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  • Made me ashamed to live where I do
  • joolsburger
    Free Member

    The following is a genuine FB comment in regard to 5 or so traveller caravans parking up on some land owned by our local healthclub this was in response to a comment saying they would not be moved due to their human rights.

    “We have human rights and we can’t use the healthclub, People pay to use that facility, they are being denied their human rights too”

    I was speechless.

    Free Member

    Is the land used for anything at all, have they parked up on a football pitch?

    Free Member

    A surprising number of people with strong opinions about “human rights” have almost no idea what the concept involves, do they?

    Full Member

    Get one of these and go and show your support…

    Free Member

    its all a bit wrong really.

    im not sure its a human right to park a van and caravan on privately owned land ?

    equally im not sure the gym is a human right either.

    Free Member

    I was speechless.

    What exactly are you speechless about? 😕

    Free Member

    Which human rights allow the di… errrm Travellers to trespass and prevent access to the health club?

    Free Member

    Made me ashamed to live where I do

    Which caravan is yours? ….and isn’t the geographical nature of your shame easily remedied? 8)

    Free Member

    Beaten to it. Was just going to add that as an edit. Damn you sausage boy 🙂

    Free Member

    You’re worried about the local populace’s attitude to gypsies? Come to Morley and you’ll probably be reassured that it’s not quite as bad where you are..

    We have public meetings about plans to expand legitimate sites with hundreds unable to get into the town hall and councillors trotting out “over my dead body” type comments (and, of course, no representation from the gypsy and traveller communities themselves).

    Free Member

    Is the land used for anything at all, have they parked up on a football pitch?

    Football season start soon! 😡

    Free Member

    It seemed to me that people could be a little less unpleasant I was surprised people get away with such open hatred.. Treat people like animals and that’s what you get.

    Free Member

    Had some travellers manage to get into the local park recently and set up. Pain in the posterior – they just leave rubbish in bags outside the caravan so the foxes rip into them. Eventually the police were called because they were driving around the football fields a high speed one evening for a laugh. Left a lot of mess.

    My local park is well-used, especially in the summer months, for football training (boys and girls which is good), rugby, marching band practice, cricket and even croquet so it was a bit of a problem.

    They eventually moved on but at the expense of the tent show as they had to lock the gates and customers couldn’t park to buy stuff (that’s how they managed to get in) and had to park elsewhere and walk in.

    Free Member

    “Treat people like animals and that’s what you get.”

    nope thats definantly how they arrived.

    the first set we had were lovely people – about 12 families in all – nice clean living , tidy people.

    then another 30 turned up – the first 12 were forced out – this lot were roudy , abusive, stealing sheep and butchering them for the fire , leaving rubbish , chucking it out of their windows as they drove up the road , stole a motorbike and burned it out in the quarry.

    live and let live but that lot….well. animals as you say.

    Full Member

    I find the charming Romany types most appealing trait, when they set up near us recently, was just squatting down and curling off a big steaming turd in the middle of the footpath

    It was an interesting little history lesson in what life must be like . Going for a walk and avoiding the depth charges all over the place, from delightful travelling folk treating the place like an open sewer

    Free Member

    It seemed to me that people could be a little less unpleasant I was surprised people get away with such open hatred.. Treat people like animals and that’s what you get.

    Its hardly open hatred, although hearing some of the stories from people who have had to deal with these situations…..it would hardly be surprising if it were.

    How about the adage of treating people as you would like to be treated and respecting other peoples lives? What gives anyone the right to park their homes on other peoples land and…..oh you know the rest!

    Free Member

    Some people are idiots, some are not. Lifestyle or culture has nothing to do with this.

    Free Member

    As above really, if they could look after their sites better, not be too anti-social and leave no trace, they would have many more places open to them.

    Free Member

    So to clarify. If Danny Mac does his next video in a travellers site, then STW would implode?

    ….and Danny would probably get his bike nicked.

    Full Member


    Sometimes you need to confuse the opposition.

    Free Member

    Step away from the keyboard, fasthaggis.

    You’re obviously plastered.

    Full Member

    I’ve met some lovely members of the travelling community at permanent sites – though I’m never sure how a traveller can have a permanent site tbh. Keep their sites and vans immaculate, very respectful, though they have some very “old-fashioned” views on some issues.

    I have also had to deal with the “trespassing” variety of travellers, nearly of whom were arrogant, confrontational and convinced that they have a God given right to do as they please on other peoples property with impunity, usually involving their “human rights”.

    A little tolerance on both sides would help the reasonable majority find a way to co-exist. I would be tempted to then adopt a swift zero tolerance approach to the remaining extremes on both sides of the debate. 👿

    Full Member

    I used to commute past a designated local authority well-maintained Traveller caravan site and there was rarely more than a few vans there. Having not had the opportunity to treat travellers in any particular way my experiences of them have all been negative. Sad, but true.

