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  • Lewis brakes on the Intense race team bikes
  • matlockmeat
    Free Member

    So back in 2023 I bought a set of these brakes and reported how good they were.

    I received a barage of abuse about my choice in brakes, which in my opinion was a cowardly and pathetic response by people who had not even used them.

    So now the Intense factory racing team are using these brakes, are all those who got abusive going to admit they were wrong and apologise?

    My brakes are a year old and still going strong. Absolutely love them.

    If Intense are will to use them then you know they are some of the best brakes around.


    Full Member

    I think the general consensus wasnt if the brakes were good or not, it was more the fact they are a direct copy of Trickstuff.

    Rather than the company making their own set-up, they have just copied someone elses hard work and development.

    If you pay a team enough money, they will run whatever product you like. So whilst i am sure they are excellent (they should be, they are a copy of some very good brakes), i wouldnt use a pro team as a benchmark.

    But its good that you like them.

    PS, i have no issue with the brakes themselves. There are many copied products in this world, you pay your money, you take your pick.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I remember that thread.

    Not so much the abuse… But there was a lot of heated discussion was not around them being good brakes but around them being a direct ripoff of good brakes. Not sure why having a factory race team use them changes that fact in any way, certainly doesn’t make anyone else suddenly wrong.

    Full Member

    I received a barage of abuse about my choice in brakes, which in my opinion was a cowardly and pathetic response by people who had not even used them.

    So now the Intense factory racing team are using these brakes, are all those who got abusive going to admit they were wrong and apologise?

    Oh mate, I’ve just had a really bad couple of weeks, but this has just made me laugh out loud.

    Hope you find the closure you need.

    Free Member

    I will save folk the time:

    Lewis brakes – any good?


    Lewis brakes – Pink bike review


    This thread.

    “Bee in your bonnet” would be the phrase my old gran would have used.

    Free Member

    “Cowardly and pathetic”


    Bless your heart. Don’t worry about what people think, just enjoy riding your bike, at the end of the day it’s just a big toy for playing in the woods.

    Full Member

    OP’s only forum contributions over the past 9 months or so are all about talking up Lewis brakes. Read into that what you want.

    Full Member

    Read into that what you want.

    I think they’re astroturfing. OP, are you astroturfing?

    Full Member

    Brakes are for girls anyway

    Free Member

    OP, I for one would like to put my hand up and apologise.

    Your choice to define your online identity based on some Chinese brakes is totally validated by a factory team (current average team rider ranking, 160th) using them.

    Do you feel better now?

    Full Member

    Hi , I’m Andrew Tate and when I ride, I ride with Lewis Brakes.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter to me how good they are or what team are using them, I just don’t fancy having anything called Lewis on my bike. Sorry.

    Full Member

    The ethics, environmental aspects and human rights of the people making these brakes is still the same if Intense are running them or not.

    Full Member

    Lewis (or their UK distributor) had clearly paid youtubers to use/review them without declaring it so it seems likely.

    Full Member

    Is this thread going how you expected it to @matlockmeat ?

    Full Member

    Lewis (or their UK distributor) had clearly paid youtubers to use/review them without declaring it so it seems likely.

    Indeed. I certainly saw a number of ‘gram accounts make videos about the new amazing Lewis brakes they were trying. There was a degree of hype about it and no one was declaring they got them free. Maybe heavily discounted?

    Many of those people have subsequently posted bike builds and shots that don’t show them using Lewis brakes.

    Read into that what you will.

    Free Member

    Intense using the brakes does suddenly make it wrong that people called them out for copying trickstuff. I’ve never seen so much hate directed at a company.

    No way would a top race team risk their reputation or riders life by running some knock off brakes.

    And to the person that mentioned closure, yes, it’s given me closure. I was over the moon when I saw Intense running them, because it was clarification I was right and the folk that won’t try these brakes for “ethical” reasons are pethetic.

    Finally to the guy who asked is the thread going as I expected. Yes it is and I love it.

    Full Member

    Are you astroturfing?

    renoir shore
    Free Member

    I didn’t comment on the original thread, but I did read it. I stand by the thoughts I had at the time, and I refuse to apologise for them.

    Full Member

    Reported for astroturfing.

    Same thread, same person, same brakes.

    Matlockmeat is the biggest advert AGAINST Lewis brakes on the whole internet.

    Full Member

    Does it really bother you that much?

    Full Member

    I also bought a copy of ‘Digital Marketing for Beginners’ by Neil/Fruit/Tango.

    Looks like you haven’t read the last chapter.

    Full Member

    Are you astroturfing?

