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  • Jeremy Clarkson, cycling in London….
  • whatnobeer
    Free Member

    And they also implied that any cyclist taking the lane was “point making” which enough motorists believe already thanks.

    Oh aye, fully understand that the cyclist in question wasn’t making a point, and was exactly where he should of been. And Clarkson wasn’t helping intra road user relations, but cyclists (wrongly) annoy some motorists and point making (which I’m sure exist) do even more.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member

    What happens in this episode is, TopGear earns the BBC many many more millions of pounds, to add to the many many millions they have been earning the BBC for years and years.

    Allowing the BBC to make some stuff you probably do like.

    I know brilliant isn’t it and I don’t even need to watch the dross to get the good stuff.

    Free Member

    I know brilliant isn’t it and I don’t even need to watch the dross to get the good stuff.

    Yep! It’s ace!

    Doesn’t stop some people just having to moan about the stuff they think is dross, though….!

    Full Member

    cyclists (wrongly) annoy some motorists and point making (which I’m sure exist) do even more

    agreed but drivers know absolutely **** all about cycling and can’t tell the difference, so every rider who isn’t 2″ from the gutter is a point making **** to a majority of the public, hence “cycle hate”.

    I guess it’s like all top gear fans sounding like idiots fervently hanging on JC’s every heartfelt word; when in reality the majority are intelligent fellas smugly enjoying the irony of all the happy clappy tofu embroiderers getting worked up at clarkson’s magnificent parody of a motormouthed ****, which is of course one great big act. The general public just can’t see the difference 😉

    Full Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    It’s badly scripted, predicable [sic] dribble.

    And yet it gets some of the highest global viewing figures of pretty much anything on the tellybox.

    If you showed the live execution or torture of child murderer, it would get higher viewing figures.
    Doesn’t make it good television.

    JC & TG are admired by the type of pub bore who whine on about how you can’t say ‘gay’ anymore and are somehow proud that they ‘speak as they find’.

    It’s tabloid television – pandering to the secret desires of those too scared to air their ignorance in public – they get to watch JC being a **** for an hour every Sunday and they don’t feel so alone. 🙂

    Free Member

    *Self edit. Can’t be bothered!*

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