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  • Luther
  • allthepies
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    Was a bit poo really wasn’t it.

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    Spacemonkey very much agree with it, pushing the boundaries of what a copper will do .. yes but that is ridiculous. Pleb TV isn’t that just normal BBC!? In which case I have pleb TV and no recording method, iplayer for me! Twas good but not sure how much longer I would be able to watch it.

    I do think Idris Elba is a phenomenal actor but I still think he was better in The Wire (plus hotter but as already said that was 8 years ago!).

    Full Member

    Idris was immense in The Wire. And he’s good in Luther, but IMO he has to keep bigging up his maverick attitude and ends up doing stuff that’s either OTT or just unlikely.

    Just another cop show where the threads and ending are hammed together.

    EDIT: And I remember seeing him interviewed a year or two ago and IMO he came across as an arrogant prick. I don’t think that’s the real ‘him’ though.

    Free Member

    Really like Luther. Yes its a bit OTT and that Pycho bird stretches credibility but all good to me.

    The wire is one of the best shows that I’ve seen. Awesome!

    Free Member

    TV doesn’t have to be realistic to be good TV. I thought it was very entertaining and brings some great characters and set pieces. The overlapping story lines are complex but the sum of the parts is greater.

    Full Member

    i’ve missed a step. who are the prostitute and her mother and how do they relate to the murderer ?

    Full Member

    i’ve missed a step. who are the prostitute and her mother and how do they relate to the murderer ?

    They don’t. They’re a “side” story to the plot of the first 2 episodes. And they look like being the plot in the second 2.

    TBH I’m a bit meh about it. Elba’s got great presence, for sure, but the writing is a bit weak and I don’t care much for comic horror.

    I think Crowley’s character, Schenk, is more interesting.

    Full Member

    i’ve missed a step. who are the prostitute and her mother and how do they relate to the murderer ?

    They don’t – its a separate story line

    EDIT – beaten to it

    I’m not as keen on this series so far, I think the first series was a much better performance, but its still very nice viewing. Given the massive swerve the last series took I’m quite keen to see where this one goes

    Free Member

    I agree, last night’s was a slip in quality, let’s hope it was just a blip.

    The ‘black hole’ monologue concluding in him working out it was the kiddies was a bit too preposterous.

    Free Member

    (Mr MC posting)

    too tall, it doesnt have to be realistic -I am quite willing to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride, but if the character youre following does something or reacts in a way that doesnt fit with their character, it’s jarring and makes me “drop out” of following it. The whole scene with the nail (wont say more for iplayerists but someone has mentioned it) was ridiculous as Luther is not a character that follows convention or rules, so the idea he would be open to manipulation by not being able to act conventionally and arrest the protagonists was farcical.

    And as headfirst says, some of his deductions that lead to him figuring out the next step smack of lazy writing, “we need to get from point A to point C and can’t come up with B so we’ll skip it”.
    I didnt mind the OTT horror of the first villian, and thought they could have expanded on and made more of his fragility, rather than tying everything up in 20 minutes.

    I doubt I’ll be watching the next 2 as these protagonists appear to take centre stage. Like the theme tunes though (massive attack).

    Will have to look out for shadow line and spiral both of which passed me by.

    Free Member

    hmm, I enjoyed last night. but it seemed rushed, probably to fit in the other story line over the next two weeks. would of much prefered one storyline over the four weeks. the wire did it for 10 episode seasons, so why can’t UK TV?

    Speaking of the wire, just re watched it all for the second time. I love how Marlo has an air of menace about him in season 4 and 5, but never gets angry, then he does this (NSFW and a bit of a spoiler!):

    British TV could use some help with creating really realistic and evil characters!

    Free Member

    easy warton I’m only on season 2!!!

    Free Member

    only watch for the strangely sexy Ruth Wlson

    Full Member

    A 4 episode series?????

    I didn’t watch the first series and have quite enjoyed this, apart from the fact that Luther seems to be able to know exactly what the crims are up to, but 4 episodes is a bit lame, doesn’t give much opportunity to link to the previous series does it.

    Ho hum.

    Free Member

    Better the boringly pretentious Shadow Line. So there. 😛

    Free Member

    the wire did it for 10 episode seasons, so why can’t UK TV?

    Money, I expect.

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