…

    Free Member

    Worth every penny imo.

    If only for the wonderful smile it put on Her Majesty’s face.

    Here’s how she looked when she was struggling on £31million a year :

    And this is how her face [Gawd bless ‘er] lit up when she heard that she was getting another £5million :

    It warms the cockles of your heart it does.

    And to be fair it’s all her money anyway, that’s why there’s a picture of her face on all them banknotes
    – that’s a fact.

    Free Member

    She’s not my queen, so IDGAS!

    Free Member

    Get over it. She’s the queen, she generates shed loads of cash for the UK, she’s our head of state and the royals are here to stay.

    Remember we had a go at getting rid of the royals a while back? Didn’t go so well so we brought them back.

    Have you not got anything worthwhile to whinge about?

    Free Member

    She rakes in 240 Million a year and we give her just 34 million of it back? sounds like a bargain to me i think you need extra Maths lessons peasant!


    Free Member

    Have you not got anything worthwhile to whinge about

    Well if they haven’t, the STW forum is full of people who do.

    Free Member

    Popocatapetl – Member
    She rakes in 240 Million a year and we give her just 34 million of it back? sounds like a bargain to me i think you need extra Maths lessons peasant!

    The Queen ? The Queens Estate

    That property would still be making money without her.

    Free Member

    That property would still be making money without her.

    But even if that’s true, is still not a reason to get rid of her, is it?

    Free Member

    It’s not a reason to keep her.

    Full Member

    I feel its time for Charles though.

    Free Member

    JoeG – Member

    She’s not my queen, so IDGAS!

    There’s no need to take such a disagreeable attitude just because you’re a foreigner. A little respect wouldn’t go amiss.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    zippykona – Member
    I feel its time for Charles though.

    The absurdity of the monarchy captured in a single sentence.

    Free Member

    It’s time for a meritocracy not aristocracy.

    Free Member

    Get over it. She’s the queen, she generates shed loads of cash for the UK, she’s our head of state and the royals are here to stay.

    She generates shedloads of cash? Strange, because she’s never done a day’s work in her life.

    Head of state? So, we are ultimately ‘ruled’ by an unelected individual who apparently has ‘divine right’ to do so? Wouldn’t we be better off with an actual democracy?

    But even if that’s true, is still not a reason to get rid of her, is it?

    It is true, and it’s a very good reason to get rid of the monarchy; we’d be £35 million better off if they didn’t exist.

    Bloody benefit scroungers.

    Free Member

    and it’s a very good reason to get rid of the monarchy

    No it’s not. I disagree. I’m a Royalist, if there was another civil war I wouldn’t be fighting for Parliament, put it that way.
    But that’s not the trendy point of view, is it?

    Free Member

    I’m a Royalist, if there was another civil war I wouldn’t be fighting for Parliament, put it that way.

    So you don’t believe in democracy then?

    Free Member

    So you don’t believe in democracy then?

    Stop twisting the argument.

    Free Member

    I’m not. I asked you a simple question.

    Free Member

    Perfectly valid question for someone choosing to fight for a monarch over an elected assembly.

    Free Member

    So replace the queen with a president? I’m willing to bet that wouldn’t be that much cheaper in the long run what with elections to be held. Rough costs to run the election are 80-100M pounds plus campaigning etc and then there’s wages, staff etc. Not sure what the point is to remove something for something that’s not really saving much in the grand scheme of things.

    Free Member

    I’ve been flirting with Republic-thoughts for quite a while. What does it mean to be British? I think it goes alot deeper than simply saying ‘Queen and God’.

    I think we are an Island-people who are opportunistic pure and simple with the mentality that wheres the muck theres brass (globally).

    We’ve been led down the killing fields path in part by royal involvement in the past.

    I think its time the Royals simply became a rich family and Britain was rebranded.