    Lewis Spamilton

    Full Member

    cowardly and pathetic

    " alt="" title="" class="bbcode-image" />

    Full Member

    because it was clarification I was right and the folk that won’t try these brakes for “ethical” reasons are pethetic.

    We’re all riding very expensive toys around in giant circles in the woods for fun…I think you might be overthinking it. And if you are astroturfing for Lewis, you’re doing a terrible job for them.

    Full Member

    I do hope the OP (Mr Lewis) isn’t actually affiliated to them, as he’s doing them more harm than good.

    I’m not gonna buy any even if they were being used by a actual top race team, rather than Intense, for the same reason I didn’t buy a pair of Jordans I saw on a market stall in Spain for 25 euros….

    Full Member

    Intense using the brakes does suddenly make it wrong that people called them out for copying trickstuff.

    It changes absolutely nothing and I have no idea what logical gymnastics you are doing to think otherwise.

    Intense are not risking their reputation at all because a lot of people have never heard of the brand they copied. Intense know this and they took the risk that the backlash would be minimal.

    because it was clarification I was right

    Only in your head. Here in the real world – at risk of laboring the point – nothing has changed.

    Well other than you being an excellent advert for every brake brand that isn’t lewis – especially now you are calling everyone who disagreed with you pathetic and cowardly. Your words says a lot more about you than your choice of brakes but you really are not selling them. -100 internet points.

    Full Member

    I hope the OP is getting paid for this.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Who tf is Lewis?

    Full Member

    Has anyone apologised yet?

    The downside looks awfy similar to the trick stuff.  I’m happy on my hopes. I’m glad Matlockmeat is happy on their Lewis (knock off or not). I think that’s all the internet and real life needs.

    Coming back on and throwing the toys out the pram seems a bit childish.

    Free Member

    Why is everyone arguing with a bot?

    Full Member

    No way would a top race team risk their reputation or riders life by running some knock off brakes.

    How about sanding the logos off tyres and painting the logo of a sponsor on instead (because the sponsor’s product wasn’t as good.) Or repainting a different frame to look like a sponsor’s bike?

    Or, in F1, just copying a rivals car (and having points docked for being caught?)

    Of course they’ll run knock offs if it gets them across the finish line faster.

    Full Member

    No way would a top race team risk their reputation or riders life by running some knock off brakes.

    It won’t threaten the Intense reputation.  I don’t believe anyone has suggested that performance wise – they are a bad brake and using them will risk someone’s life.  The latter is a more of a flight than an epic leap of logic.

    was clarification I was right

    Dude, it is just a factory team using Lewis brakes – it is no confirmation of anything. You do realise how little factory riders use or rely on their brakes?  Also, there is every chance that whilst their brakes look externally identical – they may not functional similarly.  A good example of this is suspension.  I have been lucky enough to own several pairs of  high-forks and rear shocks – but I don’t imagine they functional identically to those on the enduro circuit.

    I am very glad that you find the performance and reliability of these brakes excellent.  I don’t think anyone would want otherwise.

    I did not comment on the original thread – as I did not have anything unique to offer.  This time around, you seem to be making a lot of assumptions of peoples motivation to respond on your original thread.

    If  folk that won’t try these brakes for “ethical” reasons.

    Surely that’s their choice – it doesn’t make them pethetic (sic).

    Full Member

    Who tf is Lewis?

    Kevin Wheatley.

    Full Member

    In the press release they’re all on TRP brakes. When did they switch?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I do hope the OP (Mr Lewis) isn’t actually affiliated to them, as he’s doing them more harm than good.

    I’m not gonna buy any even if they were being used by a actual top race team, rather than Intense, for the same reason I didn’t buy a pair of Jordans I saw on a market stall in Spain for 25 euros….

    I’d say I’m doing a pretty good job. Loads of people have had a go on my set of Lewis brakes and bought a set themselves on the back of it.

    By the way I run all brake brands on my bikes. I have bo affiliation to any.

    This started from a thread asking for reviews, which triggered a lot of hatred for the brakes. I wouldn’t have continued posting if people hadn’t have kept posting negative comments.

    It highlights there are some very sensitive indivuals who can’t scroll past a post if they have nothing positive to say.

    I stand by the brakes as being one of the best I’ve tried.

    If somone is too pig headed to try them, then that’s their loss.

    Full Member

    I have bo affiliation to any.

    Craiiiggggg Daaaavviiiiidddd

    Full Member

    By the way I run all brake brands on my bikes. I have bo affiliation to any.

    What bike are your Trickstuff brakes on?

    I stand by the brakes as being one of the best I’ve tried.

    Why haven’t you waxed quite so lyrically about the other best ones?

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