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  • Keith Flint – Prodigy
  • gnusmas
    Full Member

    Saw them 3 times in total, absolutely mind blowing live. Saw this version of out of space earlier, absolutely brilliant in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I liked that G,I still get the rushes the minute I hear them strings.Good Job!!

    Full Member

    Auction tomorrow if anyone is thinking of a memento.
    Keith Flint Collection at Cheffin’s

    Full Member

    There is something profoundly sad about seeing something like that. I understand that this is better than landfill, but to see a life’s memories auctioned like that is really sad.

    Free Member

    An oddly fascinating view in to someone’s life, though.

    His taste in oriental furniture and riding boots is both pleasing and surprising in equal measure.

    Full Member

    Between the mandolins and the thought of all his gear getting flogged on I’m basically in tears. Agree totally with Willard. 🙁

    Free Member

    It is sad, bad it’s also kind of heart warming that fans might get to have a piece of his estate as a keepsake.

    Some of those signed lids are probably worth a bob or two.

    Free Member

    Just realised you can watch live, I wonder how much stuff will go to genuine fans or if its getting bought by places to sell on for a profit?

    Would have liked one of the album gold discs to hang on the wall but knew they would be thousands to get.

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