    Free Member

    Strange, because she’s never done a day’s work in her life.

    she normally attends over 300 engagements a year, even at her age – here’s an old yahoo answer on the subject:


    Free Member

    she normally attends over 300 engagements a year

    I went to the cinema, theatre and the V+A this weekend. It was a hectic few days.

    And your point was?

    Free Member

    How much money does the Royal Family bring in in tourism? They do also add some commercial clout to international ventures too.

    I know they’re not elected and in theory have ultimate power, but they do seem to be sensible about it. Charles won’t be on the thrown for long, William looks like a sound chap and at least Harry won’t get there now!

    Can you even begin to imagine the cost and disruption to the nation, and in fact the world, if Royalty was disbanded? The only way to do it would be a military coup, and that just won’t happen.

    Free Member

    I think its time the Royals simply became a rich family and Britain was rebranded.

    And you think the queen buggering off will somehow loop around in time and retrospectively fix the things our ancestors did? History is done and I doubt if we’d had a non-royal figurehead we’d have behaved that much differently. The French empire didn’t vanish in 1793 when they shortened the king; it carried on regardless and they ended up with an Emperor shortly afterwards.

    Free Member

    How much money does the Royal Family bring in in tourism?

    About as much as the French, Italian, Russian and Chinese royal families do.

    she normally attends over 300 engagements a year,

    So do TOWIE cast members.

    Free Member

    How much money does the Royal Family bring in in tourism?

    Go on; how much?

    I was never aware that they were employed by the British Tourist Board.

    Full Member

    Not sure what the point is to remove something for something that’s not really saving much in the grand scheme of things.

    remove the divine right and royal blood bit and start calling it “UK representative via accident of birth” and it might be slightly more palatable.

    Free Member

    The ruling classes, the class system and ultimately the aristocracy led to many many young men being slaughtered ‘for King and country’ in world war one.

    Britain WONT collapse. It will carry on as we have past. Alot of countries don’t. We’ll evolve. Thats the thing, we’ve always evolved as a people.

    Free Member

    Forget about the Queen, Vettel is a KNOB.

    Free Member

    I know they’re not elected and in theory have ultimate power, but they do seem to be sensible about it. Charles won’t be on the thrown for long, William looks like a sound chap and at least Harry won’t get there now!

    The royal veto on legislation actually gets used fairly regularly, including I believe to stop a debate on the Iraq war. In the 21st century this is bloody ridiculous.


    Free Member

    Can you even begin to imagine the cost and disruption to the nation, and in fact the world, if Royalty was disbanded? The only way to do it would be a military coup, and that just won’t happen.

    You are really overstating the complexity of disestablishment of the monarchy and the importance of the monarchy to global politics.

    Free Member

    Go on; how much?

    Quick Google brought up this statistic (may/may not be true): ” 12 million tourists visit every year spending 7,000 million pounds”

    You are really overstating the complexity of abolition of the monarchy.

    It may be simple to do, and a lot of people may want it to happen, but there’re an awful lot of people who won’t want it to happen, and that’s the problem with it. Has there ever been any kind of formal poll of how many people actually want to get rid of the monarchy?

    Free Member

    12 million people come here just because we have a monarchy?

    Free Member

    12 million people come here just because we have a monarchy?

    Maybe. Who knows. Certainly lots do.
    My point is simply that getting rid of the Monarchy and replacing with a President doesn’t strike me as being beneficial enough to have to deal with the hassle of getting rid of the Royals, unless they do it themselves of course.

    Full Member

    Imagine who’d be lining up to be President, and their “expenses”, then lets stick with Royalty as a much more logical and less embarrassing option.

    Free Member

    The deeper you dig the less obvious the costs are. The costs do not include security and some hangers on to the title etc. It could be much clearer than it is, usual political tactics.

    I really don’t see the point of royals in this day and age. I don’t mean to say get rid of them just not financially support them! They have plenty of money and estates. They will still pull in massive revenue for the country. The Netherlands royals would be a good template.

    I mean the scrap Saxe-Coburg-Gotha/Wettin/Windsor have always been loyal ha ha!


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