Same as a lot of people grew up with playing soldiers, cowboys & indians, cops & robbers, etc. Heros on TV were Starsky & Hutch, The A Team and films loved were the Dirty Dozen, Battle of the Bulge, 633 Squadron, etc prior to the total cultural A bomb that was Star Wars when I was 10 in ’77. that resulted in arms that knuckles that were constantly bruised from “light sabre” battles.. ..
As a kid in the 70’s WWII was still very much part of the recent social memory too. We had real heros they were our fathers and Uncles and grandparents who had seen service, I played with Airfix & Action man, we all did – it was aspirational. I ended up in the TA for 5 years as a result of going Army Barmy in my teenage years.
Are we not seeing a reflection of our society’s now deep affection for our armed forces, are children simply not aspiring to their real life heros…. or is it just me..