Hi Nick
Bridleway as Fleetwith Pike proper looks like a fair bit of carrying down. 😕
If the top of Red Pike goes (it looks bloody steep and possible loose – hard to tell from a distance), the bottom section I gather is tone pitched steps but not too steep or deep. Heck, it’s worth a go!
My bike is goosed from yesterday. The drive train including the rear mech urgently needs replaced as the chain struggled to stay on the big ring which is now more bashguard than chainring, the dropper post started seizing, the rear tyre is close to having very little tread in the middle and the bearings are shot. Other than that, it’s all good! It was one of those rides where I was having to have half an eye on how the bike would hold together as opposed to being confident in it’s ability to get my down stuff. The worn cleats were the killer though. Endo hops are tough when your foot keeps popping out! 😀