I doubt a Rib will insulate you, and I’d rather be hit on a yacht than a rib. Assuming there is no major stuctural/fire damage to the yacht then you should be able to sail home, and simple diesel engines or small outboards have such little/simple electronics that you can probably motor home just moaning about the expensive damage to your navigation toys.
On a RIB (I’m assuming it is outboard powered). The engines are increasingly complicated and ECU’s are likely to be fried by a strike on the a-frame. More worryingly most RIBs carry rather a large amount of petrol, which could make a bit of a bang! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a RIB a-frame which was properly “grounded” to sea either (unlike some/all? yacht masts). Might be worth asking over on http://www.rib.net (the stw of the rib world) – as presumably some of the offshore / north sea guys must at least have risk assessed it and decided if there was anything you could do.