lawmanmx and idave, i have started it already, but struggling with the no carbs already.
if you struggle to ‘diet’ maybe try a different approach? the only way i could shed fat was to use ‘intermittent fasting’. wife does it now too. theres different methods. either eat normally in an 8hr window, zero calories for the remaining 16 (youll find you eat less), or….do 24hr fasts, twice a week. sounds savage but its actually quite easy when you get started. once youve finished tea, zero cals til tomorrow tea.
eat normally when you are eating. and youll obviously only consume 5 sevenths of what you would have done each week. i found its far easier than eating smaller meals, counting calories, greeen days/red days/sins etc.
may not be for you, but have a google, theres loads of info on it. sounds unhealthy but it actually appears to be the opposite and theres links to show it can improve some health issues such as diabetes.
best of luck.