Home Forums Chat Forum Jeremy Clarkson on the One Show

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  • Jeremy Clarkson on the One Show
  • RustySpanner
    Full Member


    Toilet humour is actually funny.

    Free Member

    derekrides – Member

    I bet he’s weally worried about what a forum of folk who worry about meeting their exes, wonder why their seat tube breaks when they centre punch it, argue endlessly about bollox, read the Guardian, ride with only one speed, love tight fitting spandex, have the sense of humour of a physics teacher, pour their heart out over all and any minor swerve life chucks at them to a bunch of… well all of the above..

    Yep I bet he’d be really concerned.

    +1 on that! 😀 mind and add what frame geometery and fork lenght for all day hardcore riding, ah you did..argue about bollox! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    RS – Maybe you do have a future as a luvvie, you can’t take constructive criticism.

    Free Member

    I think that woman on the tram is using a similar defence.
    get a grip

    Why is that so strange?

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member

    I think that woman on the tram is using a similar defence.
    get a grip

    Why is that so strange?
    Jimmy Carr would
    Didn’t work for John Galliano though

    Free Member

    +1 on that! mind and add what frame geometery and fork lenght for all day hardcore riding, ah you did..argue about bollox!


    Free Member

    derekrides – Member

    I bet he’s weally worried about what a forum of folk who worry about meeting their exes, wonder why their seat tube breaks when they centre punch it, argue endlessly about bollox, read the Guardian, ride with only one speed, love tight fitting spandex, have the sense of humour of a physics teacher, pour their heart out over all and any minor swerve life chucks at them to a bunch of… well all of the above..

    Yep I bet he’d be really concerned.

    Nah, he’s got better things to worry about. Like why he’s still a fat ugly ****, despite having all that money.

    Free Member

    derekrides – Member
    I bet he’s weally worried about what a forum of folk who worry about meeting their exes, wonder why their seat tube breaks when they centre punch it, argue endlessly about bollox, read the Guardian, ride with only one speed, love tight fitting spandex, have the sense of humour of a physics teacher, pour their heart out over all and any minor swerve life chucks at them to a bunch of… well all of the above..

    Yep I bet he’d be really concerned.

    Spot on

    Nah, he’s got better things to worry about. Like why he’s still a fat ugly ****, despite having all that money.

    Jealous much?

    Free Member

    From that pic Clarkson could easily pass for an MTB er judging by the folk I see out on the trails 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m desperately jealous.

    Free Member

    How could you be jealous of Clarkson?? 😯

    Free Member

    Because he slept with Jemima Khan.

    Free Member

    Nah, he’s got better things to worry about. Like why he’s still a fat ugly ****, despite having all that money.
    Jealous much?

    No, really? You’d swap places with him?

    Free Member

    Because he slept with Jemima Khan.

    And has more cash than you would know what to do with

    No, really? You’d swap places with him?

    He has possibly the best job on TV, yes I would.

    Free Member

    I want his money Elfie.

    And to be loved by proper men.

    Free Member

    No, really? You’d swap places with him?
    He has possibly the best job on TV, yes I would.

    Wow, just Wow!

    Full Member

    mefty, if you haven’t done so, go and read some Auberon Waugh, which should appeal to you, then tell me that you still find ‘Jezza’ funny.

    Go on, I dare you. 😉

    Free Member

    And has more cash than you would know what to do with

    Damn. Am I that transparent? I thought I’d fooled everyone into thinking it was because he is an arrogant, xenophobic, petrol head, unfunny (no I mean really unfunny) dickhead that made me not like him. But you’re too sharp for me flow. You hadus all fooled on the Top Gear America thread but this evening, you’re really revealing your gifts.

    (Btw, I don’t think he really slept with Jemima Khan.)

    Free Member

    I’ve read plenty of Auberon Waugh, admittedly more of his father, Evelyn, his daughter used to be a neighbour, I occasionally read her columns too.

    Free Member

    (Btw, I don’t think he really slept with Jemima Khan.)

    Well, just try turning the ‘proposition’ around. Why would Jemima Khan
    sleep with him?

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Because he slept with Jemima Khan.

    Well at least his bigotry doesn’t extend to his bedroom partners

    Though I do think it’s unfair to call him a “fat ugly **** ” which he largely has little control over but by all means slag him off for what comes out of his mouth.

    Free Member

    Why would Jemima Khan sleep with him?

    ‘Cause he’s a proper geezer what knows all about cars. Women find that irresistible – despite only being able to identify a car by its colour.

    Full Member

    And you STILL find Clarkson amusing?!?