    Free Member

    OP lets here some of your positive experiences with travellers.

    I was speechless

    until logging onto stw.

    Free Member

    We had a £5000 clean up bill after these quaint travellers invaded our company grounds. Sorted our scrap disposal out though but that’s usually our xmas bonus.

    Full Member

    “We have human rights and we can’t use the healthclub, People pay to use that facility, they are being denied their human rights too”

    It seemed to me that people could be a little less unpleasant I was surprised people get away with such open hatred.. Treat people like animals and that’s what you get.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’m really struggling to see any actual hatred in the first quotation. It seems like a reasonable reaction to people being allowed to illegally occupy someone else’s property, using their ‘human rights’ to do so.
    Perhaps someone could highlight the bit that actually shows ‘hatred’…

    Free Member

    It’s got nothing to do with my experiences with travellers good or otherwise. It’s that someone could, without a hint of irony, use the words human rights in regard to their gym membership. It’s a bit indicative of how, as prices rise in an area, normal people with a sense of perspective are replaced by insular dickheads who think their wealth gives them special rights to treat and think about other people as though they are shit. Perhaps hatred was the wrong word but it’s a hateful mindset.

    Full Member

    happened a few weeks ago in a gym in orpington .

    same comments about unable to use the gym in the local newspaper .

    Free Member

    actually shows ‘hatred’…

    Oh FFS, don’t go and spoil it. I was just starting to foam at the mouth.

    Free Member

    I thought gypo’s were the last type of people its still acceptable to hate? Well them and fatties of course.

    Free Member

    edlong – Member

    You’re worried about the local populace’s attitude to gypsies? Come to Morley and you’ll probably be reassured that it’s not quite as bad where you are..

    We have public meetings about plans to expand legitimate sites with hundreds unable to get into the town hall and councillors trotting out “over my dead body” type comments (and, of course, no representation from the gypsy and traveller communities themselves).

    I know the site they are trying to expand and it’s a shit hole. Plenty of police raids there to recover stolen goods. Nice bunch of people there that are just misunderstood.
    If I still lived in Morley I would object too. Ask the local businesses how they like their neighbours including the farm above them.

    Free Member

    I’m 25% Gypsy. Funerals can be interesting.

    Free Member

    I thought gypo’s were the last type of people its still acceptable to hate? Well them and fatties of course.

    Gingers, can we still do the Gingers?

    Free Member

    I would suggest that the OP updates us on his feelings towards the travellers in about 3 months time.

    Full Member

    Who’d be a fat ginger gypsy these days eh?

    Free Member

    Seems to me that if I was a traveller I’d be off around Europe enjoying the sun. Or do they need to be here for benefits?

    Free Member

    “Treat people like animals and that’s what you get.”

    treat somebodies property like a pig sty and get treated like animals.

    Full Member

    I’m still slightly confused why the O :?P thinks membership of a gym excludes you from human rights legislation

    Free Member

    craigxxl – Member

    edlong – Member

    You’re worried about the local populace’s attitude to gypsies? Come to Morley and you’ll probably be reassured that it’s not quite as bad where you are..

    We have public meetings about plans to expand legitimate sites with hundreds unable to get into the town hall and councillors trotting out “over my dead body” type comments (and, of course, no representation from the gypsy and traveller communities themselves).

    I know the site they are trying to expand and it’s a shit hole. Plenty of police raids there to recover stolen goods. Nice bunch of people there that are just misunderstood.
    If I still lived in Morley I would object too. Ask the local businesses how they like their neighbours including the farm above them.

    Not that site as it goes, but I know the one you mean, very close to where I live and I pass it often. There are indeed many objections about the expansion of that site, and pretty reasonable ones to. In fact, many of the Gypsies / Travellers, and certainly GATE (the charity that supports / advocates in Leeds for that community) all agree that the proposed expansion isn’t suitable or appropriate.

    No, this was about a proposed new site, on the old Orcol oil recovery site by the station if you know the area (prior to that the gasworks, gives you an indication of how suitable that land might or might not be to be lived on). Again, there are many reasonable objections to why this may not be a suitable residential site for travellers, but much of what was reported from the public meeting was not reasonable, it was racist stigmatisation and ignorance that would almost certainly not be tolerated against any other group, but is okay when aimed at Gypsies and Travellers.

    Full Member

    I have had hundreds of exchanges with gypsies, all of them negative
    Never had the truth out of them
    Locked a fair few up for ripping old people off for building jobs
    In my opinion they are a waste of space

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