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  • job application/provisional license question…
  • hungrymonkey
    Free Member

    just finishing my degree this year and looking to apply for a graduate training scheme (starting aug/spet/oct '10 at a guess).
    the initial application is to be in on the 8th dec, with preliminary interviews on the 21st/22nd jan.
    on the application sheet it states that unless you are disabled you need to hold a full driving license.

    through a silly fault i failed my test on monday, to the surprise of my instructor (and would have had 4 minors, if i'd not left my bloody indicator on by mistake). i know i can pass my test, its almost a given…

    however my next test is on the 25th jan, after the interviews.

    therefore i cannot put on the application that i hold a full driving license. the application form has no space for notes.
    i'm thinking that i should put a note on the email i send with the application form, but i'm worried they will miss it when they are doing their considerations.

    thing is, the training scheme is with an org i've wanted to work with since i was 16, and i'm absolutely desperate to have a good shot. i feel i am well qualified for the scheme, and i think i would have a good chance. i'd just be gutted if i fail to get to interview just because i don't quite have a license 9 months before the job would start…

    what should i do?!

    Free Member

    You cannot lie and say you have a drivers licence when you don't as it would be fraud by false representation (in theory!!). I would suggest you make a note saying that you have a date for your test and listing it, otherwise there is not much more you can do.

    Free Member

    Tell them you're disabled

    Then when you get the gig tell them you 'feel better now, thanks.'

    Free Member

    get your instructor to look for a cancellation – maybe try another test centre. you can get tests at really short notice if you want to travel.

    Full Member

    Is it actually fraud? Everyone makes mistakes when filling out forms…

    I think your bigger issue is that they are going to ask to see the license at the interview.

    Free Member

    hmm, kinda figures i couldn't lie… just wondering if there was a more solid way of notifying them that i am confident i will have a license by the start of the training… worried a note wouldn't actually register with them.
    am currently looking for cancellations, but unless i get one by 9am on the 8th it'll not make much difference.

    Free Member

    i would be surprised if you couldnt get one in that time.

    Free Member

    by the 8th dec?! in kirkcaldy btw. checked twice today, soonest is now 26th jan i think. not keen on taking test in dundee.

    Free Member

    look at dunfermline or falkirk or anywhere else for that matter. phone them and see what they have.

    Free Member

    Phone your prospective employer and be straight with them. A note/email could go amiss, but maybe they'll remember the young man who had the balls to ring them up?

    Free Member

    my instructor doesn't really operate that far, although i could give him a ring. i need his car to take the test in really, and would like a spin in the car before my test, as his car is a lot different to the one i usually drive.

    freddy i might give that i go, although would need to find names and numbers, its, er, a rather large organisation!

    Free Member

    A car's a car, don't worry about that. Plus, if your instructors worth his salt he'll take you anywhere if you pay him.

    Free Member

    Keeping in mind that its a scheme for graduates I wonder if they've considered that a full driving license might be a bit of a big ask for people fresh out of college. Best you can do is to hope that a note is, um, noted. Worst you can do is lie.

    Free Member

    Strange how they would treat the disabled and the able bodied differently.

    Free Member

    I know the STW possie say 'oh you can't lie' but there fooling themselves, I have many different bits of paper ranging letters of reference to a degree not once has an employer checked i have these to match my CV, whilst you could get caught out i would put down that you can, then do as goan says and try and get a cancellation between now and interview.(he knows what hes talking about as he used to teach driving)

    if you haven't passed by then I'd look to applying the next time round, or an alternative company.

    oh providing your not applying to BSM. 😀

    Free Member

    from what i understood, things like turning points differ car to car, so i guess i'd be mroe comfortable in the same car for the test where i just need to get everything correct by the regulations. i'm sure he would travel further, but i'm struggling to afford the tests/lessons as it is.
    skidartist, its a post uni scheme, while i reckon its true what you said to an extent, the nature of the job means that a license is a definite need.
    geetee, positive discrimination ain't it… additionally any disabled people who apply (as long as they match the required criteria (except driving license)) are guaranteed an interview… 😐
    tails, it may be an option 😉
    and it ain't BSM… more FC 8)

    Free Member

    Turning points are what we use to keep it simple and teach a concept – the reality is that they dont really matter.

    Free Member

    aye, but given that i know them in that car, i'd rather not jusm in a new car which i've not driven before for my test! you learn to 'drive' after your test, no?

    Free Member

    eh – no. unfortunately for the vast majority of people the day they pass their test is as good as it gets, then its all down hill from there.

    Full Member

    If they really want you they'll not see the license as a problem as you've already taken a test which shows a commitment to passing.

    If you can't pass between now and starting the job your driving would be the least of my concerns.

    Generally a car is a car, although older cars have bigger differences to newer ones.

    Free Member

    if you're fairly decent, doing your test in dundee shouldn't be difficult. taking it in edinburgh though..

    Free Member

    dundee looks just as booked to be honest.

    looks like i'll try and phone and also drop a note in the email, while looking for earlier tests…

    Free Member

    It is true that often employers don't check things such as drivers licences, however say hungry monkey gets the job is about to start, and they HAVE done a check (it is very easy for anyone to do a drivers licence check with DVLA) and find out he's lied! They may just boot you, do you want to take that risk if it's a job that you really want? Plus YES it is fraud by false representation you are telling someone some false information for your own gain (a job!). Not worth it. Good luck though.

    Free Member

    (it is very easy for anyone to do a drivers licence check with DVLA

    are you sure? though most employers will ask to see a license and I've worked for co's where regular checks were made – surprising how many people continue to drive after being disqualified

    as to OP as suggested either ring and explain "done all the lessons expect to pass next time – no problem"
    key issue is you've already made the financial and time commitment to learn to drive or just include in covering letter
    plus explain as you did above that the organisation is one you've wanted to work for since…. and that passing your test is close to being a formality by date of appointment
    good luck

    Free Member

    thanks for the advice everyone. i emailed them explaining it, and got a swift reply saying to try and edit the application form to fit in a note saying that i'll have passed by august. should be all good…

    of course, this is all likely to be futile, since there are 3 positions and 130 interviews (and i've not got one of them yet!)

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