    Ah well, no accounting for taste 🙂

    Full Member

    Very obviously supposed to be a joke, and it did nearly work, but the delivery was crap. Does everyone get offended at Alf Garnett too? Exact same schtick.

    Free Member

    Women find that irresistible – despite only being able to identify a car by its colour.

    I know that’s a popular stereotype, but I did know a lass who owned a Jag, a top-end model probbly over £100k sort of thing what she bought brand new.

    I asked her what model, to which she replied ‘a green one’. 😀

    I love that. Don’t get hung up on boring stuff like performance and fuel economy etc; get one cos you like the colour. Far better reason in my book.

    She actually walked into the showroom, had a quick look around, then chose the one she liked the colour of best. 😯

    Free Member


    Don’t get hung up on stuff like performance and fuel economy etc

    Same could be said about husbands(or wives for STW PCness).Don’t matter if he’s tall dark and handsome as long as he’s rich!

    Free Member

    I do think it’s unfair to call him a “fat ugly **** ” which he largely has little control over but by all means slag him off for what comes out of his mouth.

    he is known for his sensitivity when he makes “jokes” so yeah good point,

    Free Member

    Does everyone get offended at Alf Garnett too?

    So Jeremy Clarkson is a comedian like Warren Mitchell ?

    I need to pay more attention 💡

    Free Member

    I am not convinced I ever said he was amusing, merely a counterweight to other comedians/presenters on the BBC. Some of his early Sunday Times columns were very clever and funny, I don’t really watch him now and don’t read many of his columns. Those that I do don’t have his initial originality but I guess he has developed a brand and is living up to that. There is no question that he is very successful at what he does.

    BTW, did you really mean Auberon or were you referring to Evelyn. I’ve only rarely read Auberon since he left Private Eye, which must be 25 years ago.

    Full Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    So Jeremy Clarkson is a comedian like Warren Mitchell ?

    He’s not as good, but he’s trying to do the same thing.

    Free Member

    Clarksons schtick would be much more tolerable if he could actually take a joke himself without getting all litigious about it, to the extent that repeating certain things about him would get this forum threatened with closure like others have been in the past.

    A Grade A Bellend who has made a fortune (both directly and from exposure) from work in the public sector. Can someone provide a pistol and he can just shoot himself?

    Full Member

    Was done tongue in cheek, seen it at work whilst earning thousands towards my multi million pound pension. Found it funny. The guy often publicly speaks of supporting nurses and the likes.

    Full Member

    Clearly he was trolling (as usual) and you lot have taken the bait

    Free Member

    He makes me laugh, and anyone who does that can do no wrong in my eyes, including some of y’all on here.

    I see the Daily Mail agrees with the humourless here, ‘outraged etc etc’

    He can write, he’s entertaining, and ok like the rest of us flawed to ****.

    I’d swap places with him anyday, might even match his sarcasm at times. (Can’t do it here, I’d get banned again)

    Free Member

    Why would Jemima Khan sleep with him?

    She thought someone said “has the biggest c0ck” when actually it was “is the biggest..”

    Free Member

    Clearly he was trolling (as usual) and you lot have taken the bait

    I think you’ve taken the bait. As mefty said:

    Those that I do don’t have his initial originality but I guess he has developed a brand and is living up to that

    And you’re buying it- old Jezza having a laugh, eh?

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, I’m watching a repeat of top gear on dave whilst reading this. Jezzer’s just a caricature really – at one stage, he made a comment about being taken out and shot for criticising a bmw, and I’m (fairly) certain he didnt mean it literally. As a public sector worker myself, I dont particularly agree with his comments on the one show, but am able to realise he was just attempting to be shocking and / or funny, and playing up to his on screen persona. Bit of a male chicken, but not the devil incarnate. Anybody remember the Jonathon Ross / Russell Brand debacle? People love rearing up about, well, pretty much nothing really. I have a (very mild) concern regarding people taking his opinions on board regarding gilt edged pensions, etc, (although not the shooty bit of course), but am always willing to credit people with a bit more common sense and awareness. Then again, reading some of the comments on certain threads on here, I’m not so sure. 😆

    Full Member

    The one thing he is most definately not is anything remotely like Warren Mitchell.

    Mitchell presented us with a character that through his fear, ignorance and intolerance exposed the underlying predudices and showed them to be be ridiculous and untenable.

    Clarkson is the embodiment of the character Mitchell was portraying. He is the joke. He is the old dog in the corner that farts during dinner.

    Free Member

    He’s an intelligent bloke who makes money from being on a car show. He then makes more money by being contraversial, and getting people talking about him.

    If thats how he chooses to make his money, well fair enough.

    Free Member

    He punched Piers Morgan in the face… therefore he has earned a pass for anything he say/does in the future. IMO

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